The blood-red energy began to float out of the long blood in a form visible to the naked eye, and then was continuously dragged and absorbed into the body by the night cold.

After the energy touched Ye Han’s body, it quickly began to infect and assimilate Ye Han’s flesh, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Han’s skin color began to change to red, and there were fine red scales on the surface of the skin that continued to grow.

“Huh! It is worthy of the blood of the giant dragon, but do you want to assimilate me with only the remaining strength? ”

The demon power began to boil, constantly sweeping towards the energy of the long blood, suppressing the instinct left by the long blood and transforming it into its own power.

The scales slowly shrank and disappeared, and Ye Han began to absorb the power of long blood while constantly invoking his demon power to eliminate the instinct of long blood remaining.

In this process, the long blood gradually shrunk, and the energy that continuously turned red was absorbed by the night cold.

However, the night cold did not find that in this red energy, there were some crystalline bright spots.

When Night Cold absorbed long blood energy, these crystalline spots also continued to enter Night Cold’s body with red energy.

The absorption continued, and at this time, the whole body of the night cold emitted a red light.

At this time, the power of long blood also came into play.

The flesh began to get stronger!

The demon power has become more pure!

Even Ye Han’s pure monster bloodline began to change, and the demon qi emitted became more powerful and weird.

The strengthening was quickly completed, and the red light began to slowly all of it into Ye Han’s body.

At this moment, the night cold that had just been strengthened suddenly felt a strange fluctuation from his body, and then his whole body seemed to be suddenly out of control, completely unable to move.

“This is…”

“This body is very good, let me!”

A voice suddenly came out of Ye Han’s consciousness, and then Ye Han felt that the sky was spinning, and the picture in front of him had completely changed.

In a chaotic space, a giant dragon with a height of 100 feet appeared in front of Ye Han, which was standing in mid-air at this time, obviously the voice just now came from it.

And it is exactly the same as the giant long that Ye Han saw in the cave, but the giant long in front of him is completely alive, and at this time he is looking at Ye Han with those giant eyes open.

“Hmph! It’s really careless, I didn’t expect that there are still such means, ready to be resurrected with the help of me? ”

“Yes, for countless years, only you can go there, I like this body very much, come on, give it to me!” Julong did not deny it.

“Hey! How long has it been since I died and can still leave a remnant soul, should I say that it is really long? ”

“It’s a pity! If you want to use my night cold body to revive, you have chosen the wrong object! ”

“Do you think so?”

After speaking, before Night Cold could understand its words at this time, it directly snaked its huge body and rushed towards Night Cold that was the size of an ant in its eyes at this time.

“Find death!”

Seeing the giant long rushing over, Ye Han also pulled out the bone erosion knife that appeared on his waist, ready to solve it directly.

However, just as Ye Han was about to use the “God Killer” slash, an invisible fluctuation emanated from Julong’s body.

Ye Han suddenly felt that he could no longer move, and could only watch the giant dragon pounce on him.

The giant long swept over, directly tying the night cold chan who was unable to move at this time around Kun.

“What’s going on?” The night chill was shocked.

“Boy, you just broke through to the Demon Emperor, you can’t even use the power of the Demon Emperor, obediently be devoured by me!” Your body is mine! ”

Saying that, Julong directly opened his mouth and struck towards the night cold, as if he wanted to swallow the night cold.

“Real power? It doesn’t matter, even so, do you think you can devour me? Night cold laughed.

After speaking, Yehan’s body surrounded by giant longchan began to change, and a burst of dark purple light emanated from Yehan’s body, and in the light imprint, Yehan’s figure became more and more blurred, and gradually it was completely invisible.

When the light dissipated, the figure of the night cold had disappeared, leaving only a cloud of deep purple energy emitting strange fluctuations in place.

“Huh? What is it? Seeing that the night cold suddenly became so weird, Julong stopped and asked.

“Oh, I haven’t been like this for a long time, and I’m really a little unused to it!”

That’s right, this is the most original form when Ye Han first came to this world and turned into a monster, and after being born, Ye Han still has the ability to change back into this form.

“So that’s it, is this what you are? It’s a strange youkai, but do you think you can escape the fate of being devoured by me? What a naïve! It’s the same to devour you now. ”

After saying that, the giant longlong mouth opened wide, and a huge suction force came out of his mouth.

“Huh! Do you think I’m trying to run for my life? It’s just to devour your convenience. ”

Saying that, the energy transformed by the night cold directly invaded along the body of the giant long, and in a blink of an eye, it completely disappeared into the body of the giant long, and with the invasion of the night cold, the body of the giant long began to quickly soak into purple-black with the place where the night cold was.

“What, he’s devouring and assimilating me? No! How can you get your way! ”

Julong began to struggle and twist up, trying to get out of the control of Night Cold, but unfortunately, for Night Cold who had entered the inside of Julong’s body, this was useless.

“Hey, hey! It’s useless, obediently accept your fate, and if you are an old antique, disappear and disappear cleanly! ”

Saying that, Ye Han began to speed up the speed of his own devouring assimilation, and the purple-black range of the giant long’s body began to expand rapidly, spreading throughout his body in a blink of an eye.

“No, I’m not willing! Ahhhhhh ”

With an unwilling roar, Julong’s body emitted a strong purple light, and when the light dissipated, only the night cold that changed back into human form remained in place.

Outside, the consciousness of the night cold returned to the body, opened his eyes and looked at it, and found that the time did not pass long, only a short moment.

“I really can’t underestimate these ancient existences, but it’s a pity that I actually chose Ye Han as the object of sacrifice, I really don’t know whether to say that I have a good eye, or stupid!”

In fact, for Yehan, a monster formed by the combination of countless monsters, any existence that enters his body will be devoured and assimilated by him.

Although the other party is in the state of a remnant soul, don’t forget that Yehan has the talent to devour seven emotions and six desires, and human emotions also involve the category of souls.

With his innate devouring ability, the giant long remnant soul was not an opponent at all, and it was directly devoured.

For Julong, choosing Yehan as the object of his sacrifice can also be said to be his misfortune.

At this time, a large push of strange memories suddenly appeared in Ye Han’s mind.

Is it the remaining memory of the giant long?

Quickly sort out the useless parts.

In the end, Ye Han only left Julong with memories of cultivation.

For what Julong said just now that he was not able to fully exert the strength of the Demon Emperor Realm, Ye Han was still more concerned.

After all, all this time, Ye Han only relied on his own understanding to wield his demon power.

In this regard, Ye Han did not feel that there was any problem before, but now it seems that there may be something that he does not know.


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