Peach Fruit's face was hideous, and his body gradually turned into stones, and under the power of the four soul fragments, Peach Fruit turned into a stone man.

"Boy, do a good time of enlightenment!" Momogo suddenly jumped up, his hands and feet spread out into a large figure, and smashed towards Inuyasha.

"Come on!" Not to be outdone, Inuyasha shook his fist to meet him.


Inuyasha in the human state is the opponent of the Momogo people, falling like a hill, Inuyasha was smashed down, and it was heavily pressed under the Momogo people.

Even the ground smashed a big hole, Inuyasha passed out very decisively, and the bones in his whole body almost fell apart.

Looking at Inuyasha, who was half dead, Momogo dragged Inuyasha to the underground storage room like a dead dog, in order to prevent him from falling into chaos.

Using the power of the cane, he summoned the vines of the human face fruit to entangle Inuyasha, and the Momogo people have always wanted to use the human face fruit to make an elixir of immortality.

But for a long time, he had only heard about the peach immortal and had never seen it.

Thinking of this, the peach fruit people thought of Li Fan and the bellflower, correctly it is the bellflower, and the favorite of the human face fruit tree is women, the younger the more they like it.

As long as there are enough young women, he is confident that he can fulfill his wish for immortality.

Li Fan chose to compromise in Qingyue's almost faceless words: "Okay, okay, don't say it, I'll help you now... Really, it's a lot of age, and I don't want my face..."

Qingyue didn't want to face to the end, and said angrily: "What more face, you hurry, I don't want to be a sapling for a moment!"

Li Fan shook his head and walked towards the house, passing by the virtual world, he casually glanced at it, Maitreya was sucking a boulder with a wind cave, and he rushed towards the boundary wall.

Li Fan shook his head again: "It seems that Brother Qingyue's technology is not good yet, and the barriers of this virtual world are too brittle."

At this moment, the peach fruit people also walked up, and when they saw Li Fan, they couldn't help but be stunned: "Huh! You're actually back?

Li Fan turned his head to look at him and stretched out his hand: "Give me the gourd, otherwise you will die a miserable death." "

Gourd?" The peach fruit man subconsciously took off the gourd and shook it: "You mean this?"

Saying that, he threw it over without thinking: "Here you go."

Li Fan took the gourd and was stunned, how could this goods be so obedient, and then, Li Fan knew the reason, and the gourd was pierced by iron broken teeth.

It can be said that it is already a waste, and when the Wu Taoguo people saw Li Fan saw the hole in the gourd, they couldn't help but laugh: "In exchange, you can be a fat fruit." As

he spoke, the cane pointed at Li Fan, one after another the techniques were like a spirit snake, he Li Fan was entangled, Li Fan looked at the gourd, and he had a feeling of being played.

Don't dodge, let the technique wrap himself around, pull it in front of the peach fruit man, the peach fruit man laughed: "A half-demon, plus, and the woman with you, should be able to make the human face fruit bear several fruits." Taken

to the basement by the Momogo man, Inuyasha was still struggling, and when he saw Li Fan, his eyes widened: "Li... Li Fan! You were caught by him too!

Li Fan looked at the technique bar on Inuyasha's body, the barbs on the skill bar cut his skin, and the blood was absorbed by the skill strip, Li Fan suddenly understood.

It turned out that in the plot, it was because the gourd was destroyed, and Momogo had to let the root of the face fruit directly absorb Inuyasha's blood essence.

Li Fan didn't answer Inuyasha, and the demon force vomited, and the technique on his body was instantly broken, and he grabbed the peach fruit man's neck and lifted the peach fruit man whole.

The peach fruit man was shocked, mobilized the power of the four soul fragments, and turned into a stone man again, Li Fan only felt that his hand sank, and the peach fruit man slapped Li Fan: "You dare to make a move against the immortals, you are looking for death!"

Li Fan frowned, let go of the peach fruit man, and flashed this slap sideways, the peach fruit man repeated the old technique, his body jumped, his hands and feet opened wide, and smashed towards Li Fan.

Inuyasha suffered the loss of this trick and said urgently: "Not good! Get out of the way!

Li Fan glanced at Inuyasha, snorted coldly, stretched out his hand to grab the void, the blood dragon gun appeared, a dragon groan came out through the gun, watching the peach fruit man smash down, Li Fan inserted the blood dragon on the ground with one hand.

The tip of the gun flashed with a cold light, Li Fan dodged away, Taoguo's face changed, and he felt a dangerous aura on the blood dragon gun.

But the situation has been decided, if you want to change direction, the peach fruit people can't do it, the only thing they can do is to scream in mid-air.



The tip of the gun penetrated the body of the peach fruit man, and smashed it on the ground, and the peach fruit man screamed: "Abominable! Dare to hurt me! When

Li Fan heard this, he raised his foot and stepped on the back of the peach fruit man, and the demon power ran to the foot, and every step he stepped on was like the power of ten thousand pounds.

The Momogo was trampled and screamed, Inuyasha was stunned to watch, and Gowei Maitreya Shippo escaped from the virtual world.

Seeing Li Fan with his hands in his pockets, his face was flat, he stomped on a stone one by one, and every time he fell, the stone would let out a scream.

Gowei saw Inuyasha and quickly ran to his side, wanting to rip off the technique, but was stopped by Inuyasha: "This is the root of the human face fruit, don't touch it!"

Li Fan took back the Blood Dragon Spear, turned the peach fruit man over, and stepped on his chest, condescendingly, his eyes were extremely disdainful: "Obey!" "

Stop fighting, look at it."

"Do you still want me to be fat?"

"No more, no more."

"What about your righteous father!"


Li Fan's eyes widened: "Hmm! Do you have an opinion? The

peach fruit man's fat flesh trembled three times, Li Fan was so terrible, he didn't even have the slightest chance to fight back: "No, it's just that I've already made him into a peach tree sapling... Moreover, the hoist is also broken ... This..." Li Fan's

head grew big when he heard this, he looked at Inuyasha, who was rescued by Maitreya, sighed, and kicked the peach fruit man: "Follow me!" "

Bring the peach fruit man to the peach immortal and tell Qingyue the news that the gourd has been broken, Qingyue was stunned for a while, and then sighed: "Everything is fate, the slightest bit is not up to people..." "

Then what are your plans in the future?" Li Fan asked.

Qingyue glanced at Li Fan like an idiot: "I plan to marry your grandmother as your grandfather, and give birth to a son as your father, be satisfied!" Grandson!

Li Fan was stunned for a while, the other party was like this, and asked what plans were there, was this unclear to find scolding? What can a sapling do?

What else can I do? Isn't it necessary for saplings to grow by absorbing fat? What is fertilizer? Scientifically speaking, it is organic and inorganic.

To put it bluntly, it is urine and, do you want the peach immortal to say: "I plan to eat more, drink more urine, and strive to get out of the tree as soon as possible..."

Therefore, Li Fan's scolding was not in vain, and the peach fruit people on the side wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, and their bodies twitched, like sheep madness.

Qingyue seemed to have figured it out: "You can come and save me, it's enough."

Qingyue's words made Li Fan not know what to say, even if he figured it out, Li Fan did not dwell on this matter anymore, and said: "Old brother, how can this rebel get rid of it?" When

the peach fruit people heard this, they knelt in front of Qingyue and cried: "The righteous father spared his life, I was also confused by the human face fruit for a while, I knew that I was wrong..." Speaking of the human face fruit, Qingyue sighed: "

Brother, help me destroy the human face fruit tree, this tree has become a demon tree, and it can't be left in the world." "

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