After hearing Chen Jiang say that the doll in Fan Wenwen's hand was actually a treasure from other worlds, all the online friends in the live broadcast room were suddenly filled with curiosity.

Especially Fan Wenwen, who owns the doll, couldn't wait to ask Chen Jiangdao:"Chen, Brother Chen! Since this doll is a treasure from the heavens! Then can you tell me the origin and ability of this treasure from the heavens?!"

"Fan Wenwen water friends, don't be anxious. After taking a sip of water

, Chen Jiang said softly:"I will now educate you on the origin of this treasure from the heavens!""

"First of all, the teddy bear in your hand comes from a world called the"League of Legends" world!"

"《The overall world view of the world of"League of Legends" is so huge that it can't be explained in just a few words!"

"Now we will only talk about the owner of this treasure from the heavens - the daughter of darkness, also called Annie!"

"In the setting of the"League of Legends" world, Annie lives at the foot of the mountains north of Noxus, and from the moment Annie was born, she was able to master unfathomable pyromagnetic energy! Become an outlier among magicians!"

"Secondly, in the pyromagnetic magic, Annie can also summon her teddy bear Tibbers...that is, the toy bear in Fan Wenwen Water Friends, into a terrifying giant bear!"

"And he can control this giant bear to cause immeasurable damage to everything around him!"

"And the treasure ability of this heavenly treasure is to allow the owner of the treasure to gain - Annie's power!"


Almost as soon as Chen Jiang finished popularizing science and found out about the origins and abilities of this heavenly treasure in Fan Wenwen's hand, the live broadcast room suddenly aroused a lot of uproar and discussion!:

Damn it!"League of Legends" The world?:

Annie, the daughter of darkness? Tibbers the teddy bear?:

Good guy, I call you good guy!:

Brothers and sisters! Brother Chen dug a hole again!:

Woohoo! I just said I have already guessed that Brother Chen will definitely dig a big hole for us while talking and laughing when he still has the ability to popularize the origin of this heavenly treasure!:

Okay, okay! Don’t worry about Brother Chen, whether he has dug something new for us. What a scam! I’m used to it anyway!

: Habit +1! I just want to see now, Miss Fan Wenwen, how to show off this treasure from the heavens!

: That’s right! Miss Fan Wenwen! Show us this now! What are the abilities of treasures from all over the world!

During the lively discussion in the live broadcast room, Fan Wenwen also looked at Chen Jiang and said:"Chen, Brother Chen! This heavenly should I use it?"

"The method of use is very simple!"

Without unnecessary nonsense, Chen Jiang told Fan Wenwen how to use this treasure from the heavens:"You only need to face this treasure from the heavens and shout the words"Have you seen my little bear?" You can gain the power of this treasure!"

"That’s it! That’s it! Brother Chen, I understand!"

After listening to Chen Jiang's explanation, Fan Wenwen shouted to the stuffed bear in his hand while all the sailors in the live broadcast room looked at him with curiosity and expectancy:

"Have you seen my little bear?"


Almost at the moment Fan Wenwen finished speaking, this treasure from the world of"League of Legends" suddenly burst out with an extremely dazzling red light!

The next moment!

This red-light stuffed bear emerged from Fan Wenwen's hand floated directly in the air!

And there were streams of flames pouring out from the doll bear's body!

Immediately afterwards!

These flames pouring out from the doll bear's body were all integrated into Fan Wenwen's body. in vivo!

"Chen, Brother Chen! What is this-eh?"

When he saw these flames actually integrated into his body, Fan Wenwen's expression suddenly changed!

Before Fan Wenwen could scream, he was surprised to find that these flames were not hot at all to him! Not only was there no trace of The negative impact of this made his body full of strength!

At the same time,

Annie's magic and magical skills and moves all appeared in Fan Wenwen's mind!

"Chen, Brother Chen!! I now have mastery of this heavenly treasure!! And also possesses Annie's magic!!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Fan Wenwen's face was full of excitement and excitement, and when he opened the five fingers of his right hand, a ball of fire suddenly appeared in his hand!

"Brother Chen!! look!!"

: Damn it! Brothers and sisters!:

Look! Fan Wenwen's right hand is on fire!:

Oh my god! It turns out that Brother Chen just said that the inflammatory magic possessed by Annie is actually flame magic!:

Upstairs Dude, what else?:

Damn! I thought it was salt! I was wondering just now! What is the use of salt magic? Can it kill the opponent?:

Genius! You are so smart, you are really a genius!:

I declare here! Your special meow can be discharged from the hospital!

: Discharged? Can this special meow be discharged from the hospital? I am afraid that you, the attending doctor, have also been infected with brain disease!

