
Seeing Inuyasha’s figure, Ari couldn’t help but shout loudly, but unfortunately, it seemed that the opposite Inuyasha could not hear Ari’s voice, and was still doing his own thing, and there was no response to Ari’s shout, and Ari also tried to touch the opposite Inuyasha with his own hand, but unfortunately, the cold texture from his hand told Ari that it had no effect at all.

“It’s useless, you can’t see him without my permission, so don’t waste time, concentrate on watching a good show, this play is very exciting.”

Seeing Ari’s actions, Yehan couldn’t help but say faintly, over the years, Yehan has been constantly cultivating his innate ability, and now, his strength has improved greatly compared to decades ago, like the one in front of him, the trick that can pull Inuyasha and Ari into the space of consciousness from a distance is just one of the results of these years.

“Watching a play?”

After listening to Ye Han’s words, Ah Li couldn’t help but calm down a little, and began to pay attention to the content of the picture in front of him.

In the picture, Inuyasha’s face is delicate, and as Ari begins to focus on the content, voices gradually begin to come out of it…

253“·· ##··· ***····”

At first, the sound is still visible, but soon the sound gets louder and louder until it is clearly visible…


“Damn it!…”

A burst of roars sounded!

At this time, Inuyasha, who saw Kikyo’s death, seemed to vent, roaring and flashing, and frantically destroying everything around him with his claws.

“Duh… Click… Click! Boom!…”

Flowers, trees, and houses all fell to the ground under Inuyasha’s attack in a constant overwhelmed sound.

It feels real, and it doesn’t look like an object invented by Night Chill with his abilities.

However, fiction is fiction, and even if it is real, it is still impossible to fake the truth, for example, at this time, although Inuyasha made such a big movement, the villagers who were carrying Kikyo with sadness in front of them did not move, as if they did not see Inuyasha.

Of course, in fact, there is indeed no Inuyasha in the eyes of these people, just because, in these scenes, except for Inuyasha, all the others are illusions created by the night cold out of thin air, and they belong to unconscious things.

Although Yakhan was able to control them to react accordingly with Inuyasha’s movements, this was obviously meaningless, after all, Inuyasha was not a fool, how could he not know that all this in front of him was an illusion!

It was true, although Inuyasha seemed a little out of control because of the emotions in his heart that he didn’t know whether it was anger or remorse, but he knew when he first arrived here that everything in front of him was an illusion, not real, after all, how could something happen decades ago be possible again?

Originally, Inuyasha was ready to quickly break the illusion and leave here, but when the scene in front of him progressed to the events after he was sealed and unconscious, Inuyasha gradually changed his thoughts while his emotions were a little out of control, just because these were things he didn’t know.

Inuyasha knew in his heart that since this illusion had been true, other things about things he had not known fifty years ago should also appear.

And these are what he desperately wants to know now, as for how true or false, then it is up to him to judge!

And things were not unexpected by Inuyasha, just after Inuyasha vented the anger in his heart a little, the space in front of him seemed to suddenly stand still, and all the creatures around who were still alive stopped moving (cjbd) like wood carvings, and then a slight white light suddenly emanated from the space in front of him, so that Inuyasha couldn’t help but slightly cover his eyes with his hand.

After a while, when the light converged and the surroundings returned to calm, Inuyasha, who had come to his senses, had found himself in another place.

The breeze is gentle, and the grass is in full bloom! It’s a wide clump!


Looking at the place in front of him, Inuyasha couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Of course, it’s not just the place that fascinates Inuyasha, but also the people, Inuyasha (fifty years ago) and Kikyo who are standing in front of Inuyasha and talking to each other at this time!

In the picture, Inuyasha is taking something out of his arms and tilting his head to ‘Kikyo’.

“This is…”

Looking at the small white shell that Inuyasha had sent to her at this time, Kikyo couldn’t help but feel a slight movement in her heart, because this thing, or what it contained, she knew, it was the lipstick that girls put on their lips when they dressed themselves.

“It’s useless for me to hold this anyway, so I’ll give it to you!”

“This was given to me by my mother before she died, and only this thing and the fire rat robe (Inuyasha’s red robe)!”

“Something so important…”

“Don’t care, anyway, the fire rat robe already works for me!”


“What about your gift?”

“I came out in such a hurry that I forgot to bring it!”

In fact, it was a string of prayer beads that were not sent.


‘That… Is it the scene when Inuyasha and Kikyo interacted? ’

Looking at Inuyasha and Kikyo in the picture at this time, Ah Li couldn’t help but think secretly.

Next, scenes of the past between ‘Inuyasha’ and Kikyo appeared in front of Ari and Inuyasha one after another.

Kikyo and ‘Inuyasha’ work together to remove the demon…

There are in Kaede no Village…

There are also those who are besieged by yokai…

And no matter what kind of scene, ‘Inuyasha’ will always be near Kikyo, staying together, and secretly protecting…

Whether it was Inuyasha, who had experienced it himself and was as if he was in the scene at this time, or Ari, who was silently watching outside, he couldn’t help but be immersed in it.

From these pictures, even Ah Li, who had never known this past before, could clearly feel that the relationship between the two was heating up rapidly, getting better and better…

Until… _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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