Inuyasha: the strongest dog god

Inuyasha: The Strongest Dog God Chapter 246

Looking at the sixteen nights aside, Cuizi said jokingly.

Indeed, Kaguya Ji at this time was like Ishiyasu.

As the princesses, they are all beautiful, gentle and kind, and they have a lot in common.

Sixteen nights seemed to have returned to the past for a long time. When she had just followed her husband to the temple, she could still vaguely recall that she was also very nervous at the time, just like Kaguyaji at this time.

"Lord Goddess, also as the wife of the husband, let us serve the husband and get along well in the future."

Holding Kaguya Ji's hand, Ikuya said actively.

"My sister called Kaguya Ji, please take care of me in the future."

Kaguya Ji also said that he could feel the other's kindness.

"Unexpectedly, the noble goddess will also become our sister."

"Then we will call you Kaguya Ji from now on, and you will be our family from now on."

Cuizi also joined in, expressing welcome to Kaguya Ji.

"The fairy sister..."

Looking at Immortal Fairy Ling Yue to one side, Hui Yeji stopped talking.

Cuizi and Shiliuye are very talkative and welcome Huiyeji to join, but Lingyue Xianji has always been cold and doesn't seem to like her very much, which makes Huiyeji very nervous.

"Don't worry, Ling Yue is just not good at expressing."

"As long as you get along for a long time, you will find that she is actually pretty good in the future."

Let Kaguya no longer worry, Cuizi said.

It was the same when she and Shiliuye arrived, and both felt that Ling Yue Xianji was very uncomfortable, always looking cold and arrogant.

But after getting along for a long time, they all discovered that, in fact, Lingyue Fairy Fairy was only cold outside and hot inside. As long as you get her approval, she will also care about you very much.

For example, whether it is Cuizi or Sixteen Nights, their relationship with Lingyue Immortal Fairy is very good now.

However, as she kept telling Hui Yeji how good she was, Cuizi and Sixteen Nights, Ling Yue Xianji on the high seat turned dark.

Obviously they had said before that they wanted to give the damn guy a little bit of color, and they couldn't let him do this every time and every time.

It turned out to be good, as soon as you saw that celestial lady Kaguya Ji directly betrayed the enemy.

Who needs you to tell me those good things, you two traitors!

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue is really mad to death...

However, unlike Master Xianji's anger, Mohan at this time was happy.

As expected of Cuizi and Sixteen Nights, his two beautiful and virtuous wives.

Yes, that's it.

Kaguya Ji will be your sister from now on, so you must get along well.


Chapter 195 Harem Shura Field

"Princess, let God Jiuye come out for a while and let her get to know everyone."

Seeing that Hui Ye Ji has gradually become familiar with this place, and get along well with Cui Zi and Sixteen Nights, Mo Han said.

"Good, good, my husband."

Kaguya Ji replied, and then switched consciousness with Shen Jiuye in her body, and let Shen Jiuye take over their bodies.

Mo Han had also talked about the existence of Shen Jiuye in the previous story about himself and Hui Ye Ji, so both Cui Zi and Shi Zi Ye were a little curious, and even Ling Yue Xian Ji on one side looked slightly.

Under the gaze of everyone, I saw Kaguya Ji Yinghong's lips turned into a fascinating purple, and the temperament on her body changed drastically in an instant.

If Kaguya Ji was a beautiful and kind gentle princess before, then God Jiuye at this time is the supreme dark queen!

"This, this breath..."

Cuizi, who was a witch, couldn't help but change her color slightly when she felt the astonishing evil on Shen Jiuye.

Cuizi hasn't encountered such a terrible evil for a long time. In their past battles and experiences, I am afraid that only a few people such as the flying monster moth and the dragon bone spirit can compare with it!

This is also too amazing. Kaguya Ji was so beautiful and gentle before that made people feel holy and pure, but she turned into such a dark and evil in the blink of an eye.

If Mo Han hadn't told them in advance, or if it hadn't happened before his own eyes, Cuizi couldn't believe it!

"Shen Jiuye, they are Shiliuye, Cuizi, and Ling Yue, they are all my wives."

"I already introduced it to Kaguya Ji, now I'll introduce it to you."

"You are all sisters in the future, but you have to get along well with everyone."

Standing beside Shen Jiuye, Mo Han said.

However, Shen Jiuye didn't bother to pay attention to someone at all, but glanced lightly at Sixteen Ye, Cuizi and Ling Yue Xianji, and then said:

"Are you guys' women?"

"Humans, witches, and monsters."

"Huh, there are many types."

With a cold snort, Shen Jiuye said sarcastically.

"Yes, yes, you and Kaguya Ji will be added later, and there will be more types."

As if not hearing the irony in God Jiuye's tone, Mohan said with a smile.

Speaking of which, Mo Han has always been quite proud of it. Before the arrival of Shen Jiuye and Kaguya Ji, he already had three major camps in his harem——

The monster camp headed by Lingyue Xianji, the witch camp headed by Cuizi, and the human princess camp headed by Sixteen Nights.

And now, with the addition of the heavenly female camp headed by Kaguya Ji and Shen Jiuya, that's the four major camps!

Thinking that his harem would become more and more colorful in the future, Mo Han felt happy, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning.

"I am God Jiuye, the sky princess God Jiuye."

"I don't care if you are humans, witches or monsters, I will be the only hostess here in the future."

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