: Woohoo! I now find that the treasure ability to control fire is really special. So handsome!

: When can I get this kind of treasure!

: When? Isn’t it hard to say? Go to bed while it’s still dark! :

Maybe I can get it in my daydream!

: Damn you chicken! Come here! See if I can make you so cute that you bloom!

: Poke, bloom? Where are the flowers blooming?

: Damn! You are driving again, right?

See the model article After obtaining Annie's magic, the online friends in the live broadcast room were full of envy and jealousy!

"Fan Wenwen water friends!"

At this time, Chen Jiang suddenly said softly:"You have mastered Annie's magical power, so now you can also control this stuffed bear!"

"Fuck, control a stuffed bear?"

Hearing Chen Jiang's words, Fan Wenwen was stunned for a moment and said:"Brother Chen! Can this stuffed bear still be controlled?"

"certainly! This stuffed bear is no ordinary stuffed bear! It is Annie’s most powerful accessory item in the world of"League of Legends"!"

Chen Jiang explained:"As long as this teddy bear is successfully activated, the teddy bear can turn into a real giant bear! And it also has the same pyromagnetic power!"

You know, in the world of"League of Legends", Annie's stuffed bear is designed as a ultimate move!

This shows how powerful this stuffed bear is!

"This stuffed bear can also possess pyro magic! ?"

After hearing Chen Jiang's explanation, Fan Wenwen, who was already excited, almost jumped up and said:"Brother Chen! What should I do about this stuffed bear?——"

Before Fan Wenwen could finish his words, the stuffed bear floating in the air suddenly fell down! next moment!

The idea of ​​how to control the teddy bear also appeared in Fan Wenwen's mind!

"oh! Brother Chen! I understand how to control it!"

After digesting the information in his mind, Fan Wenwen suddenly opened his eyes with excitement!

"Brother Chen! Can I control the stuffed bear now?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After getting the method to control the teddy bear, Fan Wenwen couldn't wait to show it off!

"sure! only……"

Chen Jiang reminded:"Friend Fan Wenwen, please be careful not to let your stuffed bear release pyromagnetic energy in the room!"

"I-I understand! Brother Chen!"

After receiving Chen Jiang's approval, Fan Wenwen did not hesitate at all, and immediately used Annie's magic to remove the seal from the doll bear in front of him!

At the moment Fan Wenwen removed the seal, the doll bear, which was originally only an elbow-sized doll, suddenly became eyes. Emitting a red light!

The next moment!

In the live broadcast room, under the surprised gazes of all water friends, this stuffed bear suddenly grew several times larger!

Almost in the blink of an eye, it turned into a two-meter giant bear!


Looking at the roaring giant bear, the already lively barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded!

: Damn it!! Damn it!! Damn it!!

: But I am uneducated! I can take the world with just one word!

: Oh my god! This doll has actually grown so big? []

: Damn! This enlarged doll bear is probably over two meters tall, right?

: Awesome! Although this giant bear is not as big as other monsters Ridiculous, but it looks very oppressive!

: +1 for the oppressive feeling! Especially those glowing eyes! It looks so oppressive and handsome!

After seeing the stuffed bear in Fan Wenwen's hand, it turned out to be so huge. , all the water friends were open-mouthed!

So, in the following period, Chen Jiang explained to Fan Wenwen some details about the detailed capabilities of this treasure from the heavens, as well as its settings, and then ended the live broadcast. Connect

"Alright, water friends! After the live broadcast ended, Chen Jiang looked at the lively barrage in the live broadcast room and said,"Today's live broadcast is over!""

"Have any water friends found treasures from the heavens or discovered visitors from other worlds now?"

"If so, you can apply for a live broadcast connection now!"

"If not, then it will be downloaded!"

: Ah!? Brother Chen, are you going to stop broadcasting now?:

No, don't pay! Brother Chen! Today's live broadcast time... okay! Today's live broadcast is long enough!:

But can it be longer, Chen Brother!:

Woohoo! Brother Chen! Please broadcast again!:

You were off the air for five whole days!:

You didn’t start broadcasting for five days!:

Are there no more broadcasts today

?: Damn it! You guys think, after Brother Chen goes off the air this time, will he be off the air for another five days?

: Maybe, it will be longer than five days!

: Damn it! The smart guy upstairs, hurry up and close your Crow's Mouth! If you can't speak, don't say it!

: If Brother Chen really goes off the air again tomorrow, I will definitely go offline to tell you the truth! I will tease you after the truth is over!

When I heard that Chen Jiang was going to go off the air, thousands of people in the live broadcast room Wanshui friends all had faces full of reluctance.

However, Chen Jiang ignored the reluctance of these barrages and ended the broadcast directly.

"Water friends, see you again next time!".

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