In the back mountain of the demon remover village, there is a stalactite cave with many youkai remains.

After the demon slayer at that time discovered this place, they discarded the remaining remains of the weapons and armor that were to blame you inside, and it is said that the Jade of the Four Souls first appeared from here




The sound of tiny footsteps is mixed with the sound of crushing the decaying remains of monsters from time to time! At this time, the bellflower had already passed through the seemingly empty enchantment in front of the stalactite cave and began to sing into it!

The cave was not deep, and it didn’t take long for a slight fluorescence to appear in front of the bellflower, and then after turning a corner, the space in the cave suddenly opened up, and then an exceptionally spectacular scene appeared in front of the bellflower.

I saw that here, countless stalactites in the shape of various monsters, such as evil spirits, earth spiders, and demon 1ong, were together with each other, and the top of these stalactites was a female warrior with a sword whose lower body was completely surrounded by all the monsters, and only the upper body was exposed!

Kikyo knows that these stalactites were formed by the baptism of time 29 after real youkai and people died in battle. And this woman above is the witch who was famous hundreds of years ago for the spell that extracted the soul of the monster and purified it! And the Jade of the Four Souls is the product left after she died with the monster!

When he came here, Kikyo’s usual cold expression couldn’t help but become solemn, and after praying to the stone statue of Suiko with his hands folded, Kikyo raised his head again to look at the stone statue in front of him.

Although it’s not the first time I’ve seen this scene (Kikyo has been here before), every time I see this picture of Suiko fighting with the youkai, Kikyo’s heart can’t help but sigh!

Who would have thought that the Jade of the Four Souls, which had triggered countless slaughters and battles, would be born from a battle to destroy the monsters?

And there is no doubt that the battle between Cuiko and the monsters is not over, not only refers to the souls in the Four Souls and the Monsters who are still fighting (Suiko and the Monsters), but also the series of things caused by the Jade of the Four Souls now!

It can be said that all the battles caused by the Jade of the Four Souls now can be said to be a continuation of the unfinished war between Suiko and the youkai hundreds of years ago!

In the quiet cave, Kikyo stood alone under the stalactites and thought a lot!

The practice before the demon elimination, the travel around to eliminate the demon, the appearance of the Jade of the Four Souls, and Inuyasha…

When he came out of the cave again, Kikyo already had a decision in his heart! Since God has made her come to this world again, then she must always do something to not let herself have regrets!


“Sure enough, there are four soul jade fragments, and it is not in vain that I ran so far to find it specifically!”

In a messy open field, the young master of the demon wolf clan, Steel Fang, was standing in front of the remains of a monster that had been silent, holding a piece of jade that exuded a faint glow with his bloody hand and looking at it, his face full of pride.

Obviously, it was he who had just killed the monster on the ground, the jade fragment of the four souls on Fang’s body.

“It’s really worthy of being the Young Master of Steel Fang, so quickly arrived at a fragment of jade of four souls!”

“Yes, plus this Steel Fang Young Lord, there are three fragments of Four Souls Jade on his body!”

Wannian next to the steel tooth, Yintai and Bai were also happy.


Ignoring the compliments of these two guys, Steel Tooth directly embedded the Jade Fragment of Four Souls into his right hand, stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, feeling the demon power that immediately increased a lot, Steel Tooth couldn’t help but show a satisfied smile.

At this time, his feet and right hand were separately inlaid with the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls, and the power of the fragments not only increased his strength a lot, but also flew sand and stones when he moved, walking like a fly! It can be said that compared to when there is no Four Souls Jade Fragment, the strength is more than one notch stronger!

“Very good, I still have to collect more Jade Fragments of the Four Souls to become more powerful!”

Feeling the strength of his body, Steel Tooth couldn’t help but be proud! He believed that as long as he continued to collect the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls like this, then he would definitely become more and more powerful.

“But Young Master Steel Fang, this should already be the last fragment of the Jade of the Four Souls in this vicinity, and we have looked for other places!”

“Yes, we all searched for this monster for a long time to find it!”

At this time, Gangya’s henchmen, Yintai and Baijiao, poured cold water on the road very facelessly.

Haoyan was interrupted, and Steel Tooth directly became angry, and shouted angrily: “Isn’t it all you guys who haven’t looked for it seriously, won’t you find it farther if you can’t find it here?” ”



Looking at the two attendants who shut up wisely, Gangya couldn’t help but nod with satisfaction, and said generously: “Forget it, in short, don’t be lazy for me!” ”

“Have those birds of paradise been moving lately?” After subduing the two attendants, Gangya began to get down to business.

Recently, the natural enemy of the Demon Wolf Clan, the Bird of Paradise, didn’t know if they learned the news that Steel Fang had four soul jade fragments, not only staring at Steel Fang, but also a large number of convergence phenomena, so Steel Fang also had to be cautious!

Talking about business, the atmosphere that was still a little relaxed immediately became solemn, and Yintai reported: “It’s still the same old way, I have been monitoring over our station, and since none of them have landed, my 253 have no means to deal with them!” ”

Listening to Yintai’s words, Steel Tooth couldn’t help nodding secretly, what Yintai said he also knew that the winged Bird of Paradise clan can fly into the sky, waiting for the opportunity to hunt the demon wolf clan on the ground, and often it is a hit and it is difficult to dodge, which is also the main reason why the Elysium clan is considered the most important enemy of their demon wolf clan!

However, Steel Tooth is worthy of being an outstanding young generation in the demon wolf clan, and he quickly formulated a strategy!

“Since this is the case, then leave them alone for the time being, during this time, let the little wolf cubs under them search to see if they can find the nest of the bird of paradise!” When the time comes, try to serve them all in one pot! ”

“Okay! Steel teeth! Yintai and Baijiao nodded at the same time, finding someone is not difficult for their demon wolf clan!

“That… Steel teeth, and one more thing, recently the wolves said that in addition to the Birds of Paradise family nearby, there were also suspicious guys. ”

At this time, Baijiao said cramped.

“Suspicious guy?” Steel Tooth frowned, and he couldn’t help but secretly guess in his heart if it was another guy who wanted to hit his Four Souls Jade Fragment!


(ps: Demon Wolf Clan: A monster formed by wild wolves, wild sex xue!)

Bird of Paradise: A giant bird yokai, a weird yokai with a human upper body on its back!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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