Inuyasha: the strongest dog god

Inuyasha: The Strongest Dog God Chapter 208

Thanks to this, the identity of Kaguya Ji is also known by these ordinary humans. Now many human villages and towns are circulating the story of Princess Kaguya, rumors of how noble and how beautiful she is. Countless human men can't wait to see the beautiful face.

"Princess, did you hear that, those human beings are praising your beauty."

"Master Mohan..."

Mo Han said jokingly, and Kaguyaji couldn't help but feel shy.

In the world where Mohan lived in his previous life, according to the records of "Take Tori Tale", Kaguya Ji's name means that her beauty shines even in the dark, so it is named Kaguya.

And the fact is indeed the case, Hui Yeji's temperament and beauty, even in Mohan's huge harem, only Lingyue Xianji, Cuizi and Shiliuye can compare!

Such a god-given gift, being defiled by any other man is unforgivable in Mohan's eyes, so...

"Gah! Gah!"

"Where is this place, Your Majesty?"

Seeing that Mohan stopped in front of a small shop, Mingjia, who was staying on Mohan's shoulder, asked bouncely.

"A nice little restaurant."

"It's been hundreds of years, I didn't expect this small shop to still exist."

"That's it, let's go in and rest for a while."

With a look of nostalgia on his face, Mo Han walked in with Mingjia and the girls.

"A few guests, welcome to our shop, may I ask..."

"Ah, monsters, monsters!!!"

The owner of the shop is a somewhat blessed middle-aged man. He was about to welcome the guests who came to their shop. However, after seeing the obvious monster characteristics of Mo Han and them, he was so scared to sit on the ground. Horrified and shocked.

Youkai, why are there monsters in their shop in broad daylight!

"Boss, don't be afraid, we are not those evil monsters."

"Speaking of which, I have seen your ancestors, and have a relationship with your small shop."

Looking at the scared boss, Mo Han said with a smile.

"I have seen my ancestors..."

"You, are you that monster?!"

As if thinking of something, the middle-aged boss suddenly looked incredulous.

There is a legend in their family from generation to generation. It is said that a long time ago, two powerful monsters often visited their ancestral store.

It is said that there was still a group of mages who wanted to eliminate the two monsters at the time, and they often caused chaos in their small shop, but the two monsters were too powerful, and those mages were not opponents at all.

Until one day the two monster adults never appeared again, and the disciples of those masters, disciples of the disciples, did not wait for the two monster adults to appear, and finally had no choice but to leave.

In the past, the boss didn't believe in these unproven legends. I didn't expect them to be true!

Chapter 167: Young Mage

"Boss, bring all your wine and food here."

"Don't worry, we are all just guests, and you won't lose your money."

Mo Han said to the boss who was still sitting on the ground, and then led the girls into the wing of the shop.

"Old boss, what are we going to do?"

The two shop assistants tremblingly helped the boss up, all of them pale and panicked.

The boss couldn’t help but get angry, you ask me what to do, I also want to ask you what to do!

That is the legendary monster. If you accidentally anger them, maybe we will all be eaten today!

I kept thinking about useful information in my mind. According to the legends shed by the ancestors, the two monsters who used to visit their ancestral store didn’t seem to be those evil monsters, and they were really just like ordinary guests Patronize their small shop, and then generously pay for alcohol.

If this is the case, then there is nothing terrifying.

Thinking of this, the boss finally gradually recovered his calm.

Their ancestral store must not be destroyed in his hands, and what the ancestors could do, he could not do without reason.

Today, he must entertain those monsters and save their ancestral store!

"Hurry up, prepare the best wine and food for me, and send them in for those monster adults."

"No, I'll come in person."


"Princess, how is the food here, is it still to your taste?"

In the wing, Mo Han and Kaguya Ji who sat looking at each other were tasting the dishes delivered by the boss Sheng.

"Well, it's delicious."

Lightly nodding the jade head, Hui Yeji commented truthfully.

During this period of time, in addition to accompany Kaguya Ji looking for her feather clothes, Mo Han naturally did many other things.

Taking Kaguya Ji to appreciate the local customs of various places and tasting the delicacies of various places on the earth is also one of their usual activities.

Seeing that Kaguya Ji was satisfied with the food here, the corners of Mohan's mouth also raised a slight arc.

The two of them talked while tasting delicious dishes, and the atmosphere in the whole room was very good.

Even the Mingjia on the side could not help but admire and worship, Xindao is truly their majesty.

In just a month or so, they have already caught the heart of the goddess. It seems that they will have one more mistress soon...

"What happened outside?"

Just when Mo Han and the others were about to finish their cooking, they only heard a sudden noise coming from outside.

"Long Ling, Hu Yue, go out and take a look."

Frowning, Mo Han said to Long Ling and Hu Yue.

"Yes, master."

The two women replied, and then they were about to go out and check it out.

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