"Water friends, don’t worry!"

Looking at the extremely lively barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Jiang said softly:

"Friends, let me first give you a brief introduction to the visitor from another world around me. His name is Asuka Rangre!"

"The red robot driven by Asuka Rangray is called EVA!"

"The world she/they come from is a world called"Neon Genesis Evangelion"!"

"As for the world of"Neon Genesis Evangelion"……"

"The overall setting of this world is a bit too complicated! It would be too troublesome to popularize science!"

"When I have time later, I will tell you more slowly!"

: Ah?! Brother Chen, don't wait until you have time later!:

Don't you have time now? Why not talk now!:

Yes, Brother Chen! Tell us now!:

Woohoo! Brothers , Sisters! While talking and laughing, Brother Chen casually used the shovel in his hand to dig a new deep hole for us! :

I am really too worried now. I am afraid that I will die in the future. Brother Chen, the holes you dug have not been filled yet!

: In the future? Not so much in the future!

: Brother Chen! All the roommates in my dormitory are about to die! Their only wish before death is now , I just want to hear you fill in the pitfalls of the world of"Neon Genesis Evangelion"!

: Otherwise, they will die in peace!

: Good guy, I call you good guy with special code!

: The smart guy upstairs, you He is also a ruthless person!

: He sacrificed all his roommates while talking and laughing!

: Man, this is no longer a ruthless person!

: But a naked wolf destroyer!

I heard that Chen Jiang dug a new big one for himself Pit, tens of millions of online friends in the live broadcast room suddenly felt that their lives were full of"fun" and"hope""!

"Chen, Chen Jiang! Who are you talking to?"

At this time, Asuka came over with curiosity on her face.

When Asuka saw the barrage that filled the entire screen on Chen Jiang's phone, as well as various gifts, she was immediately shocked!

"Chen Jiang! What are these?"

Asuka has never seen these things before!

"This is called mobile live streaming!"

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Jiang explained casually.

"Mobile live broadcast? what is that?"

Asuka didn't understand Chen Jiang's words.

"I'll explain this to you later.

Arriving in front of the EVA machine driven by Asuka, Chen Jiang said softly:"Let's leave this mountain forest now!""

"Leave from this place? no problem!"

Hearing Chen Jiang's words, Asuka immediately said:"Chen Jiang! I'm driving Unit 2 to take you away now!"

"Need not! If you drive Unit 2 to the city, it will cause unnecessary trouble! Chen

Jiang waved his hand and said:"And in the urban area, if an accident happens accidentally, it will also bring losses to the city~!""

"Chen Jiang, what do you mean?……"

Asuka blinked and said,"Leave Unit 2 here?"

"Stay here? of course not!

Chen Jiang chuckled and said,"How could such a special treasure from the heavens be left here?""

"But didn’t you just say that you can’t drive Unit 2 to the city? Asuka said very puzzledly:"Since we can't drive Unit 2 to the city and we can't leave Unit 2 here, what should we do with Unit 2?""

"Just deal with it!"

While speaking, the space ring on Chen Jiang's right hand suddenly erupted with an extremely dazzling white light!

The next moment!

The white light erupting from the space ring instantly enveloped and wrapped the EVA machine 40 meters in front of him!

"What are these white lights?"

Seeing this scene, Asuka's face was filled with shock!

Before Asuka could react, the space ring worn by Chen Jiang on his right hand once again burst out with the same white light as before!

Then! As

Asuka watched in disbelief, she The EVA machine he was driving actually turned into a white light and penetrated into the space ring on Chen Jiang's right hand!

"2. Unit No. 2 actually disappeared?!!"

At this time, Asuka was completely stunned!

"Chen Jiang! what is going on?!"

Staring at the space ring on Chen Jiang's right hand, Asuka's beautiful eyes were already widened to the maximum extent!

"What is this ring in your hand? Why can the No. 2 machine I'm driving be sucked directly into it?"

Asuka can't even figure it out even if she thinks about it! How can this ring in Chen Jiang's hand... inhale the EVA unit?!

"The ring in my hand is called a space ring! You can store all any objects in it! No matter how big or small!"

For Asuka's face full of surprise, Chen Jiang explained patiently while using the gravity fruit ability on Asuka.


Asuka floated directly into the air!

"Oh oh oh! Why am I flying again?!"

Asuka feels like her CPU is completely burned out at this moment!

:Brothers and sisters! Have you seen it!

:These visitors from another world have really never seen the world!

