Looking at this room, several people were like big enemies, Li Fan quietly watched the play on the side, patted mica, and said softly: "Go, help her well, she can't do without you."

Mica nodded and jumped to Coral's side, Gowei on Inuyasha's back, his voice weak: "The person who manipulated me is inside, I can feel it."

Kikyo was gone, Tsubaki slowly calmed down, Shikigami wrapped around her body, coiled over her shoulders, and faced Inuyasha and his party with Tsubaki.

The door slowly opened, Tsubaki walked step by step outside the door, Inuyasha asked knowingly, "Are you the black witch?"

"My name is Tsubaki..."

Before Tsubaki finished introducing herself, Li Poop couldn't help but laugh, (This Nimei's introduction is too powerful, her name is Tsubaki?) Her name is Haru...


Li Fan covered his stomach, almost lying down without laughing, everyone looked at him with a confused expression, Tsubaki's words were interrupted, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Fan angrily: "Who are you!" What's so funny!

Li Fan laughed so that tears came out, and while waving his hand, he forced a smile: "No... It's nothing... You guys... Go on...

"Tsubaki is not a fool, as soon as he said that his name was Tsubaki, the man laughed, obviously making fun of himself, although I don't know what he was laughing at, but it was probably good: "Find death!" The

demon pattern in his left eye appeared, and a gray demon qi rushed towards Li Fan, and Inuyasha finally saw the person who cursed Gowei, and had long wanted to cut her.

Put Gewei down and said, "Maitreya, Coral, Gewei please take care of you!" Saying

that, facing the gray demon qi, he was about to pull out the knife and cut it off, and Tsubaki frowned: "You dare to pull out the knife!" That woman will die in no time!

Inuyasha paused, pressing one hand on the hilt, Li Fan saw the demon qi rushing, and did not rush to strike, just dodged.

Tsubaki slowly took out the jade of the four souls, squeezed it hard, Ge Wei snorted, the power of the curse rose again, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The demon qi was dodged by Li Fan several times in a row, turning into a gray-white canine demon, Li Fan shook his head: "That's it?" Forget it, let's play with you. The

demon dog's fangs were exposed, and he pounced towards Li Fan, and Li Fan sat on the demon dog's neck in a flash, grabbed the hair on its neck, and turned into a cowboy.

The mouth sang: "Justice calls me Beauty needs me

cowboy very busy

hip hop

no need trouble No trouble, no trouble, no trouble, no trouble, no trouble

, you go together I'm in a hurry

every day the duel audience is tired The hero is also tired"


dog demon is jumping, and Li Fan sings Zhou Dong's on its back (the cowboy is busy), Inuyasha and the others were dumbfounded, it turned out that youkai could still play like this, and they had seen it....

Tsubaki twitched the corner of his mouth, released a few youkai again, and rushed towards Li Fan, Inuyasha gritted his teeth and rushed out, the iron crushed teeth could not be used, but did not say that he could not shoot.

Tsubaki didn't stop either, and separated a youkai and Inuyasha to fight together, Inuyasha couldn't use iron to crush his teeth, and was pressed and beaten by the youkai the whole time.

On the other hand, Li Fan's side was having fun with a few monsters, riding on the bouncing dog demon, pulling the fur with one hand, and the demon gas rope with the other, tying a few monsters, how to look, how it looks like a dog... No! It's yokai.

Tsubaki saw that the silver teeth clicked, and once again released more than a dozen monsters, all of them pounced on Li Fan, and Maitreya saw that his face changed: "How many monsters does she raise in her body!" Coral

turned over mica, mica will care, fly towards Li Fan, coral eyes froze, flying bone throwing out: "Flying bone!"

Tsubaki didn't care about Coral's shot, but looked at Inuyasha, who was already injured by the youkai at this time and couldn't use his iron teeth.

The strength is only one point stronger than the middle and upper level youkai, not at all the opponent of the superior youkai, and it is normal to be injured, Maitreya guards the surroundings to prevent Tsubaki from suddenly sneaking up on the immobile Gowei.

