The bull monster let out a harsh cry, the flow of demon qi in the body suddenly stopped, and the demon cave of the heart was pierced by the power of devouring.

In pain, the demon qi was suddenly blocked, and gradually lost the ability to move, just one breath, the bull demon was blocked by the demon qi, and fell into a deep sleep.

Li Fan didn't blink, watching the changes in the bull demon, sensing the flow of demon qi in his body, and the long thorn that the devouring power turned into.

In his heart demon cave, the demon power that wanted to break through the seal was constantly devoured, and it was transformed into a part of the devouring power, resulting in an endless transformation of demon power.

If you want to break the seal, you must first drain the demon power of the sealed monster, and then use the demon power to consume and devour the long thorn little by little.

During this period, the sealed monster will most likely not be able to wait for the day when the devouring long thorn will be consumed because it has no demon power, unless like Li Fan, with the power of devouring, absorbs the devouring long thorn for his own use.

But in the entire demon world, Li Fan only saw a trace of the shadow of the devouring power from the dragon man back then, and it can be said that there are very few who want to break Li Fan's devouring seal.

Slowly sucking the devouring long thorn back into his body, the bull demon opened his eyes with a confused expression: "I... Still alive? He

moved his body, pressed one hand on the front of his head and heart, and looked at Li Fan with a puzzled expression: "Big, my lord, did you insert me just now?"

Li Fan was originally very happy, he finally learned the sealing method, but after hearing the words of the bull demon, his old face darkened: "How do you speak!" What did I plug you in! "

The cow demon's body shook, obviously he inserted himself, isn't it?

The bull demon said uncertainly: "Could it be that the adult inserted me twice?" The

corners of Li Fan's mouth twitched, and the green tendons in front of his forehead jumped, this product will not be careful! Li Fan gritted his teeth and said, "It's your heart!" The

cow demon suddenly said: "Yes, yes, how many times did you insert it, adult?" "

Get out!"

Li Fan roared angrily, kicked the bull demon's butt, and the bull demon let out a scream, and flew out like a cloud: "Adult... Can the little one follow you? The

voice was getting farther and farther away, Li Fan almost couldn't resist killing him, the monster who couldn't even speak, still wanted to follow him? Hit the street!

Sometimes, coincidences always appear when accidental, the bull demon was kicked by Li Fan, and Li Fan's strength was a little strong under anger.

The bull demon flew out far away, and at this time, the two women of Jiluo were about to give up searching, a scream came from the sky, and the two women looked up and saw that a cow demon was falling down with a look of horror.


The ground was smashed out of a deep pit, the two women looked at each other, the bull demon shook his head, crawled out of the deep pit, and saw that the two female monsters were looking at themselves strangely.

The cow demon said angrily: "Look at what!" Haven't you seen a cow falling from the sky! When

the two women heard this, they sneered, and the snake Ji walked to the cow demon with a charming face, and her voice was seductive: "Yo, the flying bull demon, it's the first time I've seen it." "

Where has the bull demon seen this situation, the seduction of the snake Ji makes his eyes red, the snake Ji is a beauty, the cow demon has been cultivating in the mountains for many years, how can he resist."

Hearing Snake Ji's words, the bull demon patted his chest and said: "Awesome, let me tell you, I can not only fly, but also a bull demon who has been inserted by the demon king!" "

Lord Demon King!"

The two women were stunned, and the cow demon was even more proud when he saw this: "That's right!" It is the Heaven Devouring Demon King, Lord Li Fan! Just now, he grabbed me and said he wanted to insert me, the first time I was not familiar, let me not move. Yue

Luo couldn't understand the cow demon's words, but Snake Ji understood, looking the bull demon up and down, paying special attention to his butt, thinking "The demon king won't be angry with Yuluo's sister, even the bull demon won't let go, if you want, you can find me, am I better than a bull?"

