: Damn it! One of the Seven Immortal Gods' Tokens?

:Oh my God! Is the origin of the little red flower Brother Chen found this time so awesome?

:I'm very curious now! Can the Demon of Earth mentioned by Brother Chen be as powerful as the Demon Lord of Fire?

:Brother upstairs, aren’t you talking nonsense?

: The strength of the Earth Demon, even if it is not as powerful as the Holy Lord, is definitely not much weaker!

: Otherwise, he would not be listed among the so-called eight demons like the Holy Lord!

: That’s right! Bro, I think the same thing as you!

: Okay, okay, don’t think about it anymore!

:Brother Chen, tell us quickly! Let’s learn about the detailed origin and abilities of this earth demon!

: I’ll make a bold guess! It’s definitely related to the ground!

: Damn eggs! Are you talking nonsense about literature again?

After hearing that Chen Jiang said that the little red flower in his hand was actually one of the seven tokens of the immortal gods from the world of"The Adventures of Cheng Long", the tens of millions of water friends in the live broadcast room immediately caused an uproar.!

And they all want to hear about the origin of the earth's demonic energy and its abilities!

Even Hong Jin, who was standing next to Chen Jiang, also said with curiosity:"Brother Chen! What abilities does this demon from the earth, one of the eight demons, have?"

"Don't worry, listen to me and tell you slowly!"

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Jiang said softly:"This earth demon from the world of"The Adventures of Cheng Long" is called Di Kui!"

"The Devil of the Earth...just as the name suggests!"

"This demon's ability is to have the ability to throw rocks to escape, control earth and rocks, and cause earthquakes!"

"And among the eight demons, Di Kui ranks seventh, and he is also the younger brother of the Fire Demon Lord!

After a brief introduction to the abilities and settings of Dikui, Chen Jiang looked at Hong Jin in front of him and said:"Friend Hong Jin, next, show the abilities of this treasure from the heavens to the water friends in the live broadcast room.".!"

"ah?! Chen, Brother Chen!!"

Hearing Chen Jiang's words, Hong Jin suddenly opened his eyes in shock and said,"You want me to show this treasure from the heavens?!"

"how? Don't you want to show it?"

Chen Jiang said:"If you don't want to, then I'll let the other water friends show it off!"

"ah? Brother Chen! It’s not that I don’t want to!"

Hong Jin said hurriedly:"I do! I do!"

Taking it from Chen Jiang's hands, this heavenly treasure possessing the demonic aura of the earth leader, Hong Jin's voice trembled with excitement:"Brother Chen!! How should I show the power of this treasure from the heavens?!"

"The method of displaying it is very simple. You just need to put this treasure in front of your nose and take a breath!"

Chen Jiang said softly:"In this way, you can get the demonic energy from the earth demon Dikui!"

"Just take a breath?"

After listening to Chen Jiang's explanation, Hong Jin didn't hesitate at all. He immediately put the little red flower in front of his nose and took a deep breath!

Wow -!!!

That's when Hong Jin The moment he inhaled, this immortal token that sealed and preserved the earth's demonic energy suddenly burst out with dazzling blue light! The next moment!

These blue lights penetrated into Hong Jin's body!

Almost in this ball of faint blue light The moment the blue light penetrated into Hong Jin's body, Hong Jin's entire body appearance suddenly changed dramatically!

Bang bang bang——!!

The first thing to change was Hong Jin's body!

In less than a few seconds Oh, Hong Jin's body size has suddenly increased to about three meters, and he is covered in muscles!

Secondly, two green horns are growing out of both sides of Hong Jin's forehead!

: Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!!

: Brothers and sisters! Look!

: Oh my god! Brother Hong Jin’s body shape and body appearance have changed so much!

: Fuck! Brother Hong Jin’s body shape is really direct. I'm so confused!

: Damn it! I'm 1.65 meters tall. When I saw Hong Jin's current height, I cried with envy!

: 1.65 meters +1! I cried with envy too! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

: Okay, okay, don’t worry about your height!

: I just want to know what Hong Jin can do now that he has the demonic energy of the earth. Ability!:

That’s right, brother Hong Jin! Show it off quickly!

Seeing the changes in Hong Jin’s body shape and appearance, all the online friends in the live broadcast room are full of expectations!

They want to see the Earth Demon Dikui ability!

"Chen, Brother Chen!! I'm like this……"

During the lively discussion in the live broadcast room, Hong Jin, whose appearance was close to that of Di Kui, said in disbelief:"Can I still change back to my original appearance?! I won't always be like this in the future, right!?"

"of course not! As long as you don't use the magic power of Earth Demon Dikui, your body will be the same as before!

Chen Jiang said softly:"In addition, you can also show off the ability of the Earth Demon Dikui now!" But it’s best to display it outside the store!"

"Okay, okay! Brother Chen!"

Hearing that he could still change back to his original appearance, Hong Jin suddenly said with excitement:"Then I will show off the ability of Xia Dikui now!"

Immediately afterwards.

With all the water friends in the live broadcast room watching, Hong Jin roared, pointed at the open space in front of him, and suddenly stretched out his right hand!

The next moment!

Hong Jin's entire right hand suddenly erupted with a dazzling sound. A faint blue light! []

And in the burst of faint blue light, a shocking crack opened directly in the open space directly in front of Hong Jin with a loud"rumbling"!!

In addition, on the ground When a huge crack opened, more than a dozen huge rocks also floated in the air with a"crash", directly under the control of Hong Jin's demonic energy!

"Damn it!! Brother Chen!! Look! (Zhao Qianhao)!"

Seeing this scene, Hong Jin suddenly laughed like thunder and said:"I can actually split the earth!! And I can also control stones!!"

When Hong Jin was about to jump up with excitement, the voice in the live broadcast room The water friends were also stunned!

: Good guy, I call you good guy with special code!

: I made a fool of myself! Is this the ability of the Earth Demon Dikui? Isn’t this too handsome?

: Handsome +1! I feel that the ability of this earth demon is almost the same as the Zhenzhen Fruit owned by Brother Chen!

: That’s right! Guys upstairs, I feel the same way! This ability is similar to the Zhenzhen Fruit!

:almost? The two great minds, the ability of the Earth Demon and the ability of the Shaking Fruit, are very different!

: The earth demon can only control the earth! But the Earthquake Fruit can not only cause the earth to tremble, but can also cause air quakes, sea quakes, etc.! Obviously the latter is more capable!.

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