At this time,

Inuyasha was carrying the injured Kaede on his back, jumping on the edge of the cliff, and at this time, he felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

I felt that something bad was about to happen, and in order to hurry, I couldn't care about Grandma Feng's injury.

At the same time, the medicinal effect of the soul soup also began to take effect, and Ge Wei's body began to numb, and gradually lost consciousness, she could feel it.

Her soul was slowly leaving her body, and the feeling of body and soul leaving her body made her very uncomfortable, as if her body was hollowed out.

Just as her soul was about to rush out, the jade fragment of the four souls on her chest emitted a dazzling light.

The ghost girl who turned around and left was wondering how normal people could hold out for so long in the soul soup.

Suddenly, the light on Ge Wei's chest lit up, the ghost girl was shocked, and quickly stepped forward, this light: "Do you have four soul fragments on your body?


at the power of the soul in the Gewei Enchantment, the ghost girl was shocked: "This is the angry soul, it is the soul of Kikyo who is angry! Such a strong resentment..." The ghost girl

looked at Kirito who was sitting on the side: "She must have been full of resentment when she was alive."

At this moment, Inuyasha finally arrived, and the oni girl was shocked: "You are still alive!" Inuyasha

did not hear the oni girl's words, his eyes were attracted by a beautiful shadow, the figure he thought about day and night, the figure that had sealed him for 50 years, the figure that moved his heart!!


Ge Wei's eyes suddenly opened, the empty and godless pupils were like dead people, the angry soul seemed to be awakened, rushing out of the enchantment, the huge resentment rushed to the sky, and the angry soul left Ge Wei's body.

The ghost girl was overjoyed when she saw this: "The moment she was called by you, her heart was in turmoil, and only then did Kirito's soul leave her body." "

One after another, the light of the soul rushed towards the body of the terracotta figurine of the bellflower, and as the soul entered, the bellflower emitted a holy light.

Little by little, the memory flashed through her mind, and finally, stopped at a red-clad figure....

Looking at the bellflower that slowly landed in mid-air, everyone was shocked, the ghost girl looked at her work and said excitedly: "Kikyo, you are my existence resurrected with spirit bones, and I am your reincarnated mother! Come on, use your spiritual power to kill these people who hinder the world! Then help me find the four soul fragments!!"

Kikyo was indifferent when she heard this, and slowly walked to the ghost girl, never opened her eyes since then, and the memory in her mind was forcibly sealed by her.

Only the memory of Inuyasha's betrayal was left in the end, and there was a blue-haired figure.

In return, Kikyo knelt in front of the oni girl, as if he had thanked her for her resurrection grace, but because the ghost girl was not yet mature in resurrection, Kikyo's plan was changed.

Therefore, Kikyo attacks angrily, and the ghost girl is an evil witch, and when she is hit by Kikyo's holy purification power, she will soon turn into ashes.

Kikyo felt Inuyasha's presence, and the resentment in his heart grew: "Inuyasha, why are you still alive, you should have been sealed by me."

Inuyasha felt Kikyo's resentment and took a step back: "Unfortunately, although I have been sealed for 50 years, I am still alive.

Kikyo slowly raised his head, his eyes opened, tears in his eyes, a look of sadness and indignation, and a trembling voice, which was a bitter anger that he tried to suppress: "It's so hateful! I hate you!" Getting

up to attack Inuyasha's Kikyo, he suddenly found a bloody light on his right shoulder.

Several wounds were opened on Kirito's right shoulder, and blood flowed down like a stream, dripping down the ten fingers of his right hand to the ground, forming a pool of blood.

Kikyo covered the wound with his backhand in pain, and Inuyasha felt a pain in his heart when he saw this: "What's wrong Kikyo

?" Kikyo frowned, looking at the blood on his hand, grief and indignation surged wildly, angrily glaring at Inuyasha, and roared heartbreakingly: "Why did you betray me? Inuyasha

was stunned, he didn't know why Kikyo said this: "What's the matter, that blood is..."

Kaede's grandmother was in a complicated mood: "Inuyasha, isn't that the fatal wound you left for your sister?"

Inuyasha was shocked when he heard this: "What did you say! I killed Kikyo?"


is angry, now she only retains the last memories of her life, this is all her calculation, the soul is to be returned to Gewei.

He can only survive in the way of grudges, of course, these things, Kikyo seals his memory, does not know these things.

Inuyasha's words made her feel very disgusted, she believed in him so much, and in the end, she betrayed herself!

Inuyasha, didn't you say that you want to be with me, you want to become human....

Kikyo slowly spoke, telling how he betrayed himself 50 years ago, and Inuyasha was shocked.

I betrayed Kikyo! She betrayed me! She attacked behind my back.

Kikyo walked up to Inuyasha and grabbed his arms with both hands, "Inuyasha, we should have never met again." The

holy spiritual power was activated, Inuyasha was shot away with a scream, Grandma Kaede couldn't stand it, and she seemed to have noticed something wrong: "Please stop, sister Kikyo."

Kikyo looked puzzled: "You are..." "

I am your sister Kaede, sister, it has been 50 years since you died.

Kikyo squinted at her, not tender to regret, some just grudges, hatred for Inuyasha: "If you are Kaede, why should you protect Inuyasha!" Seeing

the bow and arrow behind Kaede, Kikyo snatched it without hesitation, pushed Kaede away, and faced Inuyasha with an arrow, Inuyasha retreated and dodged.

Seeing Inuyasha dodge, Kikyo looked at Kaede, who knew what she was going to do, and busily said, "No, sister, Inuyasha is not our enemy."

Kikyo was furious when he heard this, but he didn't expect Kaede, who had always been well-behaved and obedient, to stop himself: "What are you talking about!

"Give me the arrow!" Kikyo Eye was sharply ordered

and I can't give it to you.

Kaede, who are you, aren't you my own sister, are you going to disobey your sister's order!

Grab the arrow barrel, Kaede still has to step forward to block it, Kikyo is even more angry, and pushes Kaede away again: "Go away!" Zhang

bow led the arrow, looked at Inuyasha with resentment, and shot an arrow with anger, pointing it directly at Inuyasha's heart. Grandma Feng watched the killing of the two and made a decision in her heart.

Inuyasha, kill your sister, she's just a fake copied by terracotta figurines... Only by killing my sister will the soul be liberated and return to Gewei's body.

Kikyo was unimpressed: "It's useless, as long as my grievances don't dissipate, I will never be liberated! Inuyasha! Die!"

An arrow was fired, and Inuyasha quickly pulled out his sword to block it, but this arrow was a demon-breaking arrow, and the purification of iron broken teeth returned to its original form.

The power of the arrow was undiminished, straight to Inuyasha's heart, and the purifying power on the arrow made Inuyasha painful, and the scream suddenly awakened Gowei's remaining will.

Suddenly, the sky was dark, and in the body of the bellflower, Gewei's soul suddenly left the body and flew towards Gewei, like a flood, and the bellflower wanted to stay.

However, it backfired: "No! I haven't..." The

soul returned, Ge Wei slowly woke up, Kikyo stumbled to flee the place, Inuyasha looked at Kikyo's back and chased after him.

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