Although Ji Luo didn't understand, she could hear it, Li Fan was actually nearby, and spoke: "Stupid cow, let me ask you, where is that guy Li Fan now?" The

cow demon was proud, and suddenly he was called a stupid cow by Yuluo, and the cow demon suddenly became angry: "Smelly girl!" Who are you calling stupid bull! I was inserted by Lord Demon King! Watch out for me tearing you alive! "

The cow demon has a bad brain, but the strength is indeed not bad, really fight, the two women are not necessarily opponents, snake Ji put away the crankiness, blocking in front of the bull demon who wants to shoot.

With a look of disdain, he said: "What's wrong with calling you stupid cow, you know who she is!" When

the bull demon heard this, he glanced at Ji Luo a few times: "Who?" Snake

Ji snorted coldly: "She is the demon concubine of the demon king in your mouth, the demon concubine of Yuluo!"

"What!" The bull demon's eyes almost didn't pop out, and he quickly knelt down: "The little one has eyes and no beads, please forgive the demon princess!" "

Yuro is now accustomed to the title (Demon Princess), and many times, he relies on this name to run amok in the territory of various monsters.

"Li Fan is nearby?" Yue Luo looked at the bull demon and said without refusal: "Where is he? What are you doing here?

The cow demon said respectfully: "Lord Demon King is in front of the Dragon Bone Essence Valley, I don't know what to do here..." The cow

demon remembered that Li Fan didn't do anything, just looked for himself to try what seal, compensated: "It seems to be trying something, and then grabbed me and inserted it, it hurt me to death at that time, almost thought that I would be inserted to death by the demon king, after all, he said that this was the first time he was not familiar..."

The more she listened, the more disgusted she became, and roared angrily: "I didn't let you say that I had experience!"

Yuro felt that something was wrong with Snake Hime, but she didn't understand: "Stupid cow! Take us to meet him.


The bull demon took the lead, leading Ji Luo to stride towards the Valley of the Dragon Bone Essence, and Ji Luo was in a good mood, not only did he know where the Dragon Bone Essence was, but even Li Fan was there.

In this way, there is no need to waste time to lure Li Fan over, wait for the seal of the dragon bone essence to be unsealed, and use his hand to kill this guy Li Fan!

On the other side, Inuyasha was forced to demonize again by Orochimaru, and Sesshomaru felt the power of the bloodline again when he demonized.

Looking for induction, he found the demon Inuyasha, looked at the corpses all over the ground, remembered Park Xianwen's words, and there was no emotional change on the surface of Sesshomaru.

But his heart was very angry, how to say that he was also his father's son, and he couldn't even control the blood of the youkai, which made Sesshomaru very unhappy, and Inuyasha once again lost his father's face to the tooth king.

Feeling the killing intent of Orochimaru on himself, Inuyasha after the demonization was very jealous, and Orochimaru looked at Inuyasha flatly: "Come on, Inuyasha, let me see how strong you are after the change."

Gewei and several people watched from the sidelines, very worried about Inuyasha's demonization, Inuyasha heard Orochimaru's provocation, and roared and rushed towards Orochimaru.

Sesshomaru slowly pulled out the Ghost Fighting God, and the sword pointed at Inuyasha, and the powerful sword pressure fixed Inuyasha in the air, and Inuyasha had lost his mind at this time.

Regardless of the pain, he pressed against the sword, and knocked the fighting ghost god with one punch, the price was tearing his arm, and Orochimaru was slightly surprised, but that's all.

"In vain"

Sesshomaru was very disdainful, Inuyasha pounced again, Sesshomaru pressed the sword up a little, and looked at Inuyasha who didn't want to pounce.

Sesshomaru's face was still flat: (Inuyasha, you even feel fear... No, it's not just that, you can't even feel the pain?

Devoured by the blood of the monster, you don't even know who you are, and you will continue to fight until your bones are shattered.

Sesshomaru dodged Inuyasha's claw strikes while verifying what he thought: (I came to you specifically for Park Xianweng and Li Fan's words.)

Sesshomaru lost interest and intended to end the farce: "It's pathetic, I already know it.

Dodging Inuyasha's claws again: "Now you, not a complete youkai, you are only a half-youn."

Inuyasha pounced again, and Sesshomaru raised his sword to meet him: "Give me a few pounds and taels for myself, Inuyasha, the half-demon will have the appearance of a half-demon, let me climb on the ground!" "

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