: Damn it!! Damn it!! Damn it!!

:Brothers and sisters! Take a look!

:Oh my God! What is that red wood? Where did they fall from? From heaven?

: Could it be that these red pieces of wood were summoned by Brother Chen?

: The smart guy upstairs, aren’t your words nonsense?

: If it wasn’t Brother Chen, could it be that you were the one who summoned him?

:So, what is the origin of these red logs that suddenly fell from the sky and pressed on Shukaku? I have never seen Brother Chen perform it on us!

:+1! I have never seen Brother Chen perform it!

: Is it possible that this is also the pupil technique of the Mangekyo Sharingan?

: Damn! No way! A Mangekyo Sharingan! He actually has so many outrageous eye skills?!

Seeing the red wood pressing on Shukaku and making it impossible for him to break free no matter how hard he struggled, the tens of millions of water friends in the live broadcast room all stared wide-eyed in front of the screen!

"It seems that the ninjutsu of Myojin Gate can really restrain tailed beasts of any level!"

At this time, the complete Susanoo controlled by Chen Jiang had landed in front of Shukaku and said:"Shukaku, I can give you two choices now!"

"Choice 1: From now on,"One Zero Three", listen to my words!"

"As long as you are obedient, you can still maintain your current status!"

"As for the second option……"

With a thought in Chen Jiang's mind, the ten-fist sword in Susanoo's right hand immediately pointed at Shukaku and said:"That's it!"

"Damn Uchiha! Uncle Shukaku, even if I die, I will never surrender to you!

Shukaku let out an angry roar and said,"Uncle Shukaku, I——?!"

Before Shukaku could finish what he said, the ten-fist sword wielded by the perfect Susanoo suddenly struck Shukaku!

That is, at the moment when the Ten Fist Sword slashes at Shukaku, the special seal from the Ten Fist Sword suddenly breaks out at this moment!

"This, this, this is——?!"

Feeling the seal of the Ten Fist Sword, Shukaku's expression changed drastically! next moment!

The Juken sword that pierced Shukaku's body suddenly turned into a huge red gourd in the hands of the perfect Susanoo! at the same time!

Shukaku's entire huge body was immediately sucked into the gourd by an irresistible suction force after the Juken Sword turned into a red gourd!

In less than a few seconds, Shukaku completely disappeared into the desert!

And after Shukaku disappeared, the complete red Susanoo also disappeared in an uproar with a thought in Chen Jiang's mind!

"Alright, water friends!"

After releasing the complete Susanoo, Chen Jiang landed firmly on the ground while looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room and said:"Have you seen clearly Susanoo's abilities?"

: See it clearly! Brother Chen! We can see it clearly!:

Oh my god! The complete Susanoo is so awesome!

: And I also feel that the complete Susanoo that Brother Chen just summoned is going to be... He's more handsome than the Emperor's Armor and the King of Demons!

: Handsome than the Emperor's Armor and the King of Demons? The smart man upstairs, are you putting this nonsense aside?

: Okay, okay! Shut up, the war-inducing dog!

: Now I just want to ask Brother Chen! What is the position of that monster called Shukaku just now in the world of"Naruto"?

: Why did Brother Chen just say that it is a treasure from the heavens?

: Yes, yes! Brother Chen! Please tell us! The origin of Shukaku you just destroyed!

After watching the complete Susanoo, the tens of millions of water friends in the live broadcast room were all deeply shocked!

At the same time , they/they are also extremely curious about the origin of the"dead" Shukaku!

"Friends, Shukaku just now is not dead!"

At this time, Chen Jiang suddenly said:"The Shukaku just now was only temporarily sealed by me with the Ten Fist Sword!"

"You can release it later!"

After a pause, Chen Jiang added:"In addition... I can also give you a good popularization of science about Shukaku's origin!"

"In the setting of the"Naruto" world, in addition to the ninjutsu I told you before, there is also a special creature with a different number of tails!"

"These creatures are all materialized by huge chakra, and there are ten of them in total!"

"These ten creatures are called tailed beasts by ninjas!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that the power possessed by these ten tailed beasts, no matter which one they are, is extremely terrifying!"

"For example, the blue-black ball of light that Shukaku just released from his mouth! That is the skill shared by tailed beasts - Tailed Beast Jade!"

"The power of these tailed beast jade, if there is no way to solve it, or once it explodes, it will definitely be no less powerful than Blue Star's nuclear weapons!"

"Some Tailed Beast Jade are even more powerful than nuclear weapons!"

"In addition, the attitude of these tailed beasts towards humans can be described as very unfriendly!"

"And it also has very strong hostility!"

