Inuyasha: the strongest dog god

Inuyasha: The Strongest Dog God Chapter 266

Under a mournful scream, Xuangui's head exploded directly, and then the terrifying demon energy flowed back into Xuangui's hard shell, shattering his entire body!


The water waves were so high that the entire lake seemed to be pouring rain, and Inuyasha fell on the lakeshore after a few jumps.

"Smelly old man, how is it?!"

Looking at Mo Han who is waiting on the shore, Inuyasha is like a victorious little hen, proudly raising his little head, like a smelly old man, you come to praise me.

"Good job, Inuyasha."

"Hee hee hee……"

Satisfied with her little vanity, Mo Han stroked Inuyasha's forehead, and Inuyasha suddenly narrowed his eyes with a happy expression on his face.

During this time, Mo Han has been taking Inuyasha to challenge some powerful monsters, and Inuyasha's performance is really good, growing very rapidly.

Although Inuyasha has advanced to advanced monsters for some time, in the past, she was a high-level monster with a lot of water and lack of actual combat experience, and she couldn't display her own strength at all when fighting enemies.

However, with the practice and fighting during this period, Inuyasha has made up for his shortcomings, and will no longer be afraid of fear in battle, let alone fear of timidity.

It can be said that she is truly a high-level monster now!

"Inuyasha, that's the end of this practice."

"You have taken control of your own power, and you will no longer be afraid of real battles with the enemy. In the future, you want to grow further and only continue to practice."

"Your recent performance has been very good. Let's have a good time in the next period of time."

Mo Han said again, and Inuyasha suddenly looked surprised, and then immediately pounced on Mo Han's body:

"Smelly old man, you are so kind!"

The practice had come to an end, so Mo Han took Inuyasha to play around.

Although the outside world is wars and disputes, and their kingdom of ten thousand monsters is not prosperous, but for Inuyasha, who has never been out since childhood, the outside world still has many novelties and excitements.

Occasionally, they will pretend to be righteous warriors, helping some suffering villages to eliminate monsters and thieves.

Occasionally, they would pretend to be robbers who rob the rich and help the poor, looting some greedy and wealthy nobles, and distribute their money to ordinary people.

But occasionally it is pure prank, such as sneaking into a certain daimyo's palace at night and throwing a bunch of toads on his bed...

When Mo Han came out with Lingyue Xianji and Cuizi before, it was still a journey of Zhenger Bajing, but together with his stupid daughter, it was all crazy fun.

Even Mo Han felt that he had stayed with his stupid daughter for a long time, and even his IQ was regressing along with her, often doing naive and boring things with her.

However, I am very happy every day, this kind of life actually seems to be good...

Chapter 210 The Death of the Treasure Fairy Ghost

The sun is enchanting, and the birds and insects sing.

On this day, Mo Han is lying in the grass resting.

With both hands resting on his head, a piece of weed was still biting in his mouth, his face was relaxed and relaxed.

"Smelly old man, we are back!"

Inuyasha's voice sounded, and I saw Inuyasha, Yanho and Ryujin walking out of the forest. The girls were holding a lot of things in their hands, and even Yanho was carrying a dead head behind. Bucks.

"Father smelly, look, we found a lot of things to eat!"

In general, Inuyasha ran over.

Looking at what they found, Mo Han also nodded.

A few plump fresh fish, all kinds of wild vegetables and wild fruits, a strong stag, and other things are rare game and ingredients.

"Thanks, you really found some good things."

"Then you guys will take a break and leave the preparations to me."

After inspecting the ingredients brought back by Inuyasha and the others, Mohan said.

"Oh, daddy smelly, you still cook?"

Exclaimed, Inuyasha looked incredulous.

Two days ago, she cooked a dark meal and almost poisoned everyone. Daddy smelly didn't want to take the opportunity to retaliate. Let her also make a terrible dark meal!

Inuyasha is a bit creepy...

"Bad girl, do you think I'm just as useless?"

"Your father, I know a lot!"

Looking at Inuyasha's frightened and skeptical expression, Mo Han said in an angry tone.

Under Inuyasha's suspicious gaze, Mo Han really took action, sorting out all the ingredients first, cleaning them up, and then frying them, roasting them, and stewing them.

It's dazzling, but everything is in order.

And when he tasted Mohan's food formally, Inuyasha exclaimed:

"Woo, delicious, delicious."

"Father smelly, you actually know how to cook!"

"Humph, of course."

After humming twice, Mo Han was also a little proud.

Xindao, when I attacked your mother Lingyue and Cuizi's mother, this hand-cooking skill was indispensable, and I attacked their stomachs before attacking their hearts.

Although I haven't personally cooked for a long time, and the craftsmanship is a little rusty, I still have a hand to cook some game and side dishes.

"Yanhoof, this is yours."

Tore off a roasted deer leg, Mo Han threw it to Yan Hoof next to him.

The flame hoof bit the deer's leg, and immediately began to eat a lot.

As a demon horse, Yanhoof is not like those ordinary horses.

It does not eat grass, it also eats meat!

"Oh, so full."

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