Seeing that Inuyasha was injured, Maitreya wanted to use the wind cave in a hurry, and Tsubaki saw Maitreya's action and reminded, "Do you want to use the wind cave?" Try this. Saying

that, throwing out a hive, Naraku's poisonous bee won the most, flying out of the hive: "With this poisonous bee here, your nest cannot be used."

Maitreya stared at the buzzing poisonous bee and could only grit his teeth and hold the hand of the wind cave.

Inuyasha's right hand was stained with blood, and he jumped up to avoid the youkai's attack: "Blood blade flying claw!" More

than a dozen blood blades flew towards the youkai, hitting the youkai's head, and one eye was injured by the blood blade, Tsubaki didn't expect Inuyasha to have this move.

Inuyasha smiled proudly: "Don't underestimate me, this kind of youkai, I don't put it in my eyes yet!"

Tsubaki's expression was cold, and he grasped the jade of the four souls, and the power of the curse rose again: "Don't be proud!

Gowei let out another cry of pain, and Inuyasha smiled and glared angrily at Tsubaki, "Bastard!

Tsubaki spread out his hand, and the color of the jade of the four souls became a little darker, glowing with a polluted light: "Don't forget Inuyasha, Gowei's little life is still in my hands."

Maitreya was the calmest of the several, and only he saw Tsubaki's purpose, regardless of whether Inuyasha defeated the youkai or not.

Tsubaki will kill Gewei with a curse, and the only hope for a way to break the curse is to kill Tsubaki's Shikigami, and as long as the medium-style god dies, the curse can be broken.

Li Fan's battle seems to have been forgotten by them, and there is only coral, because Li Fan's grace in Cuizi Cave is still dealing with monsters with Li Fan.

Li Fan was speechless for a while, he was having fun, you girl came to make some fun, and said dissatisfiedly: "Coral, you go help Inuyasha, these little monsters can't hurt me."

Coral was stunned, turned around and left, without bringing his head back, thinking: "What's wrong with him, he is a demon king, do you need to help yourself?" Just

after Tsubaki deepened the power of the curse again, Ge Wei passed out very decisively, and after she passed out, a soul power suddenly came from a distance.

Li Fan was stunned, this is the soul power of Kikyo, what is she going to do....

Li Fan looked at Ge Wei, and the soul power of Kirito entered her mind, thinking back to the plot, it seemed that Ge Wei had a dream and saw Kirito, who taught archery, in the dream.

Li Fan immediately understood, when watching the play, he didn't know why Ge Wei met Kirito in a dream, and now it seems that it was Kikyo who did it.

With the power of his own soul, through a trace of connection between the past and present lives in the underworld, let the two meet in a dream, and wake Gewei from the curse.

This kind of connection, no one can find it, and it is impossible to find it, because this is the unique soul connection between the two, and Li Fan can feel it.

It is because in the life soul of the bellflower, there is a trace of Li Fan's devouring power, through the devouring power, Li Fan can faintly feel it, but he can't peep.

In the dream, Kikyo was very dissatisfied: "Is it finally here!" Want to try it.

Ge Wei looked at Kirito, who did not wait for her to react, so he handed over the bow and arrow in his hand, and Ge Wei took the bow and arrow.

Kikyo pointed out her shortcomings, and the arrow shot but did not hit the bullseye, and Kikyo reminded: "No, it's not enough to concentrate."

Kikyo seemed disappointed and turned to leave, but Ge Wei said unsurely, "That... "Who

" Before she could finish, Kikyo didn't hide it: "Who are you?"

"I... Who is it..." Ge Wei was stunned by the question, she didn't know how to answer.

"Are you me?" Kikyo turned sideways and looked at her with the afterglow out of the corner of his eye: "If you go on like this, you will kill Inuyasha." "

Inuyasha!" Ge Wei was shocked when he heard this, and somehow after waking up from the bed, everyone in the family forgot about Inuyasha.

Moreover, the bone-eating well cannot travel back to the Sengoku period, although Mijinmu gives her a special feeling, but none of this is true, this is all her own dream, Inuyasha, Coral, Maitreya mage, Shippo, and Grandma Kaede... It's all just my own dream.

Just as she was accepting reality and studying hard, Kikyo suddenly appeared, and Inuyasha's three words fell, making her wake up suddenly!

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