I heard an earth-shattering"boom"!

Almost at the moment when the sword energy from the Aurora Sword and the sword energy from Emperor Yan collided violently, a loud noise that was more terrifying than thunder suddenly exploded in the entire snow mountain!

At this moment... it was like the sky collapsed!!

That is, at the same time that the entire snow mountain exploded with such a terrifying loud noise, the entire sky over the snow mountain suddenly turned gloomy!


Then I saw the terrifying thunderclouds covering the entire snow mountain in an instant! next moment!

Countless thunderbolts, several times thicker than an adult's wrist, suddenly fell from the thunderclouds in the sky!

And it was still crashing into the snow-capped mountains below with a deafening"rumbling" sound!

This scene at this moment is like the end of the world!

It was at this time that the Shura armor summoned by the eight Yan Emperors also attacked Chen Jiang again!

And every time he attacks, he uses all his strength!

When facing Yan Emperor's attacks, the ultimate emperor armor transformed by Chen Jiang was able to defeat them one by one with ease!

All of a sudden!

The loud rumbling noise keeps coming!

I didn’t know it was the sound of thunder!

It's still the"843" sound of Chen Jiang and Emperor Yan fighting!

: Damn it!! Damn it!! Damn it!!

: But I am uneducated! You can travel the world with just one word!

: My dear mother! The fight between Brother Chen and Emperor Yan was simply outrageous!

: The fight between Brother Chen and Emperor Yan was able to make this snow mountain... look like this! Off the charts!

: Upstairs, this is not too far off the mark!

: But Te Meow is so incredible!

:Brothers and sisters! I feel that Brother Chen is no longer a human being at this moment! But a proper god!

: Even the gods are not as strong as Brother Chen!

: You said... is the power Brother Chen is exerting now the full power of the Emperor's Armor? Or is it that Chen Jiang didn't use all his strength at all?

: Not using all your strength? Damn it! Is this really impossible?!

:Dude, how is this impossible? Haven't you noticed?

: When Brother Chen was fighting eight Yan Emperors! But they were all beaten by Emperor Yan! And it’s so easy!

:grass! If this isn't Brother Chen's true strength, then I can't imagine... Brother Chen's true strength must be so terrifying!

: I’m really getting more and more lucky now! Brother Chen is from Kyushu! If this were the white-skinned dog of the Lighthouse Country...

: Our Kyushu would have been squeezed dry!

:+1! Upstairs, I totally agree with what you said!

Seeing the changes in the entire snow mountain, the tens of millions of water friends watching Chen Jiang's live broadcast were all stunned!

A pair of eyes, almost flying out of their sockets!

At this time!

Chen Jiang, who was surrounded by eight Yan Emperors, was suddenly slashed hard on the back by two Shura Purgatory Knives!


Fire exploded from behind Chen Jiang!

At the same time as the fire exploded from behind Chen Jiang, the Aurora Sword in Chen Jiang's hand also slashed horizontally on the waist of one of the Yan Emperors!

I heard a"boom"! moment!

Like a fountain of fire, it exploded from Emperor Yan's waist!

Moreover, Emperor Yan, who was struck by the Aurora Sword, also screamed, and his entire body turned into nothing and disappeared!


Chen Jiang backhanded the shield again, slamming it into Emperor Yan who was about to attack him again, and then kicked him out again! boom--!!


Emperor Yan was kicked in the chest and flew backwards!

"Hahaha!! happy!! What a pleasure!!"

Getting up from the ground, Emperor Yan laughed loudly and said:"Chen Jiang!! This battle is so enjoyable!! Let's continue!!"

The words fell!

Emperor Yan stood up and rushed towards Chen Jiang again!

However, before Emperor Yan could approach Chen Jiang, Chen Jiang suddenly raised the Aurora Sword in his right hand high!

"Emperor Yan, I will make you more happy next!"

The moment Chen Jiang raised the Aurora Sword high above his head, the thunder that enveloped the entire snow mountain suddenly roared! The next moment!

All the thunder was like a pouring flood. The same, all poured into the Aurora Sword in Chen Jiang's hand!

: Damn it!! Damn it!! Damn it!!

: Brothers, sisters! What's going on with this?!

: I'm in trouble! Did you see it ? No? Those thunder and lightning in the sky! They were all absorbed by the lightsaber in Brother Chen’s hand!

:Fuck! Isn’t this scene too shocking?

:Shocking +1! It’s simply better than Brother Chen’s first use of the Demonic Time King Driver. It’s even more shocking when you become the King of Time when you encounter demons!

: No... What is the origin of the lightsaber in Brother Chen’s hand? Why is it so awesome!

: And Brother Chen used all the thunder and lightning in the sky to What are you going to do after being absorbed into the lightsaber?


: Look! The lightsaber in Brother Chen’s hand has changed!!