:Just seeing the tip of the iceberg of the abilities displayed by Brother Chen, Already shocked into this state, hey!:

Guys upstairs, why are you so proud of yourself?:

When you - no! I should say we were like that! After seeing the power of the treasures of the heavens displayed by Brother Chen, no? Is this the same?:

Damn! My original reaction was not like this!:

It was an exaggeration that was even more special than this!:

Exaggeration +1! I still remember that when Brother Chen used the Demon King Driver for the first time, When I transformed into the Demon King of Time, I was so pissed that I peed!

: Haha! I peed? What do you mean by that?

: I actually peed it directly in my pants! Humph! (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)


: No, buddy! What are you proud of here?:

What is there to be proud of in this meow?!:

What is this called? This is called rolling everything, just It will hurt you!:

That! Who said it was in the pants just now? Is it hot? Come on, come on! Let me taste it!:

Good guy, I call you good guy!:

It turns out that he is a heavyweight The contestants are here with the special code!:

Sure enough! The old saying is absolutely true!:

When the number of people in the live broadcast room increases, there will be all kinds of perverts!


Under the gaze of tens of millions of water fans in the live broadcast room, Chen Jiang explained to Asuka while taking him back to the city

"Is this the city of Blue Star?"

After following Chen Jiang to the city, Asuka looked at the high-rise buildings around her and said,"There is not much difference between this city and the world city I was in before!"

"Of course there is no big difference!

Chen Jiang said softly:"You can understand Blue Star as a world without apostles!""[]

"In addition, you can also find your favorite ice cream in Blue Star!"

After a pause, Chen Jiang added:"And there are many flavors of ice cream!"

"Chen, Chen Jiang! How do you know I like to eat……"

Hearing Chen Jiang mention his favorite food, Asuka's beautiful face suddenly turned as red as an apple and said:"Ice cream?"

"'Because I'm very familiar with you."

This sentence...

Chen Jiang is not lying!

Because the character Asuka! is indeed one of Chen Jiang's childhood goddesses!

"You, you are very familiar with me?!"

Chen Jiang's words made Asuka's face even redder!

: That... brothers and sisters!

: I have a question now, I want to ask you guys!

: Brother Chen, is he flirting with Asuka right now? ?!

: The smart guy upstairs, do you still need to ask us about such an obvious thing? This must be so special!

: Woohoo! Brother Chen! Why don’t you flirt with me!

: Isn’t it possible because? Am I a man?!

:……This gay man! Please calm down!

: Everyone! I don’t understand it now! Brother Chen knows the identity of these visitors from another world, as well as his/their information! Why do you understand so clearly?!

: Why do you understand so clearly? Didn’t Brother Chen explain this reason to us a long time ago?

:Have you explained it? When did this happen?!

: Why don’t I have this impression?!

:+1! I have no impression either!

: You people’s brains are so forgetful!

: Brother Chen’s original explanation was: He opened it himself!

:……Damn it! Do you think you are very humorous?

:alright! Stop talking about this nonsense!

: Look! Did Brother Chen find the treasure from the heavens?

During the lively discussion in the live broadcast room, Chen Jiang suddenly stopped and (hao Mano) looked in front of him. next moment.

A prompt from the treasure hunting radar suddenly popped up in front of Chen Jiang!

【Four hundred and thirty-five meters ahead, treasures from the heavens were discovered!】

"Water friends, I am lucky! Looking at the treasure hunt prompt in front of him, Chen Jiang chuckled and said,"I didn't expect that I would find a new treasure from the heavens just after I returned to the city!""

"A new treasure from the heavens?"

Hearing Chen Jiang's words, Asuka, who had already eaten strawberry-flavored ice cream, blinked curiously. During the time when he returned to the city from the mountains and forests, Chen Jiang had already brought all the treasures in the world, as well as strange things. All the monsters and visitors in the world were told to Asuka in detail.


Chen Jiang took Asuka, who was full of expectation and curiosity, to follow the treasure hunting prompts in front of him to find new treasures in the world.


Chen Jiang came Go to the specific location of the new heavenly treasures

【Five meters ahead, a treasure from the heavens was discovered! 】

I saw that there was no other farmer directly in front of Chen Jiang.

It's actually a waste recycling station

"The heavenly treasure found this time is actually in the scrapyard?"

Looking at the treasure hunting prompt in front of him again, after confirming that the prompt was correct, Chen Jiang took Asuka and walked into the scrap recycling station. That is, when Chen Jiang just walked into the scrap recycling station, he immediately saw the figure lying directly in front of him. There is an old pink door panel!.

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