When the distortion of the hierarchy transition faded, Sky and his gang arrived in an unfamiliar place.

In front of you is a series of long, dark zigzagging corridors similar in structure to Level 0, but unlike the hum of Level 0, it is filled with roaring machine noise.

The walls here consist of dusty brown bricks, partly with copper pipes and machine parts.

The floor is made up of gray tile floors covered with more dust, while the ceiling is made entirely of metal.

After a short look, several people understood that they had come to a new place.

[Skywalker has discovered a new

level: Level 3 - Power Station] Level Information - [Level 3 - Power Station

] [Survival Difficulty: Level 4] [Unsafe] [Unstable

] [Medium Entity

] [


: Level

3 is the fourth level of the back room, consisting of a series of long, dark winding corridors, and randomly divided rooms. This level is filled with power rooms and dangerous and explosive unknown energy

machines] [Entrance: Level 2 unlocked doors may lead to Level 3

] [Exit: (to be explored)] [

Note: Stay away from those explosive machines! After

previewing the level data at the speed of light, the four people were slightly stunned.

Survival difficulty level 4?

“woc? Level 3 difficulty jump 4 directly?

Angela was surprised: "Shouldn't the difficulty gradually increase one level at a time?"

Sky fell into deep thought, remembered the difficulty of Level 0.2, and said: "The difficulty of the level may be random.

The real eel panted, "Forget it, don't care about this."

"They all ran to the next level, that monster should not chase..." Before the

words were finished, everyone's eyes couldn't help but blink.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the headless corpse of the real eel, kneeling weakly.

Hee ~ hee ~ hee ~ cut

out from the wall, the pink skirt faceless spirit let out an innocent laugh, and approached everyone step by step.

The faces of those who were still alive sank.

Instant noodles looked incredulous, and glared: "This, this, this Nima, the monster of the previous level can still chase it?!" "


"Core, does the Pink Skirt Faceless Spirit have the ability to cross levels?"

Seeing the faceless spirit of the pink skirt coming out of the wall, Ye Xiao questioned.

"Yes, host."

"The Faceless Spirit of the Pink Skirt can also cross levels, but there are two prerequisites: First, the two levels are connected to each other."

"The second is that it must be near a door or wall that can be passed, so that it can be cut in." Core replied.

Ye Xiao nodded and continued to look at the picture.

In the back room, cutting in and out is not exclusive to humans.

Some entities can also do it.

For example, partygoers.

They have the ability to move through the hierarchy, and no one knows how they do it.

In addition to this, there was a case in Level 11.

Within this recognized level of safety, 2 extremely dangerous crushers appeared!

Later investigation, it was found that these crushers were not generated in Level 11, but cut from Level 9.

All the information is superficial.

Part of the body of the back chamber also has the ability to cut in and out.

There is very little known about the pink skirt faceless.

When encountering her wanderers, they are basically out of touch.

Regular armed forces are not afraid of a single pink skirt faceless, but in view of its danger, they are usually killed directly, and there are few contact records.


Sky's group has begun to run away again.

"Players and Wanderers are already at Level 3, the same level as the Gamma base."

The core asked: Do you want to ask for support from the Gamma base?

Ye Xiao looked at the few people who fled, and quickly said, "No need. "

Because the direction in which several people fled was opposite to where the Gamma base was.



"Why are there so many weirds in this level!"

Several people frantically run away in Level 3.

Behind them is a pack of Level 3 native hounds, mixed with a few laughing nightmares.

Level 3 is flooded with dangerous entities, the most common being hounds, laughing nightmares, and limbs.

In addition, there are tragic corpses, death moths, skin thieves, blunt people, acid blasters, etc. can all be encountered.

In order to avoid the pink skirt faceless spirit, those who are still alive have to continue to escape.

Due to lack of experience, after 2 hours.

They successfully attracted a large group of monsters in Level 3, which has the entry for [Medium Entity].

Fortunately, Level 3's unstable machines occasionally explode.

When everyone rushed through a control console placed in the corridor, a spark suddenly appeared from the control console, followed by an explosion!


Several hounds and laughing wails came.

The explosion blocked the pursuing entity behind them, leaving everyone a chance to breathe.

Frantically poured almond water into your mouth.

While quickly regaining his strength, Sky suddenly saw a door in the corridor next to him.

An unmarked door.

Sky pushed it open and inside was a quirky octagonal little room with no exit.

There was only one car in the room.

"There are cars here! Maybe you can come up and avoid it! Listening

to this, Angela and Instant Noodles were ready to go in.

Charles seemed to remember something terrifying, and frantically grabbed Sky.

He also shouted in a lost voice: "Don't go in!!"

"Why?" Sky froze.

In this short moment of stagnation, the hound behind him had already caught up.

The few who had no choice but to continue to run for their lives.


, everyone ran into a corridor marked "Emergency Passage."

There is an iron door deep in the passage.

But it was blocked by a sealed iron gate.

Angela held the gate and shook it vigorously twice, and the iron gate did not move.

"It's over!"

Blocked to a dead end, Charles sat down in despair, it seems that today is inevitable death.

Angela did not give up, lifted the chainsaw, and began to see madly at this iron gate!

Sky also wielded a dagger to frantically stab his defenseless lower abdomen with a dagger while a hunting dog pounced on him to bite his arm.

By killing the second one, Sky felt his left hand lose control.

Instant noodles cried while kicking a pounced hunting dog.

Behind, more entities are coming.

Moreover, the laughter still did not disappear, but got closer and closer!

"NPC, are there any auxiliary items!"

In desperation, Instant Noodles began to turn to Charles.

After shouting a few times, Charles reacted that he was calling him, gritted his teeth, and took out several orange crystals from his pocket, one of which was half the size of a head and was crimson!

"This is fire salt, I strayed into Level 2 to collect them!"

【Object 16-Fire Salt】Fire

salt is a volatile crystal, randomly distributed in Level 1~Level 4, but common in resource-rich Level 3.

High hardness but brittle, easy to be damaged by impact.

When it breaks, it burns and deflagrates!

More than 50g of fire salt can even produce the explosive effect of TNT!

After quickly reading the synopsis of the fire salt, Sky understood: "This thing can be used as a small bomb, use it to delay time!" Saying

that, he quickly picked up a small piece of fire salt.

Throw it out hard and smash it hard in the face of a hound, which recently pounced!

After a flash, the face of the hound exploded on the spot, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the hound let out a miserable wail!

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