"Damn it! This heavenly treasure from the world of"Fruit Treasure Mecha" can actually summon mechas?"

"Oh my God! I have never seen a mecha-type treasure from the heavens!"

"Are the mecha-type treasures from the heavens the same as the science fiction movies we usually watch?"

After listening to Chen Jiang's popular science about the power of the Holy Sword, everyone in the conference room was full of surprise.

"But...Brother Chen, I have a question!"

At this time, Duan Mulei, who owned the Nava Armor Summoner, suddenly looked at Chen Jiang and said:"The mecha summoned with this treasure from the heavens will not be only the size of a fruit, right?"

"Yes, yes! Brother Chen! The mecha summoned by this heavenly treasure won't be very small, right?"

Hearing Duan Mulei's words, the rest of the people in the conference room also reacted.

If the orange battle treasure mecha summoned with this holy sword is only the size of a fruit... then it will be... Nothing left to use!

"Don’t worry, the orange battle treasure mecha summoned by this holy sword is not the same size as a fruit!"

Chen Jiang explained:"Although the orange battle treasure summoned by the Holy Sword is not as powerful as the EVA Unit 2 driven by Asuka, it is still six or seven meters high!"

"In addition, it is very simple to use this holy sword to summon the orange war treasure!"

Looking at the Holy Sword in the conference room, Chen Jiang truthfully told Amy and others how to use the Holy Sword:

"As long as the owner of the treasure holds this Holy Sword with his hand and shouts"Fruit Treasure Mecha, return to your position" at the same time, he can summon the Orange War Treasure!"

"However, I won’t show you this heavenly treasure in detail!"

After a pause, Chen Jiang added the setting:"Because the treasure owner who uses the Holy Sword for the first time and summons the Orange Battle Treasure will be considered the only user of the Holy Sword!"

"Will he be considered the only user of the Holy Sword?"

After hearing these words, Amy and others suddenly realized.

So, during the next period of time, Chen Jiang gave Amy and others a few more words, then returned to the villa where he lived through any door behind him. in

…… time flies.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

In the past few days, Chen Jiang did not start the live broadcast, but has been taking Asuka to various cities in Kyushu to look for the fragmented world of another world that has not yet appeared.

But after searching for several days, Chen Jiang still found nothing, a fragmented world from another world.

However, Mewtwo, who had successfully captured it with the Master Ball before, had already awakened in the Master Ball.

And after Chaomeng woke up, his attitude towards Chen Jiang also changed dramatically, and he was absolutely obedient to Chen Jiang!

"It seems that filial sons are easily produced under sticks!"

After seeing Chaomeng's attitude towards him, Chen Jiang felt that this old saying was really not wrong at all!

Looking at the time, he found that it was already after two o'clock in the afternoon. Chen Jiang murmured to himself:"Forget it. , let’s not look for the fragmented world today! Let’s start broadcasting first~!"

Calculate carefully...

Chen Jiang has been off the air for ten days!

"If it doesn’t start broadcasting again, water friends will probably go crazy with anxiety! Just in time to see if any water friends have found new treasures from the heavens or discovered new visitors from other worlds in these ten days!"

Thinking of this, Chen Jiang first used any door to send Asuka back to his villa, and then went to the new city in Kyushu

"This location is not bad!"

After passing the arbitrary door and arriving at the center of the city, Chen Jiang stored the arbitrary door in the space ring and started his own live broadcast.

That is, the moment Chen Jiang started the live broadcast, tens of millions of water friends who received the broadcast start reminder, At this moment, everyone was like crazy, and they all poured into the live broadcast room!

:Coming, coming! Finally the special meow is coming!

:Woooooo! Brothers and sisters! Look what I found! I found out that Brother Chen is on the air!

:Brother Chen! Can you tell us something? Why did you stop airing?

:The last time Brother Chen stopped airing, it was only for five days!

:This time But it was off the air for ten days! Ten days! It was twice as long as the last time it was off the air!

:Brother Chen! Do you know? Do you know how I lived during these ten days without you on the air? Is it?:

My life is worse than death!:

Brothers and sisters! I strongly demand now! Brother Chen must give us an additional broadcast today!:

Or the number of places for today’s live broadcast is higher than that of the previous live broadcast Line quota, draw one more!:

Draw one more? Guys upstairs, are you satisfied with one more spot? At least ten!:

Good guy, I call you good guy with special code!:

You guys , are you crazy?:

Crazy +1! Ten spots will be drawn!:

You are really not afraid, Brother Chen will take off the air at the speed of light now, and stop airing for another ten and a half days!:

Okay, upstairs You're so smart, you crow's mouth! Shut up the special code now! : To be honest... I don't ask for more Brother Chen to get a few more live broadcast connections!

