The bloodline talent of the power of time and space is not enough to open for the time being.

Ye Han’s main energy is now focused on studying his talent that can absorb the power of seven emotions and six yu, and Ye Han called his state when he activated this talent Heavenly Demon Transformation, which is secretly in line with the saying of his Buddha Extraterritorial Heavenly Devil.

Since he has been devouring monsters to enhance his demon power some time ago, this ability has not been used now.

Turn on the ability, in the state of heavenly demon transformation, you can clearly feel that the various yu nian forces around you are constantly gathering towards your body, and the demon power is increasing little by little, although it is completely incomparable with when devouring monsters, but it is also much faster than you have to absorb spiritual energy to enhance your demon power.

After all, this can be a fine stream of water for a long time (as long as people are alive, it is impossible to leave the seven emotions and six yu), and now the range of their own absorption of the power of yu is obviously still very small, about can only shroud this city, I believe that as long as it continues to become stronger, sooner or later it can shroud the entire Warring States, and even when he is strong enough, he may be able to shroud the heavens and realms.

Night Cold now no longer doubts the statement of the dimension, after all, he has run to Inuyasha’s world, and I believe that the legendary heavens and realms in his previous life are also real.

After carefully sensing the various Yu Nian forces gathered around him, it seemed that many people’s voices came from all directions.

“···· Alas! I heard that there is another war in the west, how can I live these days…”

“‘This woman is so beautiful””

“······· Now there are monsters everywhere, but fortunately we have Lord Mage guarding Okazaki Castle, thank you Lord Mercy…”

“” There are so many delicious humans, I must eat them all, and the damn human mage’

The sounds of all kinds of thoughts kept coming, making the night cold feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

But the next moment the energy in the soul fluctuated, and it was restored in an instant, and Ye Han knew that this was the power of time and space that existed in his soul, which should be left when he crossed over, so that he had the talent to control the power of time and space.

Choosing the power of an idea, consciousness extended along it all at once, and suddenly it was like arriving at a vegetable market, and there were all kinds of shouting sounds everywhere.

This is?

The corner of Ye Han’s mouth evoked an evil smile, it is really a good ability, if this is the case, within the scope of my ability, can’t I listen to all things?

After careful testing, I found that if I strengthened my ability, I could still read the memory of the other party. But it’s more laborious, now just reading the memory of an ordinary person will consume a lot of demon power, not to mention monsters, it seems that this ability can not be used for the time being.

Ye Han knew from listening to it just now that there was a demon remover in the city, but he didn’t care at all, after all, hiding is completely hidden, if there is a mage, isn’t it more convincing that there are no monsters in this city? And the other party is unlikely to find out no matter what.

It’s up to the monster to deal with it later, after all, now this is also its own territory, and you can’t watch it make trouble.

In the days that followed, Ye Han had been cultivating in the city lord’s mansion, and occasionally when he heard that there were monsters raging, he would devour it and enhance his demon power.

Two years passed in this kind of cultivation.

And Ye Han finally reached the realm of the Great Monster Dian Peak through his continuous cultivation, but due to Ye Han’s special xing, the demon power is five or six times that of other monsters in the same realm.

Okazaki Castle is now much more prosperous than before, not only has the flow of people increased, but many new villages have been built around the city.

Speaking of this night cold is also relatively speechless, because the night cold often devours monsters around, resulting in fewer and fewer monsters around, and the night cold does not allow the human army to disturb his retreat, and several invading armies have been eliminated by the goblins he controls (Naraku’s ability in the original play).

In this unintentional way, the surrounding area became more and more stable, and by the time the night cold was discovered, there were more and more people around Okazaki Castle, and people heard that the stable life here gathered from all over the place towards Okazaki Castle, and spontaneously established no less than a dozen small villages in the surrounding area.

Of course, I don’t care too much about this night cold, after all, the more people there are, the more beneficial it is to their own cultivation!

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