"Dragon bone spirit?" Naraku was silent for a long time, summoned a poisonous bee, let it secretly monitor Inuyasha's movements, and said to Shen Wu: "God Wu, you use the demon mirror to observe Inuyasha's movements at any time." Shen

Wu did not speak, nodded silently, and the visual connection with the poisonous bee, the mirror in his hand, showed the scene seen by the poisonous bee.

Seeing that Naraku had begun to act, Yue Luo turned to the snake Hime on the side and said, "You pass on to Li Fan the news that I cooperated with Naraku to unseal the Dragon Bone Essence, I believe that he will definitely return to the Valley of the Dragon Bone Essence again." "

Dao Daosai told Inuyasha the location of the keel essence, and Haka was not at ease, and followed Inuyasha on the road on the grounds of leading the way.

In mid-air, Naraku's poisonous bees followed all the way, through the forest and across the river, Inuyasha's footsteps firm.

(Dragon Bone Essence is the guy who was sealed after fighting your father, Inuyasha, you think the reason why the new iron crushed teeth are heavy is that the penetration of your teeth is not as strong as your father's...) Remembering

Dao's words, Inuyasha muttered as he walked, "That is, I can surpass the youkai who fought my dad as long as I defeat him?" Hakka

sat on a rosary on Inuyasha's shoulder: "You said you want to defeat him, please listen to me, Young Master Inuyasha, you just need to pierce the heart of the dragon bone essence in the sealed state."

"What, didn't you let me fight?" Inuyasha was puzzled.

When Hajia heard this, how strong the dragon bone essence was, he knew, and roared one after another: "How is that possible, he was sealed by your father with great difficulty, and he couldn't defeat him." The

conversation between the two all allowed the poisonous bee to pass back to Naraku, and Naraku became interested in this monster of the keel spirit, and even the monster that the dog general could not defeat back then, maybe he could really kill Li Fan!

"Interesting, Lord Demon Concubine, shall we go and unlock the seal now?"

Yue Luo calculated the time, the monster arranged by Snake Ji should have already spread the news, and he should be unsealed just in time for Li Fan to start now.

"Let's go, let's go now!"

On the other side, because of Snake Ji, Gu Yi asked the cow demon to go and spread the message, which could help Snake Ji, and the cow demon was very happy.

The cow kept running towards the sensing direction of the devouring power that Snake Ji gave him, and galloped happily all the way.

Just halfway there, he saw a group of people head-on, and the bull demon roared regardlessly: "Get out of the way of the people in front, don't blame me for being hit and killed by me." "

Gewei and his party just happened to meet Dao Daosai, and just asked where Inuyasha went, a bull demon running wildly, running with smoke and dust.

Coral frowned, Inuyasha was kind to her, and now Inuyasha was going to face a big youkai, and she was angry, and the arrival of the bull demon was just enough to give her a blow.

"Fly to the bone!"

The flying bone flung out, the cow demon was shocked in his heart, it was too late to hide, the cow's temper came up, and two demon qi spewed out from both nostrils.


With a sound of the cow, the bull demon hit the flying bone with two horns.


The flying bone collided with the horn of the bull, and was bounced back by the impact force, and the bull demon was also uncomfortable, sitting on the ground with one butt, a horn broken, full of Venus.

The Maitreya staff rested on the neck of the bull demon: "Monsters who don't know whether they are dead or alive, suffer death!" The

staff was raised, the bull demon's body shook, a unicorn was raised, Maitreya was careless, was picked up and flew back, and the coral was shocked when he saw this: "Maitreya mage!

The cow demon laughed strangely, stood up, and touched the broken corner: "Abominable! Actually broke my horn! You know who I am!

Seeing that Maitreya was not injured, Coral threw out the flying bone again, and the bull demon dodged and said angrily: "I am a bull demon who was inserted by the demon king!" You dare to strike at me! Hearing

the demon king, several people stopped one after another, their eyes looked strangely at the self-satisfied bull demon, and the cow demon patted his chest: "Hehe, how, I'm afraid!" Get out of the way, I'm going to deliver a letter to Lord Demon King."