: I just ask for Brother Chen not to stop anymore. It’s broadcast!:

That’s right! Brother Chen, please don’t stop broadcasting!

In less than half a minute, the number of people in Chen Jiang’s live broadcast room has exceeded 40 million!

And the barrage in the live broadcast room has also There are countless gifts, large and small, that fill up the entire screen!

"Friends, this hiatus is indeed a bit long!"

Seeing the lively barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Jiang took a sip of water and said,"Let's do this! As long as the number of treasures found today exceeds three, then one of the treasures found will be selected as today’s benefit!"

Wow——!! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Almost at the moment Chen Jiang finished speaking, the already lively live broadcast room suddenly exploded!:

Damn it!! Brother Chen!! Are you talking about Zun Du and Fake Du?!

: Oh my god! I directly picked out a treasure from the heavens!

: Woo hoo hoo! I knew it! Brother Chen has been off the air for such a long time! He will definitely give us some Special benefits!

: Brother Chen! Not much to say! You will be my adopted father from now on!

: I will be your adopted son from now on!

: Adopted son? He is the kind of red rabbit among men, Lu Bu among horses, and Fang Tian painted halberd , specifically poking at the adoptive father's adopted son?:

Good guy, I call you good guy with special code!:

The smart guy upstairs, which teacher taught these words?

While the live broadcast room was having a lively discussion, A live broadcast connection from a water friend suddenly popped up from the live broadcast room!

At the same time.

There were also several particularly conspicuous barrages that also appeared together.

:Brother Chen! You are finally on the air!

:I want Chen now Brother, please help me identify it! The fruit I bought in the supermarket a few days ago! See if it is a devil fruit!

"Devil Fruit?"[]

After seeing these barrages, Chen Jiang didn't hesitate at all and immediately accepted this live broadcast connection from water friends.

That is, after Chen Jiang accepted the live broadcast connection, a young man with yellow hair suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the live broadcast.

"Brother Chen! Hello!"

Seeing Chen Jiang accept his live broadcast connection, the yellow-haired young man immediately introduced himself with excitement:"My name is Ma Zhong!"

"Hello, friend Ma Zhongshui. After simply saying hello to the other party, Chen

Jiang said without unnecessary polite words:"Ma Zhongshuiyou, you just told me in the live broadcast room that you wanted me to help identify the devil fruit. Where is it now?""

"Brother Chen! right here!"

As he said that, Ma Zhong took out a strange-looking fruit from the refrigerator behind him!

"Father Chen! This is the fruit! See if it’s the Devil Fruit from the world of"One Piece"!"

With trembling hands, Ma Zhong took this strange fruit out of the refrigerator and put it in front of the camera of his mobile phone.

"Um? this fruit……"

That is, when Chen Jiang looked at the fruit in front of the camera, detailed information about this treasure from the heavens suddenly popped up in front of his eyes one by one!

【Treasures from the heavens: Shasha Fruit/Natural Devil Fruit!】

【Treasure source: Pirate World!】

【Treasure ability: After eating this Shasha Fruit, the person with the Shasha Fruit ability can turn his body into sand!

At the same time, users with the Sand Fruit ability can also have the ability to freely create and control sand!】

【How to use: After eating the Shasha Fruit directly, you can gain the ability of the Devil Fruit!】

【Friendly reminder: All fruits in the Devil Fruit series are unique fruits!】

"Um? The rustling fruit in the natural system?"

(After reading the information about the treasures in front of him, Chen Jiang suddenly remembered that the person with the ability of the Shasha Fruit - Crocodile!

As for the character of Crocodile...

Chen Jiang was quite impressed by him!

Because in the world of"One Piece", Crocodile is one of the few who knows how to cleverly utilize the fruit's ability to exert the most powerful effect!

For example, in the original work of the"One Piece" world, Crocodile used the ingenious method of using the fruit and his own hard training to develop the natural rustling fruit ability to a bow with a strength that is almost close to that of a natural disaster!

You can even use the fruit ability of the Shasha Fruit to exert special drying power on the target it attacks!

"No wonder Crocodile was able to become King Shichibukai, and even establish a cross union with Hawkeye!"

While Chen Jiang was reminiscing in his mind about the ability settings of this natural-type Shasha fruit, friend Ma Zhong on the other side of the live broadcast room couldn't help but curiously asked:"This fruit...is from the world of"One Piece". Devil fruit?"

"Friends Ma Zhong, you are very lucky!"

Hearing Ma Zhong's inquiry, Chen Jiang looked at the other party and said slowly:

"The fruit in your hand is indeed one of the devil fruits from the world of"One Piece"!".

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