"Ah, cut!"

After being excited for only two seconds, Kagome sneezed heavily, rubbed her nose carelessly, and followed the crowd into the classroom with her schoolbag.

Kagome's appearance caused quite a stir. As a new member of the Kyudo Club, Kagome became a celebrity in just one month, and then she frequently asked for leave.

At this time, pretty boys were quite popular in Japan, especially pretty boys with weak features.

As soon as she arrived in the classroom, curious eyes were cast from all directions, and the girls chattered and talked in a low voice.

"Ah, it's Higurashi-kun... How come you look more handsome after not seeing him for a few days?"

"You feel it too? Right, right? Eh~ You look much more mature~"

"You have a good figure too."

"Ah, has Higurashi-kun lost weight?"

"He has grown taller, and his hair is longer than before, but it suits him."

Kagome didn't notice it at all. His dizzy brain was enough to make him feel much slower. He lay on his seat, frowning and rubbing his temples, hoping to relieve the symptoms.

The girls closed their eyes, raised their heads and covered their mouths, and covered their chests with their other hands. Higurashi-kun's frowning face made people feel distressed!

Hojo-kun came to Kagome, tilted his head and looked at him, with a little worry in his eyes, "What's wrong? Kagome, you look very bad."

"Ah..." Kagome sighed, "I caught a cold last night, and I started to have a headache when I got up this morning." It was okay when he entered the school gate, but he had a headache again as soon as he sat down.

Seeing that it was Hojo-kun, he perked up and asked with his chin propped up, "What do we need to do for today's May Festival? I finally made it in time, I want to..."

Kagome didn't finish her sentence, she held her head and frowned, her head hurt so much, did the medicine she took in the morning not work?

She rubbed her head hard, it seemed like there was a needle stabbing in her head from time to time, sometimes it hurt and sometimes it was just heavy.

"You should have a good rest." Hojo-kun advised, "Besides, we have discussed the specific arrangements before, and the division of labor is clear..."

Hojo-kun didn't dare to let Kagome do the heavy work of moving things. His hands, with scabs of large and small wounds, looked shocking.

Kagome lowered her hands listlessly, knocking her chin on the table, "Oh... okay."

The lost look made Hojo-kun scratch his head, "Why don't you... go to the Kyudo Club to see if there is anything you need." After all, he is a member of the Kyudo Club.

"Kyudo Club?" Kagome thought carefully, it was a club she joined to practice archery skills.

During the time before he went to the Warring States, he practiced every day when he was free. The club didn't have any requirements, he just needed to take pictures and do publicity, and he was free and relaxed.

Where is there anything he needs?

"I'll go take a look."

He did it as he said, anyway, he had nothing to do now.

For large-scale events like the May Festival, the school would suspend classes to let students prepare for the activities. Kagome used to prepare ingredients with her friends. The only performance she had was the cultural festival, where Inuyasha split the ceiling of the performance theater with a knife.

He couldn't participate in the show. Why did they rehearse in advance when he only came for one day?

Kagome was looking forward to the May Festival, a rare memory of the three years of junior high school. She was too busy in the Warring States and later, and the future was blank. Exams, monsters, battles, the Four Souls Jade, and Inuyasha's... feelings, all weighed on him, and he couldn't distract himself from his own life.

Back to the present, Kagome also wants to enjoy herself, as for Sengoku...

"Well, Inuyasha's weapon is already in hand, Naraku hasn't appeared yet, and with Kikyo she shouldn't... Ahem!" Another sneeze, Kagome rubbed her red nose, "Well, it's okay."

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