On the morning of the second day after subduing this group of monsters, Yehan was on their way when Yehan saw another form of the Ox King: a young man around twenty years old.

He calls himself Izumo, using the name of his human father.

To be honest, if he hadn’t seen the whole process of the change with his own eyes, Ye Han would never have believed that this weak human kid standing in front of him now would be the ‘Bull Demon King’ who was full of tyrannical aura yesterday.

After he became a human being, his whole person seemed to become peaceful, exuding an aura close to nature, like a well-educated wise man.

Of course, perhaps this is the temperament that a person who dares to make a jade of four souls should really have.

So by a stream, Yehan summoned him alone, and after carefully looking at his appearance, Yehan asked with some curiosity

“Is this what you really look like now?”

“Is it real? I don’t know, maybe yesterday was the real me.”

“Looks like you’re disgusted with being a youkai?” Night Chill looked at him playfully.

“Please forgive my prestige, my lord! As a big youkai, it is impossible for you to understand the pain of being a half-demon, humans do not understand me, they are afraid of me, and the monsters will not accept me. The feeling of being abandoned by the whole world… I’ve had enough! ”

As Izumo spoke, the whole person became excited.

“Huh! How sad! ”

“Huh? If you say this, it seems that you will never understand what it is like to be a half-demon.”

Izumo’s expression became more and more gloomy.

“In fact, in my opinion, the real reason why half-demons have such an encounter is that most of the half-demons are not strong enough. In this world, people will always only despise the weak, but dare not despise the strong. If anyone still laughs at your half-demon status, it must be that you are still too weak. ”

“Is it too weak?” Izumo muttered.

“Yes, it’s too weak, to disgust and fear your own monster identity like you do now, that is something that only weak people do, the real strong should face themselves squarely and show their strength to everyone.” They will only bring fear to those who do not respect themselves, make everyone fear him, fear him, and never dare to offend him, and what you lack now is strength. ”

Seeing that Izumo had been somewhat shaken by himself, Yehan added another fire and released his momentum.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed color, and the demon qi swept in all directions.

“And I can give you the strength you need!”

Izumo’s whole person was unstable, looking at the powerful night cold, feeling the earth-destroying power displayed by the night cold, and feeling as if he had rediscovered the meaning of survival:

I·· I will also become strong, and I will destroy all who dare to provoke me; At that time, no one will dare to laugh at me again, and will no longer dislike me because of my half-demon status.

Izumo’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and his eyes became hotter and hotter.

Finally, as if he had figured out something, he got up from the ground with difficulty, and then knelt down in front of Ye Han, and fell down with five bodies on the ground.

“My lord, I am willing to be forever loyal to you, obey your commands, and please give me true strength, I will become stronger, so that all people will never dare to look down on me again.”

“Huh! Your choice is correct, I need your talent very much, although the growth of demon power is not an overnight thing, but I can give you supreme power, in the future, you will only be below me, on the same level as the demon night; In the future, as long as you are under my command, no one will dare to disrespect you.”

“Izumo thanks you!” After bowing to the end, Izumo said excitedly.

Looking at Izumo, who had finally figured it out, Yoruhan was also relieved.

After all, if he wants to make him really work for himself as a half-demon, Yehan also has a lot of brains, thinking about it or the best way to use this grace and power now, fortunately, Xing succeeded in one time.

The reason why Ye Han attaches so much importance to the Ox King (he will only be called the Ox King in the future) is actually mainly because of his knowledge and creative ability.

After all, it is possible to forge the existence of the Jade of the Four Souls, and the entire demon world is so unique for the time being, so Yehan intends to let him play the role of a researcher in the Yehan forces, intending to play his greatest role.

After subduing the Ox King, Yehan led a group of youkai back to Okazaki Castle.

Because Ye Han had learned how to condense the enchantment method from the blood jade coral, he directly handed the blood jade coral to the bull demon for research, hoping that he could study how to make blood jade corals in batches.

After receiving the task, Niu Wang happily threw himself directly into the great research cause.

In the following days, Yehan began to vigorously develop his own power.

In the human world, Night Cold began to wage war as a city lord, and Night Cold’s way of war is very simple:

The surrounding small territory, small forces, will directly attack the army and destroy it, encounter a slightly stronger one, send some humanoid monsters mixed into the army, directly hack the opponent’s general general, and then if there is a problem, the night cold will directly create some man-made natural disasters and man-made disasters for the opponent’s army (in order not to expose the existence of monsters, you must know that if the witch demon exterminators know that the monsters wantonly harm humans, they will definitely not mind coming to the demon eradication guard, although the night cold is not afraid, But they don’t want to be enemies of the mage forces of the entire human race), so that their non-combat attrition is serious, and they often lose a lot of troops before they start fighting, so that they will be completely defeated in the battle due to the reduction of troops.

In this way, all the way flat, basically, almost did not encounter any decent resistance, and it didn’t take long for more than a dozen surrounding cities to become the territory of the night cold.

Secretly, Yehan also began to vigorously subdue the surrounding monster forces.

The three big monsters under him took the lead, specifically selecting small and medium-sized monster forces to attack secretly, basically all of them were captured.

And because of the low-key and tight relationship, the large monster groups with big monsters around them are completely unaware, and under their noses, a behemoth of the demon world is rapidly forming.

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