After living in Di Nian'er's house for seven days, Jie Luo's injuries were completely healed, and Li Fan also planned to leave.

Di Nian'er learned that Li Fan and the two were leaving, and for the first time she played sex, which made Di Niannu cry and laugh, and Li Fan and the two even coaxed.

Finally coaxed Di Nian'er, which is also Li Fan's vow that once he is free, he will come back to see him, which coaxed this little monster well.

Before leaving, Di Nian'er was afraid that the two would be injured, picked a lot of herbs, grinded and packed them for Li Fan to bring, and in Di Nian'er's reluctant wave, Li Fan and the two left the medicine field.

In the past few days, under Li Fan's meticulous care, Li Fan and Ji Luo's relationship continued to rise, holding Ji Luo's soft and boneless little hand, and the two headed south.

Fortunately, this is a lord's realm, and the monsters in the wild have almost been destroyed by the mages under the lord, and Li Fan and the two did not encounter monsters along the way.

When passing through a village, Li Fan decided to spend the night in the village, and Ji Luo naturally did not object, anyway, Li Fan went there anyway.

With the consent of a well-wisher, Li Fan and the two had a place to settle before nightfall.

They were taken in by two elderly couples, two sons, both serving as guards in the lord's castle, and the two sons would return every other day.

After a night without speaking, early the next morning, Li Fan left, and when he left, he overheard in the mouths of the villagers that a wizard passed by a few days ago.

Heading towards the village of Nippori in the south, I heard that I was looking for a witch named Kirito.

Li Fan was stunned when he heard the news, and a wizard went to find Kirito? Who will it be?

Curious, Li Fan inquired about the villager, the wizard was a woman, the woman was very beautiful, her expression was cold, and she was dressed as a witch in black.

Black Witch Inheritance!

Li Fan frowned, recalled the plot, and his body shook: "Could it be the black witch Tsubaki!" Could it be for the Jade of the Four Souls? The plot of Shikami revolt is about to be staged? "

Tsubaki's power is very strong, even Kikyo has to salute when she sees it, of course, it is more of an ingredient to salute her master.

Li Fan remembered that the Jade of the Four Souls had fallen into the hands of the master of the Black Witch Tsubaki, and it was also her master who handed over the contaminated Jade of the Four Souls to Kirito's hands.


Li Fan was not quite sure, his steps couldn't help but speed up a little, and he led Yue Luo out of the village, he wanted to catch up with the wizard and confirm the timeline.

This rush is three days, when passing through a forest, Li Fan and the two encountered a monster, but there is no danger that this monster is the guardian of this forest, Wolf Yegan!

Wolf Wild Gan is a kind monster, and he heard that the ocelot family has revived, and Wolf Wild Gan was once led by the dog general. A victory with the ocelot family.

Once a bloody battle, in exchange for the peace of the demon world in the western country, now, although the dog will die, but the eldest son of the Douya King, Killing Pill, will pass by here, Killing Pill will replace his father, protect this territory, and Wolf Ye is waiting for the arrival of Killing Pill in the forest.

When Li Fan heard this, he finally had an approximate time in his heart, and the day of the war was half a year later, which means that there were still 50 years left before the plot.

It is also because of this battle that Inuyasha did not participate, but fell in love with Kikyo, and on the day of the war, he was sealed by a witch, for Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's half-demon body is a shame, plus regardless of the overall situation, he hates Inuyasha even more.

In about half a year, Inuyasha will be sealed by Kirito, and after knowing the time, Li Fan slows down and travels all the way to the village of Himawari with Yura.

As for the Killing Pill, although Li Fan wanted to see this cold big monster, but thinking of the cold-bloodedness of the Killing Pill, Li Fan still counted.

The current killing pill is not the killing pill of the end, in the face of humans, maybe it will be slashed, Li Fan does not want to find death.

As I walked, some humanoid statues made of mud suddenly appeared on both sides of the forest, and as they went deeper into the forest, the sunlight was obscured by dense foliage.

Coupled with more and more clay statues, the atmosphere suddenly became eerie and terrifying, and cold sweat broke out in Jie Luo's small hands, and Li Fan had no bottom in his heart.

Looking at this familiar scene, Li Fan knew that this was the territory of the ghost girl Litao, but the current ghost girl should not have used the living soul as a pottery maid.

Li Fan walked trembling all the way, looking at the bridge in his memory, Li Fan didn't say anything, and left along the side path.

Three hours later, Li Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief, the village in front made Li Fan feel safe, and before he entered the village, Jiluo behind him exclaimed.

Li Fan looked back at Jie Luo strangely, and Jie Luo excitedly pointed to the stone tablet at the entrance of the village: "Big Brother Fan, Big Brother!" You see! This is Suiko Village! My uncle lives in this village!

Li Fan was stunned when he heard this, and then he was happy that Ji Luo was about to see his relatives, and after inquiring, Ji Luo finally saw his uncle.

After flipping through the introduction, Li Fan entered the house of Uncle Yuluo, who had no children, saw Yuluo coming, and heard that his brother and wife died in the mouth of the monster.

They couldn't help but grieve, because there was no child's care, and both of Yuluo's parents died, and the two uncles treated Yuluo like their own daughters.

After understanding Li Fan as a person, plus Ji Luo was also dead set on Li Fan, his aunt turned into a matchmaker, and Li Fan had feelings for Jie Luo.

The two lived and died along the way, and they had long intended to become husband and wife, and under the arrangement of their aunt, the two were ready to become married.

And because Li Fan was about to get married, it was inconvenient to live with the Jiluo family, so he stayed in the village not far away under the arrangement of the village head.

This is the house of the village chief's cousin, because the cousin died early, the house has been empty, life is a great event, and the people of the two villages have blessed the couple.

In the originally empty home, the villagers sent a lot of things, all of which were needed for life, which moved Li Fan to tears.

Soon, the wedding was held, and with the help of the villagers, more than a dozen villagers turned into a team of relatives and drove the ox cart to pick up Luo.

Li Fan was waiting for the arrival of the bride at home, and on the big day, Li Fan was very nervous, not sitting, not standing, and the villagers laughed.

However, until the evening, he did not see the pick-up team return, and Li Fan's heart suddenly twitched, as if something important was about to be lost.

The sun was setting in the west, the light was like blood, Li Fan became more and more uneasy, suddenly, a villager covered in blood broke in, saw the person coming, Li Fan's eyes were dark, and he almost fainted!

Not good! Not good! There are yokai....


Li Fan's mind was like thunder, and without waiting for anyone to finish speaking, he rushed out and rushed towards Cuizi Village.

It's okay! It's okay!

Yuro will be fine! She used to be a hunter, her perception of danger is stronger than ordinary people, and she will definitely be fine!

Li Fan ran frantically, and the scene in the forest in front of him almost didn't fall.

In the woods, beside the path, there were corpses lying all over the place, all of them villagers who had gone to pick up their relatives, and the corpses were incomplete, as if they had been gnawed by wild beasts.


Li Fan shouted, a flock of birds flew in the forest, Li Fan looked for the corpse like crazy, and finally, he saw a familiar figure by a grass.

The body is a little thin, there are many torn wounds on the body, and the long hair is like being torn off by something, even so, Li Fan still recognizes at a glance that the thin figure is Ji Luo!


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