Looking at Ah Li’s vigilant face, Ye Han at this time really wanted to say to her: Actually, I didn’t have the idea of dealing with you when I came here this time!

But obviously, even if Ye Han said this, Ah Li would not believe it.

Therefore, Night Chill no longer paid attention to Ah Li, who was like a frightened bird at this moment, but opened his mouth and continued to say what he had just said.

“In his case, it is better to release his emotions, and if you interrupt him now, it may delay his recovery!”

“Yes… Is that so? ”

“Of course!”

After listening to Ye Han’s words, Ah Li couldn’t help but be a little surprised! Stunned! Obviously, Ye Han’s answer was greatly unexpected!

But then, Ah Li reacted and understood that he seemed to have put a Wu 1ong just now!

‘Abominable! What a bad man, he actually talks big! I don’t know if it will scare people to death~! ’

Ah Li, who had figured it out, although she understood that she didn’t seem to have to think about her own safety for the time being, but at this time, she couldn’t help but chant in her heart.

Of course, she only dared to think about these words in her heart, after all, after the episode just now, although she knew that the other party did not seem to make a move on her for the time being, Ah Li did not dare to act too casually in front of Ye Han!

After all, in the end, the night cold standing in front of her at this time, strictly speaking, is still their enemy!

The scene fell silent!

However, at this time, Yehan did not care about Ari’s reaction, because now he had focused all his attention on Inuyasha!

Before deliberately letting Inuyasha learn from the mouth of the youkai that things fifty years ago were strange, and then taking advantage of Inuyasha’s confusion, he used the demon power to pull it into the fantasy realm from far away, did Yahan just want to use the fantasy to restore the events of fifty years ago in front of Inuyasha again, so that Inuyasha could know the truth and solve the misunderstanding between him and Kikyo?

This is obviously impossible!

Such a thankless thing is estimated to be possible only for someone with a Virgin Heart to do! And the night cold, obviously not such a person!

In fact, from the beginning, Yorumaki chose to pull Inuyasha into the fantasy realm, and then used the illusion to present the truth fifty years ago in front of Inuyasha, and he had his own plans!

After all, like I said before, night is not a good person!

At this time, Yehan looked at Inuyasha, who was constantly slaughtering the Kaede villagers in the fantasy realm, and couldn’t help but sneer in his heart: ‘Huh! Anger it! The more angry the better, only this

At this time, Inuyasha in Yehan’s eyes was completely different from what Ari saw, in Yehan’s eyes, Inuyasha’s body not only had blood stained because of the slaughter, but also had a thick black strange energy all over his body, which completely wrapped him inside, making Inuyasha reflect black, and it didn’t affect Inuyasha’s actions, which looked weird.

However, most of these energies apparently hovered in Inuyasha and did not enter his body!

However, there are exceptions!

That is, when Inuyasha waved his claws unhappily at the villagers, it was visible to the naked eye, in the eyes of the night cold, every time Inuyasha waved his claws at the villagers, hovering around Inuyasha’s strange black mist energy, a trace of continuous surging towards Inuyasha’s body, each time the number is small, but it has not stopped!

Moreover, as Inuyasha continues to slaughter, the influx of these strange energies continues to accelerate!

As I said before, Yoruhan is not a soft-hearted person who does good deeds, and the reason why he did so many things against Inuyasha today is because of the strange black energy that surrounded Inuyasha’s body at this time!

There is no doubt that these things are all written by Night Cold, and they are things that have been placed around Night Cold when he first pulled Inuyasha into the fantasy realm.

As I said before, after so many years of cultivation, Yehan’s strength has greatly improved.

And the most obvious manifestation is the three bloodline abilities he possesses!

The power of instant space, the devouring power, and the heavenly demon talent!

Now, after so many years of comprehension and cultivation, Ye Han’s understanding of these three innate abilities has made great progress!

·········· Ask for flowers…

And what is manifested is that the ability of night cold is getting stronger and stronger, and slowly it has begun to become a little strange and unpredictable!

For example, this time the night cold directly pulled Inuyasha and Ari into the illusion realm from thousands of miles away, which is the effect of combining the power of space with the power of heavenly demons.

And at this time, these weird black energies around Inuyasha’s body are also a newly developed ability after Night Cold realized the talent of the Heavenly Demon, and this first use was applied to Inuyasha, the so-called ‘protagonist’!

It’s just that the use of this ability requires some external conditions, such as Inuyasha at this time, which is full of negative emotions!


Of course, it doesn’t have to be this to use this ability, but there is no doubt that in the eyes of the night cold, this is undoubtedly the most suitable way for Inuyasha!

It is precisely because of this that in order to allow Inuyasha to continuously absorb the strange energy that surrounds him, Yakhan quietly generates more villagers to appear in front of Inuyasha without Ari knowing, providing him with objects to kill, otherwise, with Inuyasha’s current violent state, the person in front of him will soon be solved by him!

And this point, from beginning to end, Ah Li next to him did not find it! Of course, this also has something to do with Ari not staying by Inuyasha’s side, otherwise, with Ari’s keen perception, such a big move, even if Yakan makes a move, it may not be able to hide from her.

At this time, in the fantasy world, as Inuyasha continued to slaughter, the black mist that spread all over Inuyasha’s body became faster and faster, and in the end, it even became a 1ong roll, constantly surging towards Inuyasha’s body surface.

Soon, the black mist-like energy around Inuyasha’s body all dissipated, and completely entered Inuyasha’s body, as if it had never existed, only Inuyasha’s body surface could still see a trace of black flashes from time to time, proving that these things once existed, but in the blink of an eye, they were also immersed and never saw a trace of the factory again! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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