Ge Wei walked out uncertainly: "That... The demon king you are talking about, is it Li Fan? "

Huh?" The bull demon was stunned: "You know Lord Demon King?"

Maitreya seemed to see that the monster in front of him had a bad brain, and said, "How can we not only know each other, but also drink together."

The bull demon looked at Maitreya with a surprised expression: "You are really friends of Lord Demon King?!"

Coral was not familiar with Li Fan, and seeing that the demon king in front of him was so easy to deceive, he also spoke: "Of course, we still know the demon concubine of Jiluo." Hearing

the concubine, the cow demon completely believed: "It turns out to be really a friend."

Shippo on the side also jumped out and said, "Hey, Bull Monster, do you know who I am, I'm the apprentice of Lord Demon King!" Ge

Wei looked at Shippo with an embarrassed expression, isn't a group of people bullying honest demons....

"So, who asked you to send the letter?"

The cow demon looked at Ge Wei, thought for a while, and said: "Even if you are all friends of the demon king, tell you that you can, I am ordered to tell the demon king that the demon concubine has joined forces with Naraku to unlock the seal of the dragon bone essence." "


Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and Yuro actually cooperated with Naraku to unlock the seal of the dragon bone essence! OK! Inuyasha is in trouble this time!

Hearing this news, Gewei and the others were anxious in their hearts, and then, Dao Daosai was unlucky and was forcibly pulled by Gewei to find Inuyasha.

Coral rode mica and looked at Maitreya: "Master Maitreya, come up quickly, we have to hurry up to help!"

Maitreya did not answer, rational him, knowing that the matter involved Yuluo, then there was definitely something to do, looked at the cow demon, and said: "You hurry up and tell the demon king, you must be fast, otherwise the demon king will blame you and will definitely kill you!"

After saying that, he left, leaving the cow demon looking at the backs of several people stunned: "Kill me? Why? Could it be that things have changed? No, I have to hurry!

Inuyasha looked at the huge dragon bone essence, felt the demon qi

in his body, and was surprised in his heart: "Is that the dragon bone essence..." "Yes, and that seal is where your father's claws pierced in, and that is the heart of the dragon bone essence." Hakka said on Inuyasha's head.

At this moment, Naraku's figure suddenly appeared on the paws of the dog, and along with him, there was Yuro who was dressed sexy and stepped on Hot Wheels.

Inuyasha was shocked: "Naraku! And Yura! You guys!

Naraku looked at Inuyasha's expression and smiled, while Yuro looked left and right, but did not find Li Fan's figure: "What about Li Fan?" Hasn't Inuyasha Li Fan arrived yet? "

Li Fan?" Inuyasha wondered why Luo asked, "Are you saying that Li Fan is also here?" I don't know, but you, why are you colluding with Naraku!

Naraku glanced at it, made sure that Li Fan had not arrived, and spoke: "The time is right, if it is unsealed now, it is just right to kill Inuyasha first, lest he join forces."

"Yes, too." Yu Luo ordered: "Then unblock, I will find a place to sit and wait for a good show."

"What!" Inuyasha was shocked when he heard the conversation between the two of them.

Hakka jumped to his feet even more: "Young Master Inuyasha! Kill the Dragon Bone Essence soon, and you can't let Naraku unlock his seal! Before

Hakka finished speaking, Naraku pressed one hand on the dog's paw, and the miasma gushed out, corroding the dog's paw, just a breath.

The sealed claws were completely corroded, and he was sweating profusely, and he knew very well how strong the dragon bone essence was.

The seal was lifted, the huge demon qi of the dragon bone essence penetrated out, and the sky was instantly shrouded in dark clouds, and the huge demon qi triggered thunder and lightning.

Under the influence of demon qi, the air flow surged, and the wind blew through Inuyasha's silver hair with a huge demon qi.

As the eyes of the keel spirit opened, the sky "clicked" and a lightning slashed, and Naraku felt the huge demon qi of the keel essence.

"Hehe, Dragon Bone Spirit, in front of your eyes is the son who sealed your hateful man, fight as much as you want, go and tear him apart! Hahaha..."

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