She is Dong Lan of the Storm Cat clan, she is the commander of the temple recognized by His Majesty, how can she lose here!

The earth collapsed, and Dong Lan once again blocked the heavy blow of the soil spider, and then recklessly erupted with demon power.

The pro-fang sword in his hand turned into a lightsaber that went straight into the sky again, and then Dong Lan swung the lightsaber with extreme speed.

Swish swish swish! ! ! ! !

It was as if the whole world had been torn apart by the terrifying sword light, and many monsters swept by the lightsaber in the air had turned into a bloody fog before they could even let out their screams.

Even the belligerent earth spider didn't dare to take Dong Lan's terrifying attack, and could only dodge at high speed, but one arm was still cut off by Qigen!

However, the soil spider who lost an arm was not angry but happy, and laughed up to the sky——


"Woman, you really didn't disappoint me."

"That's how it's supposed to be, that's how it's fun!"

Knowing that Dong Lan's attack just now could not be used continuously, the soil spider immediately seized the opportunity to counterattack.

He stepped on the ground under his feet, and then another heavy punch hit Dong Lan!

Boom! ! !

The huge explosion almost made people's eardrums burst, and the Fang Jian, which was restored to its original shape, blocked the attack of the soil spider.

However, the huge power was transmitted to Dong Lan through the blade, causing Dong Lan to spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body kept rolling and shooting on the ground.

Heartbroken, Dong Lan tried her best to stabilize her body, and then regardless of her injury, she also slashed out a huge demonic bomb and counterattacked at the soil spider.

The huge demonic energy bomb seemed to destroy everything, creating a deep ravine on the ground, but this time the earth spider was unavoidable. The only three remaining arms punched frantically, cutting the demon out of Dong Lan. The air bomb exploded!

Although a little unwilling, Dong Lan has to admit that the earth spider is a very scary monster, and if this goes on, she will be defeated by the earth spider sooner or later.

That being the case—


Chapter 538 The Unknown Monster (Part [-])

Although the demonic bullet that was cut out was blasted by the earth spider, it also blocked the earth spider and bought time for Dong Lan.

Motivating her demon power frantically, Dong Lan inserted her sword into the ground and displayed her profound meaning [Ice Flower Snow Dance].

Ka Ka Ka! ! !

With Dong Lan as the center, I saw that the entire land began to freeze rapidly, and at the same time, beautiful ice flowers exploded on the ground.

But these ice flowers are not ordinary ice flowers, they are all composed of sharp ice thorns!

Not only that, but there was a cold storm in the sky, and there were countless snowflakes flying in the storm.

In just a short time, the earth below has turned into a beautiful and dangerous world of ice and snow!

"This, this is..."

In the sky, Huakaiyuan is unbelievable for both Guang and Xiuyuan.

Around them, many monsters were swept up by the sudden storm, and then turned into ice sculptures and fell from the sky.

Xiuyuan controlled the shikigami to keep retreating, and finally the two of them survived.

At the same time, the soil spider below also felt bad.

As a big monster, he should not be afraid of the cold at all, but at this moment, even he feels that the blood in his whole body is about to freeze.

Not only that, no matter where he jumped, those beautiful but dangerous ice flowers would explode on the ground, and even his solid body was bruised and blood dripping.

In the end, the soil spider did not escape the fate of being frozen, and was submerged by countless storms and flying snow, and turned into a huge ice sculpture!

"Ha ha……"

With a sigh of relief, Dong Lan, who was holding the sword, kept breathing.

After advancing to the big monster, her profound meaning [Frozen Snow Dance] is naturally far more powerful than before. If she wants to, even a city can be frozen.

Because this move is very dangerous and consumes a lot of demon power, Dong Lan usually doesn't use it casually.

The hateful soil spider has pushed her to this point!

"Great, Master Dong Lan has defeated that monster!"

In the castle, through the mirror of Shenwu, I saw that the earth spider was frozen by Dong Lan, and Ji Ji said happily.

The power shown by the soil spider is so terrifying that even Xiao Ji sweated for Dong Lan before.

"Ah, as expected of Dong Lan, my commander-in-chief."

"However, their battle is not over yet."

Holding the beautiful Xiao Ji, Mo Han said with a smile.

Princess Xiaoji couldn't help being stunned, as if she didn't understand what Mo Han said.

However, she soon understood.

I saw that in the picture of the mirror of Shenwu, cracks appeared on the ice sculpture made by the soil spider.

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