‘····· How can it end like this! ’

However, obviously, Orochimaru did not intend to put down the iron broken teeth just like that, and after roaring, he still slowly lifted the iron broken teeth, wanting to continue fighting like this.

“Huh! It looks like it’s almost over, and it’s enough to say hello at the first meeting! I won’t play with you guys yet. ”

Just when Orochimaru was about to continue to swing his knife at Yehan with his arms in this way, Yehan’s voice suddenly fluttered softly.

The content of the words made both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha stunned, and Sesshomaru’s movements couldn’t help but stop.

“It’s ridiculous, after making a big mess here, do you want to escape?”

The killing pill who came back to his senses couldn’t help but say gloomyly, and at the same time, the iron crushed teeth in his hand also gripped tighter, as if he would slash through the next moment.

“Should I say that it is worthy of being a killing pill, I really don’t admit defeat at all, but you also saw the result just now, even if you fight to hurt your arm and swing your iron broken teeth, you still can’t even break my enchantment, so what can you do to me!”

“And, didn’t you find out? I haven’t done anything since just now! ”

Just as Ye Han was speaking, he also began to slowly condense a purple-black demon force bullet in his hand, and as he spoke, the demon force bullet became larger and larger, and by the time Ye Han finished speaking, the demon force bullet had covered Ye Han’s figure.

“Now, let’s show you a little how big the gap between us is!”

As Yoruhan’s voice fell, Yoruhan’s hand that controlled the demon bomb gently sent forward, and the next moment, the demon bomb in his hand fell straight in the direction where Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were.

“Not good, this level of attack!”


At this time, both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, who were facing the demon bomb, both had a creepy feeling, and their intuition told them that if they were not far away, they would die!!!

The two immediately dodged vigorously, and the killing pill dropped the iron broken teeth in his hand at the first time, hoping to get out of the attack range of the demon bomb in his full strength, but fortunately, Ye Han did not intend to take the lives of the two people like this, therefore, the demon force bullet did not directly hit the two head-on, the target of the attack was only the ground next to the two, and this also gave the two a chance to escape from this attack.

But is it really that easy?


After the demon force bullet fell to the ground, the roar that should have been heard did not appear, on the contrary, at this moment, the surrounding time seemed to be directly frozen, showing a death-like silence.

The next moment, under this silence, the ground began to break down, smash, and melt continuously centered on the place attacked by the night cold.

Tightly, the huge demon power contained in the demon power bullet emitted by the night cold opened, and a strong shock wave was directly emitted, and everything that existed around it reached a devastating impact.


Until this time, a huge roar began to come out, and the continuous roar was heard for a while.

The raging energy swept around around the demon bomb, and even Inuyasha, who was trying to stay away from the shockwave, was affected by this shockwave.

Inuyasha was directly thrown out from afar, and although Sesshomaru barely resisted the power of the shock wave with the powerful demon power on his body, his body was still injured by the raging demon force, and when everything stopped, Sesshomaru’s body was scarred by the raging energy, and wisps of blood continued to flow from his body, and he knew that he was seriously injured at a glance.

“Now you are still too weak, you don’t even have the interest to let me shoot, when you become stronger, come to me again!”

At this time, the voice of the night cold once again entered the ears of the killing pill, and the killing pill turned his head to look, only to see that at this time, the side of the night cold and Yuro did not know when a spatial passage had been opened.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you, my name is Yehan, remember it forever!”

At this time, Ye Han, who had just wanted to step into the spatial passage, suddenly seemed to remember something, and turned his head again to the killing pill and said softly, his expression seemed casual and calm, which was in sharp contrast to the content of the words that ignored everything.

And after Ye Han said this, he directly took Yuluo into the passage, and the figure disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, the spatial passage was quickly closed.

“Abominable! I actually escaped like this! ”

At this time, Inuyasha, who was also covered in scars, had recovered the iron broken teeth at this time, but just when he was supporting his injured body and wanted to use the iron broken teeth to deal with the night cold, he just saw the figure of the night cold leaving here, so angry that Inuyasha screamed angrily.

“Stupid fellow, even if you rush up, you are just looking for death!”

Looking at Inuyasha’s appearance, Sesshomaru couldn’t help but laugh shamefully.

“Abominable! Killing pills, do you guy still want to find fault? I must teach you a good lesson this time. ”

Inuyasha, who retrieved the iron broken tooth, was full of confidence at this time, and did not mean to fear the killing pill at all, and directly raised the iron broken tooth in his hand and shouted.

But obviously, the killing pill at this time did not pay attention to Inuyasha’s plan, at this time he had turned his gaze to the place where the night cold emitted the demon force bomb, only to see that next to the killing pill, the place swept by the night cold demon force bomb, the original ground has completely disappeared, and a huge pit with a radius of nearly 100 meters and a bottomless depth is now standing there quietly.

‘If you are directly hit by an attack of this magnitude, even my Killing Pill will be directly destroyed! ’

Looking at the bottomless pit in front of him, Killing Pill couldn’t help but be silent in his heart.

“Huh! Night cold, huh? The shame of the dog clan is washed away by my killing (Li Hao) pill! I’ll knock you down the next time we meet!!! ”

Xu Yu, an incomparable word came out of Orochimaru’s mouth.

“Abominable! You guy…”

Just as Inuyasha saw that Sesshomaru was angry and wanted to explode because he ignored him, a voice suddenly came from behind, interrupting Inuyasha’s actions.

“Sesshomaru-sama, it’s great that you’re okay!”

Turning his head, it turned out that Ah Li and the evil view at this time had finally arrived here, and the voice just now was from the evil view.

Behind, after seeing Orochimaru’s safe and sound, Evil Opinion couldn’t help but shout out happily, after all, the attack that attacked Orochimaru and Inuyasha just now, even in the distance, they were affected by the wind pressure, and they did not dare to come over for a while.

Therefore, Evil Opinion and Ari could fully imagine how dangerous the killing pill and Inuyasha that faced the attack were was. _

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