Just as the two were talking, a sour voice appeared: "Yo, Big Brother Fan actually empathized and fell in love!"

Kikyo turned his head and looked at it, with a puzzled face, when Li Fan heard this voice, his whole body froze, he had the illusion of being caught and raped, and his butt was like on fire.

Suddenly bounced up, looked embarrassed, waved his hand and explained: "That... Yu Luo, don't get me wrong, she and I are just friends, not what you think

!" Yu Luo looked angry, he had endured so many sins for him in hell, and now he actually empathized with him, and Yu Luo was very aggrieved in his heart.

Shut up! Don't talk to me! You! Go and die!

Saying that, he swung his knife and stabbed at Li Fan, who broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and opened his mouth to explain while dodging Yuluo's attack.

But Ji Luo would listen to his explanation, and what made Li Fan even more devastated was that Kirito actually opened his mouth at this time and asked: "Li Fanjun, who is she?" The corner of Jie Luo's mouth twitched, Li Fanjun


I owe you!"

Kikyo was stunned by Li Fan, I had made trouble for him before I died

, and I wanted to know very much, but she didn't remember everything, he said he owed me?

When Yu Luo heard this title again, and heard that Li Fan owed her something, he immediately went crazy: "Li! Fan, what the hell are you doing behind my back!!" Li Fan

was about to cry: "I'm really not sorry for you, it's just a misunderstanding..."

Then, he cried to Kirito: "I said big sister! Can we stop making trouble, I don't owe you, this is my wife, she will misunderstand if you do this." Li

Fan explained for a long time, but Yu Luo still didn't believe it, and finally got tired, gasping and staring at Li Fan, Li Fan looked bitter.

Yuluo, can you calm down, listen to me finish speaking, and when I finish speaking, I will let you beat you up.

Ji Luo knew that he was not Li Fan's opponent, and if he hurt him three times, it was an accident, and he was tired anyway, so he listened to him and said, and then no matter what, he would just beat him out of anger.

Next to the fire, Li Fan, Yu Luo, Kirito, Snake Ji, the four people sat quietly, Li Fan stretched out his hand to hold Yue Luo's small hand, and Yue Luo's backhand was a knife.

Frightened, Li Fan quickly retracted, looking at Ji Luo's warning eyes, Li Fan said faintly: 50

years ago, I came to this world inexplicably and was saved by you, at that time...

Li Fan said for a long time, telling his experiences in the past 50 years, including feeding demons with his body, getting acquainted with Kirito, and then promising to help Kirito, but he didn't say anything about Kirito's plan.

Snake Hime is like listening to a legendary story, Kikyo is thoughtful, Yue Luo listens to it heartache inexplicably, it turns out that everything he does is to avenge himself!

She remembered the phrase: "Die together!" She remembered

the care he took when he washed his wounds at the Di Nian'er house...

In the past 50 years, Li Fan's thoughts about him have not diminished at all, and he may not suffer less than himself....


Yuro couldn't hold back any longer, and suddenly cried, covered his face, and sat in front of the fire, crying so much that he was heartbreaking.

Li Fan felt a pain in his heart, slowly took her into his arms, and gently patted her back: "Jie Luo, I'm sorry, it's all my fault that caused you to lurk in hell and bear my sins." Yuro

cried for a long time, Kikyo and Snake Hime had long left, and the next day, Yura still left, although the misunderstanding between the two was resolved, but Yura was a little unable to hang up face for a while.

Leaving with Snake Ji, Li Fan wanted to keep it, but was stopped by Kirito: "Let her be quiet first, I can feel that there is not much resentment in her, if you leave her, you can't bear it..."

Li Fan watched Jie Luo leave, and before leaving, Ji Luo looked at Li Fan in a complicated way.


Fan spoke in a deep voice, in fact, he already had the answer in his heart, but he didn't want to believe it.

Kikyo took a deep look at Li Fan, turned his back to Li Fan and said, "I was transformed by the resentment of Inuyasha's betrayal, if one day, I no longer hate him, the resentment will dissipate, and I will disappear between heaven and earth..."

Li Fan's body staggered back, he knew this answer, but he didn't want to believe it, Kikyo explained by himself, she was also transformed by resentment, Li Fan naturally understood.

The misunderstanding is resolved, and Yuro also understands his heart, but fate is always like this, obviously in love, but they can't be together.

Li Fan never thought that this bloody plot would happen to him, and he also understood why Kikyo didn't hate Inuyasha later.

However, it is not with Inuyasha, and it always appears when Inuyasha and Gowei's relationship warms up, intentionally or unintentionally.

At first, Li Fan thought that it was part of the Kratom plan, but now it seems that this is not only a plan, but also the main reason why Kikyo remains in the world....

What an irony, he finally felt Kikyo's mood, which is not something that a sad word can explain....

For seven days in a row, Li Fan spent in confusion, and it was not until Kikyo was about to leave that Li Fan came back to his senses.

In the past seven days, Kikyo has gone out several times with the hoof of Yan, and with a memory loss, she returned to Nippori Village, met Kaede, and also knew about Naraku's conspiracy.

When she heard about Naraku, Kikyo suddenly remembered something, there was something about the ghost spider, and also found that it was not Naraku who calculated herself, but that she was using Naraku!

The emergence of memory fragments made her hate Inuyasha a lot, and also made Kikyo fall into confusion, riding a hot hoof, waiting for Inuyasha to arrive in a village, she wanted to ask something in person.

Inuyasha didn't wait, but waited for a monk, a monk named Harumi, who was a little good and saw her identity as an undead.

In line with the heart of the evil guard, the monk did not measure himself to want to surpass the bellflower, but unfortunately, after a fruitless attempt, it angered the bellflower.

In anger, Kikyo killed the monk with the wrong hand, and was also seen by a little girl Ye, who mistook Kikyo for a monster.

Kikyo chose to leave, that is, today, Kikyo said goodbye to Li Fan, and Li Fan understood it and knew the development of the plot, which should be the plot of dragging the dog Yasha to hell.

Because Kikyo collected the souls of girls, many women died without care, which successfully attracted the attention of Inuyasha and his party, in fact, those girls were all dying people, and Kikyo just sucked their souls away one moment or three moments in advance.

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