Level 5 - Horror Hostel, lobby.

A secluded corner.

With no one watching, a wooden door appeared out of thin air on the wall.

Ye Xiao and the Blue Knight walked out of Level 19.

"Blue, your first time here."

"Well, first time."

The blue knight looked around curiously.

This is the third level it has come to besides Level 28, and although he has often felt his breath from one level to another, it is the first time he has come to his territory.

"Let's go, let's go see our new stronghold first."

Ye Xiao smiled lightly: "In 3 days, when my subordinates are almost assembled, I will ask you to suppress the beast head-on."

"No problem."

According to the core combat simulation calculations.

With the help of the Blue Knight, the probability of 80 first-time players killing the beast reaches 95.3%.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are few wanderers in Level 5 during this time, it is a good time to quietly kill him.

And he came in person to place blockades and prevent the beast from escaping.

Number of players currently in Level 5: 132.

Half of them are first-time beta players.

Ye Xiao clicked on the perspective of the nearest player: a group of players with an average level 30 were fighting against the beast, and as expected, they were destroyed by the group within a minute.

Two people came to the stronghold.

There is nothing here except a large area of empty rooms, and unlike the Alpha base, everything is in ruins.

New arsenals, lines of defense, living quarters and everything else must be arranged as soon as possible.

After upgrading the resurrection device to level 2, the core reminded:

"Host, after hitting Level 5, it will take the player about half a month to reach Level 10 and Level 11."

"However, it is not ruled out that there are lucky ones who arrive at the end of Level 69."


Ye Xiao replied casually and nodded, "Only these two levels have enough vast space to accommodate 100,000 people in the third test.

"There are only these two levels, connected to a large number of levels, allowing players to find out the mouth unscrupulously."

The goal now is to lay the springboard for Level 5 and move towards Level 10 and Level 11.

Before fighting the beast, be prepared.

Ye Xiao took out the rule fist sleeve: "Let's start leveling." "

The VCR-Regular Power Fist is a low-level Bug weapon that can be enhanced a total of 5 times.

A single enhancement consumes 30,000 and is upgraded to level 3, just enough to consume the construction energy obtained during this time.

In addition to a 10% increase in power with each level, levels 3 and 5 unlock special skills.

Enhancement Level 3 unlocks a new feature - Fist of the Void: Consuming 3,000 energy at a time, the fist can break through the Void, and the attack can be launched in the space within a radius of 10 meters.

Enhancement Level 5 unlocks a new feature - Spatial Distortion Reduction: A single energy consumption of 5000 can counteract any unnaturally occurring spatial distortion, such as that generated by anti-Euclidean devices.

After the upgrade, Ye Xiao felt that the fullness of the fist sleeve was even worse.

Curious asked: "Core, even if it is upgraded to level 5, it cannot be compared with the intermediate Bug weapon?"


The core explained: "After reaching level 5, with the current strength of the host, it can already suppress the entity of Lv 150 head-on, but even then it cannot reach the intermediate level.

Ye Xiao nodded.

Medium-tier Bug weapon, already has mass destruction. He doesn't know exactly what it is, because he can't afford it yet.

The most recommended mid-tier Bug weapon in the core is the Shattered Blade.

【Price: 2,400,000 Structural Energy】Equivalent

to 300 times that of a fist.

According to the core statement, with it singled out, an entity below level 200 could not take him.

As for the more terrifying high-level.

Its information is not yet available.

But the amount of tectonic energy required....

Ye Xiao felt that he was going to break 100 million.


The beast has been disgusted lately.

A peculiar creature has recently appeared in the hotel.

They are very aggressive, they come up to attack themselves and their employees when they see them in hotels, and they also like to take along some of their own collections, which is a combination of robbers and thieves.

The point is, this thing can't kill.

The beast has seen several in the past few days, and the things that were obviously smashed by their heads appeared in front of them intact.

Inside the office.

He was bored to take out the bullet embedded in his body, and he didn't even sit hot in his ass.

There was another whining cry outside: "Brothers, this statue is golden, let's quickly move it away!" "

This thing is endless?!"

The angry beast stood up and entered a door behind him.

Space distortion, directly in the lobby.

"I wipe, does the boss react so quickly?"

[Anthropomorphic Sans] exclaimed, and was punched in the head by the beast.

Others raised their guns before they could pull the trigger –

a chaotic, frantic consciousness flooded into everyone's minds.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

The beast rushed forward quickly, and its hammer-like fists smashed down one after another, killing this team of second-test players one by one.

When killing Meng Po.

He sobered up and couldn't help exclaiming: "I'll wipe it, just take a statue of this boss is anxious."

"Who in the family understands..." Before

he finished speaking, he was punched in the head by the beast.

But before dying, Meng Po also threw out the Molotov cocktail.


The bottle shattered, and the flames burned along the alcohol, quickly igniting the ornate carpet.


He frowned.

Use your mind to manipulate the space of Level 5 and replace the sluice room with the next room.