Just when all the water friends in the live broadcast room were shocked to the point of shortness of breath, the Aurora Sword held high in Chen Jiang’s hand , after absorbing the thunder from the sky, it suddenly made a"rumbling" roar!

This scene... made Emperor Yan's eyelids jump immediately!

Lufa's face in the distance also changed drastically!

"He, what is he going to do?!"

Seeing the Aurora Sword with the power of thunder and lightning flashing in Chen Jiang's hand, Lufa felt that his scalp was starting to feel numb!

"Emperor Yan, are you ready?"

Chen Jiang's voice came from within the Emperor's Armor:"This is one of the Five Elements Skills of the Emperor's Armor - Emperor's Thunder Strike!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jiang directly inserted the Aurora Sword in his hand into the ground under his feet!

The Five Elements Must Kill-Emperor Thunder Cut!!

The next moment!

Countless terrifying golden thunders that could not be described in words suddenly exploded into the sky from Chen Jiang's feet with a loud"rumbling" sound!

And the range was more than a hundred miles away!

At this moment!

The golden thunder was like a huge cage!

It enveloped all the remaining seven Emperors of Flame like a cage!

The next second!

The golden thunder cage covering Emperor Yan exploded instantly!!




Accompanied by the indescribable loud noise of fear, at the moment when the entire snow mountain exploded, the entire space of the snow mountain was shaking!!

It was at this time that Chen Jiang The transformed Ultimate Emperor Armor suddenly swung the Aurora Sword in his hand again! []


A golden thunder and lightning sword energy suddenly struck at the golden thunder and lightning cage that was still bombarding!

In an instant!

The color of the sky and the earth changed!

The snow-capped mountains were also completely destroyed. Cut off most of it!

"This, this, how is this possible?!"

After seeing Chen Jiang actually unleashing such a terrifying armor skill, Lufa in the distance was completely stunned!

"Why was the emperor's armor summoned by Chen Jiang capable of exerting such terrifying energy?!"

Lufa was not the only one who was shocked by the power of the Emperor's Armor!

The tens of millions of water friends in the live broadcast room all felt their hearts stop after seeing the power of this skill!

: I'm sorry! I Did you read the special code correctly?:

The armor skill that Brother Chen just released! Is it so powerful? Can it cause such devastating damage?!:

Well... have you discovered one thing! Where Brother Chen is? A snow-capped mountain! It seems to have been chopped down!:

Damn! It’s true! Compared with just now, this snow-capped mountain is almost half the size!:

Almost half? The smart guy upstairs, what kind of look are you looking at? This is It's obviously much smaller!

: Awesome!! In my whole brain right now!! In addition to wanting to shout"Brother Chen is awesome!"!! There is nothing else!!

: You said...that alien named Yandi Visitors from the world! Are you still alive and kicking now?

: Are you still alive and kicking? Brother, what you are asking is just nonsense!

: Didn’t you see with your own eyes the power of the Emperor Armor skill that Brother Chen just released? Are you there? With such terrifying armor abilities, do you think Emperor Yan can still survive?:

Damn it! If Emperor Yan can still survive like this, then he is really awesome!:

I can tell you like this Tell me! If Emperor Yan is not dead! I will wait for Brother Chen to go live and eat his own food directly - Ouch! Who is that?!

: Emperor Yan, Emperor Yan?! Isn’t this guy dead?!

Right here The barrage in the live broadcast room has completely shaken the sky, and the golden thunder and lightning covering the snow-capped mountains has gradually dissipated!

And at the moment when the golden thunder and lightning dissipated, a figure suddenly stepped out from the remaining golden thunder and lightning.

"Hahaha! What a pleasure! What a pleasure!"

Under the incredible gazes of tens of millions of water friends in the live broadcast room, Emperor Yan, who still maintained his Shura armor state, laughed loudly and said:"Chen Jiang! and youIt's so enjoyable to fight against such an opponent! It is no exaggeration to say that……"

Having said this, Emperor Yan looked at Chen Jiang and said:"You are definitely the strongest opponent I, Emperor Yan, have ever encountered in these thousands of years!"

"If I hadn't used the special ability of Shura Armor at the last moment and successfully evaded your attack, I would have died in the lightning just now!"

"But that blow just now! It should be your strongest kill! You probably have a lot of armor power left after unleashing the special move just now!"

Speaking of this, Emperor Yan once again summoned the ultimate weapon of Shura Armor, which is the Shura Purgatory Halberd!

"how? Do you want to continue to use eight-position migration?"

Looking at Emperor Yan, Chen Jiang said softly....

"No! Using the armor skill of Eight-bit Movement consumes too much energy on my own! Emperor

Yan replied truthfully:"And the armor skill of Eight-bit Movement will not have much effect on you!"".

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