: Damn it! The power of the Tailed Beast Jade that Shukaku just released is actually as powerful as a nuclear weapon?: Oh my god! Brother Chen! Since these monsters called Tailed Beasts have such terrifying power...:

And also He has strong hostility towards humans! Then why didn’t he just kill him?

: That’s right, Brother Chen! Such a dangerous tailed beast! Why didn’t he just kill it directly?

: Brothers and sisters! I don’t understand!

: Logically speaking, Brother Chen must have killed such dangerous monsters long ago!

: For example, the original captain of the Nether Demon! And the reverse-haired Yura from the world of"Inuyasha"! (Read the Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

: Could it be that...Brother Chen thinks Shukaku is cuter? Are you planning to keep it as a pet?:

Okay! Don’t be too outrageous upstairs!

I heard Chen Jiang’s popular science Regarding the origin of the tailed beast, all the online friends in the live broadcast room were full of confusion!

Including Wu Guang, who had already walked over, he also asked Chen Jiang with confusion and curiosity:"Brother Chen! Since the tailed beast is so terrifying... wouldn't it be better to just kill it?"

"No! Although the power of tailed beasts is terrifying and they are hostile to humans, in the world of"Naruto", it is possible to use special sealing techniques to seal these tailed beasts in a human's body!"

Chen Jiang began to formally popularize the usage of tailed beasts and said:"As long as these tailed beasts are sealed in someone's body, the human being with the tailed beasts sealed in the body can use the power of the tailed beasts to gain powerful power!"

"And after reaching a certain level, humans can also transform into tailed beasts, which is also called tailed beast transformation!"

"It's even about unleashing the Tailed Beast's Tailed Beast Jade ability!"

"And this kind of people are also called Tailed Beast Jinchūriki!"


Almost after hearing what Chen Jiang said, the water friends who were originally afraid of tailed beasts were stunned!

: Damn it! Brothers and sisters! What did Brother Chen just say? ? Can the tailed beast be sealed in the body?! :

And after sealing, you can also use the tailed beast's tailed beast jade? Can you even turn into a tailed beast?!

: Fuck! Upstairs, are you a repeater?

: We can understand what Brother Chen said! []

: You don’t need to translate this into Chinese for us! Damn!:

Brother Chen! Since the tailed beast can be sealed in the body! Why don’t you let me be the test subject! I Don’t be afraid!:

Good guy, my special code calls you good guy!:

Guys upstairs, your abacus beads are too loud, right? My special code can be heard hundreds of kilometers away!:

Fuck! What do you mean? I'm thousands of kilometers away! I can see abacus beads jumping on my face!

: Well... I have a question now that I'm very curious about!

: Although Brother Chen said that tailed beasts can be sealed in humans In the body! But such a big thing! How to seal it in the body?! Won’t this special thing burst?!:

No, no! Anyway, I can’t! I can’t stuff it in!:

The best I can do is stuff it in. Ten centimeters!


: Upstairs, I now suspect you are driving!

:Doubtful? Do you still need to be suspicious? This special number has already driven a car covered with mosaics and ran over my face several times!

: Okay, okay! Stop talking nonsense!

: Let Brother Chen tell us first, how to seal the tailed beast in the body!

: That's right, Brother Chen! Tell us quickly!

At this moment, in the live broadcast room All the water friends here are full of strong curiosity and expectations about the method of sealing the tailed beast!

"Friends, the way to seal the tailed beast is very simple!"

Chen Jiang didn't say any more nonsense and started to popularize science directly:"You only need to use the sealing ninjutsu in the world of"Naruto" to seal it in the human body!"

"And it won’t be too painful during the sealing process!"

"But...I haven't mastered it yet!"

Although Chen Jiang currently masters 0.2 sealing ninjutsu from the world of"Naruto", they are all suppressive sealing techniques!


In the following period of time, Chen Jiang briefly explained the settings of the tail beast to the water friends in the live broadcast room, and then used any door in the space ring to return to the city from the desert area.

And at the same time when he returned to the city, he also sent Wu Guang, who had been following him, back to his home.

"Alright, water friends!

After closing any door, Chen Jiang looked at the live broadcast room and said,"Which of your water friends have found new treasures from the heavens or discovered visitors from other worlds?""

"If so, you can apply for a live broadcast connection now!"

"If not, then today’s live broadcast content ends here!"

: Huh? Today's live broadcast is over?!

: Woohoo! Brother Chen, stop! Let's broadcast it for a while!:

Brother Chen, although your live broadcast content today is always in a hardcore state... But I Still haven’t seen enough!

:Brother Chen! Just give me another ten minutes of broadcasting! Just ten more minutes! I will definitely be able to find the treasures in the world!

Just when the live broadcast room was full of bullet screens, a nice and melodious song A female voice suddenly came from behind Chen Jiang:"Are you Chen Jiang?".

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