This extinguished the flames.

Then he summoned several men, Entity 111 - butler and Entity 135 - Bellman, and began to clean the ruined hall.

Just as I was about to go back.

He suddenly smelled a familiar breath.

Familiar, disgusting to Him.

The beast turned to the lobby, and his gaze gradually became cold: "The fly has been killed, and now there are 2 more mice." "


"How's that girl?"

"Lost at the door of the Omega base."

The lobby elevator door "ding" open, and 006 and 007 walked out of it.

"This is his territory, is it really okay for us to walk here?"

006 glanced at him: "Unless you want to go to Level 69, besides, the number of times the ability to cut through space has been given to us by adults has been exhausted."

"Right now we're not in good shape and can't take risks."

"Also, next time you should consider saving others under the premise of ensuring your own safety."

007's eyes flickered, and after a moment, he shook his head slightly: "I just don't want the second Alice to appear." The

2 headed towards the boiler room leading to Level 6.

This is also the direction of Ye Xiaoxin's stronghold.

"Host, 2 Lv 150 energy sources detected, right behind you!"


Ye Xiao put down the task he was editing for the player in his hand and looked back.

I saw 2 men dressed in black appear at the end of the corridor.

Seeing Ye Xiao and the Blue Knight, they were also stunned, as if they didn't expect the Blue Knight to appear here.

Four eyes opposite.


"It's you, you're the one from the UEC."

Ye Xiao: "? "

Am I not a MEG?

How did it become UEC?

Ye Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth, and before he could explain

, 007 had already erupted at an amazing speed, and the mahogany floor under his feet shattered instantly, and he arrived in front of Ye Xiao almost in a breath.

Grab him.

"Come with me."

And at the same time that 007 rushed up.

The blue knight's body began to bloom.

The upgraded gloves wrapped around Ye Xiao's fist at the speed of light, and he opened the fight, just when he was about to greet this guy with a punch.

The surrounding space seems to have changed somewhat.

Ye Xiaoyuguang couldn't help but look at the wall next to him, only to see that the place that was still a wall just now suddenly turned into a wooden door.

007 also seemed to sense a dangerous aura.

Instantly pulled out the long knife and turned around to block in front of him.


The wooden door shattered with a "boom", and the figure of the beast flashed.

He attacked 007 and punched 007 in the chest with a long knife made of special materials!


007 snorted, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

But the eyes were fierce in an instant.

Then this force was hit hard, and a reflexive kick hit the octopus head of the beast!


Under this blow, the beast's head turned a fist 180°, and the octopus's eyes stared directly at Ye Xiao behind him, looking a little frightened.

007 returned to 006.

Ignoring the injury, he asked coldly, "Beast, why stop me?"

"Did he discover our plan?"

Looking at the beast that suddenly appeared, Ye Xiao thought that his plan to kill him to occupy Level 5 was exposed.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Because the attention of the beast is completely focused on the 2 arbiters.

Unhurriedly, he clasped the completely bent octopus's head with both hands, and with a tooth-biting "click" sound, he screwed the head back abruptly.

With deep eyes, he said, "I don't welcome people from Argos here."

"I don't care if you're welcome."

007 spit out the blood in his lips, and two cold and shiny long knives came out of the sheath: "Get away." The

beast did not speak.

Just a gentle lift of your hand.

The space of click

~click~Level 5 seems to be changing.

Like a Rubik's cube, walls and wooden doors quickly rotate and deform, making the corridor even more open.


Is this a story?

Ye Xiao looked strange, and took the blue knight back a little.

Looks like it's going to fight.

Just let the arbiter test the depth of the beast.

He originally wanted to retreat further, but the core sentence made his heart move instantly:

"The host, judging the regular sequence in the human body, can be pasted to the human body."


, and thought that a big war was going to break out.

006 grabbed 007's shoulders and shook his head silently at him.

007 frowned slightly and pointed at Ye Xiao: "He is from UEC." "

I saw him kidnap Part, and I suspect that MEG's claim that Part is staying at the Beta base is false news."

"It may be a cover for their incompetence in not keeping Paltt."

006 heard this and stared at Ye Xiao for a while.

Then he shook his head and said, "I know this person, he is from MEG's Alpha base, and it is indeed not UEC."

"Whether it is or not, just bring it back for interrogation."

007 said in a deep voice: "You come and drag the beast, I'll go and catch him."

006 still shook his head and glanced at the beast with jealousy: "We are in a bad state, there is no need to conflict with him on his territory."

"The above asked us to go back as soon as possible to take on new tasks, don't delay."

Listening to this, 007 glanced at Ye Xiao unwillingly, and then saw the blue knight beside him, and only nodded after a moment: "Okay." And

just as the two were about to leave.

In the built-in communicator, suddenly came a majestic voice:

"Test Him."

Both of them were slightly silent.

After immediately confirming that the news was correct, his eyes instantly became sharp, even 006, who had been opposing it before, replied forcefully at this moment:


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