Tsubaki died, unwillingly dead, Kikyo slowly disappeared, and when Inuyasha turned back again, he found that Kikyo had gone.

Momiji and Peony felt indescribably sad in their hearts, Tsubaki was their senior sister, but she had become a black witch, if it weren't for Inuyasha and his group, maybe Tsubaki would have done something terrible.

After sending off Inuyasha and his party, the two women of Momiji helped Tsubaki erect a crown tomb, and just at the grave of Kyoraku

, Kikyo and Li Fan reappeared, looking at the two girls, Kikyo said softly: "Master Kyogu is a respected Onmyoji. The

two women turned around, saw that it was Kirito and Li Fan, and said with a salute: "Senior Sister Tsubaki, thank you two adults for their help."

Kikyo waved his hand and said, "I also know your master, he is a very strong Onmyoji, but why are you

..." Kikyo didn't continue, and Momiji's little face turned red: "Not long after the master accepted us, he passed away, so we..." Peony pulled Momiji's

sleeve and said weakly to Kirito: "That... Lord Kikyo, can you teach us so that we can also become a witch with strong spiritual powers.

Kikyo was stunned, her purpose here was to accept these two little girls, so she did not refuse, the pure hearts of the two girls, Kikyo was very satisfied.

Li Fan and Kikyo naturally settled in the shrine, Inuyasha and his group, Maitreya sighed: "The result was still played by Naraku's strategy."

Inuyasha was still thinking about Kikyo and casually asked, "Who was tricked?"

Maitreya sighed secretly and walked forward resignedly: "Tsubaki and we have both been tricked."

Inuyasha was very unconvinced, and Coral was not in a good mood: "The Jade of the Four Souls turned out to be in Naraku's hands."

Inuyasha said firmly, "I'll get it back!"

Ge smiled, just looked at Inuyasha's gaze and could only echo, "Yes, Inuyasha." After

sending Grandma Feng back to the village, Ge Wei and his party embarked on a journey to find jade again, during which they encountered an emotional dispute between Mother-in-law Jiang and Hajia.

And Kikyo has been teaching Momiji and Peony cultivation in the shrine, and the talent of the two little girls is still very good, and they used to look at the notes left by Kyoraku, and there are many unknown places.

After Kirito's explanation, the progress of the two women can be said to be a thousand miles, but what surprised Kikyo the most was when the two girls of Momiji were practicing the purification technique she taught.

The two daughters with pure hearts before turned out to be extremely fast, and in just two days, they could barely use the power of purification.

At night, the moon is only a little bit, a new full moon is coming, Ling looks at the moon, a meteor flies by, Ling quickly closed her eyes.

Covering his chest with his hands, he silently said in his heart: "I hope to always be with Young Master Killing Pill."

Killing Pill looked back at Ling, a little puzzled in his heart: "Ling, don't fall behind."


Walking forward, Sesshomaru's eyes scanned left and right, and he said in his heart: "Evil spirits, what the hell are you doing?"

Naraku's castle, Kagura looked at the moon: "Today is the day when the moon is hidden in the shadows."

Holding the heart of his chest with one hand, Kagura said helplessly: "I was caught by Naraku's heart, but there was nowhere to escape..." A

group of youkai flew up and disappeared into the sky, Kagura was slightly startled: "The enchantment has disappeared!" Looking

at the youkai that disappeared into the sky, Kagura thought thoughtfully, as if he had guessed something, but he was not sure.

It was dawn, and the steel teeth were running wildly in one direction, and he could smell Naraku's breath.

On the other side, Inuyasha was affected by Shuzuki, his sense of smell was a little out of order, and he lay on the ground and kept sniffing.

The steel teeth suddenly appeared, and Gu Yi stepped on Inuyasha's back and ran directly to Gewei: "Hey, Gewei, you are also here." Looking

back at Inuyasha, for this dog, and the dog that robbed Gowei himself, Steel Fang was never polite, and when he saw him lying on the ground, he stepped on it very unceremoniously.

"Puppy, do you smell it too."

Inuyasha was in an irritable mood due to the influence of Shuoyue, and this damn skinny wolf dared to step on himself: "Skinny... Bastard, I'm going to kill you! Getting

up and pulling out the knife, before he could stand up straight, Ge Wei said helplessly: "Sit down." Steel

Fang seemed to know that Gowei would stop Inuyasha from attacking him, and his brow did not wrinkle for a moment, and he looked at Inuyasha with a look of schadenfreude.

Maitreya Coral and the two had already seen this situation, and directly ignored Inuyasha on the ground, Maitreya stepped forward and said, "Steel Tooth, have you found Naraku's castle?"

"yes." Steel Tooth still has a good impression of Maitreya: "Although I don't know very well, I smell the disgusting smell of Naraku's guy, and I haven't seen it so far."

Coral thoughtfully stepped forward: "Could it be..."

Maitreya added with a sharp heart: "Is the enchantment of his castle loosened?"

Gangya didn't think so much, and said directly: "In short, as long as you follow this taste, you can find his castle."

In Naraku's castle, Kagura grumbled impatiently: "Really, it's really stuffy inside the castle!"

Walking in the corridor full of bones, her expression did not change at all, and she seemed to have seen no surprise: "The retainers who were brought by Naraku with the castle also died from the enchantment gas. At

this time, the breathless Shinmu suddenly appeared behind her, in the dead castle, which startled Kagura, so that even Shinmu's name was wrong, but it can be imagined that even Kagura has a trace of fear in this dead castle.

Dissatisfied: "What for, Kanna, suddenly appeared behind me"

Kamino did not speak, telling Kagura in the mirror that there was an enemy outside.

Seeing the person in the mirror, Kagura became interested, she was really suffocated, and with the arrival of the steel teeth, she had an excuse to play and relax.

Kagura suddenly thought of something, crouched down, and in order to hide the shock he had just said, he made a mistake: "Kanna, does Naraku know about it?" "

God doesn't care what Kagura calls himself, he is Naraku's doppelganger, and there is nothing wrong with calling himself Kanna.

Shen Wuyin said flatly: "I don't know, he's not there."

Kagura looked at the scene in the mirror, his doubts deepened, and he thought, "So Naraku that guy is occasionally absent..."

God is silent again, which means asking Kagura what to do now.

After Kagura knew that Naraku was not there, his mood relaxed a lot: "I'll go kill him, and I don't have to wait for Naraku's order." "

Shinmu didn't want Kagura to go out, because Naraku's last but last order was to stay in the castle, but Kagura didn't like Naraku's way of doing things.

Shen Wu reminded, "We are only Naraku's tools, and life and death are in his hands." "

Kagura who was poked in the sore spot doesn't care so much, anyway, Naraku is not there, so let's grab this hard-won freedom."

In the shrine, Li Fan suddenly looked into the distance, and Kikyo also frowned, and said softly: "This is the breath of Naraku."

Li Fan pondered a little, and spoke: "I'll go to see what tricks Naraku is doing, do you want to go together?"

Kikyo nodded and smiled: "Then let's go and see, today is the day of the moon, it's not bad to confirm one of my guesses." "

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