time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it's night.

At this moment, in the villa where Chen Jiang lives

"These bloody urban romance dramas are really harmful!"

Looking at Kamishiro Riyo and Asuka, two girls from another world, who were all lying on the bed after dinner, Chen Jiang shook his head and sighed:"If they watch the Mary Su drama again, it won't be even worse. Above?"

Especially Kamishiro Rise, a girl from another world...

After watching the drama, she no longer even thinks about preying!

At the beginning, she still thought about sneaking out behind Chen Jiang's back!

But now... she is completely addicted to love. In the play!

The current scene reminded Chen Jiang silently of an online novel he had followed! The protagonist in the online novel who traveled through the Western world not only did not use modern knowledge to rule the world, but also used"power""Game" and other plots, tea poisoned the entire Western world!

As a result, everyone stayed at home and watched the show!

"really! No matter who it is, they all have a fat heart!"

Just when Chen Jiang was sighing in his heart, his cell phone's ringtone suddenly rang, and the caller ID number popped up.

"Um? Amy?"

Looking at the number on the caller ID, Chen Jiang didn't hesitate. He immediately answered Amy's call.

"Brother Chen! Good night!"

After Chen Jiang answered the call, Amy's voice came from the other side:"Brother Chen! Do you have time now?"

"My time is available at any time!

Chen Jiang had already guessed Amy's purpose and said,"Have you found a new treasure from the heavens?""

"Yes!! Brother Chen!! Amy said without any nonsense:"And we found two new treasures from the heavens!"! Brother Chen, can you come over now?!"

"No problem, I'll go there now!"

Hearing that the other party had found two new treasures from the heavens, Chen Jiang suddenly became interested.

"Well!! We are waiting for you here, Brother Chen!!"

After hearing that Chen Jiang was coming over, Amy immediately shouted happily and then hung up the phone on her own initiative.

"I don’t know if I can get the long-lost science popularization reward after popularizing the new heavenly treasures this time!"

After finishing the call with Amy, Chen Jiang extracted the arbitrary door from the world of"Dora A" from the space ring.


Chen Jiang went directly to Kyushu through the arbitrary door in front of him. Inside the paranormal department

"Brother Chen!! good evening!!"

The moment Chen Jiang passed through any door and arrived at the paranormal department, Amy and others shouted in unison.

"This feeling... seems a bit familiar!"

For a moment...

Chen Jiang remembered the scene of going to a nightclub on Earth!

"It would be even more similar if we added another sentence:"All the consumption tonight will be paid for by Mr. Zhao."……"

After silently complaining in his heart, Chen Jiang looked at Amy and said:"Amy, where are the two new heavenly treasures you just mentioned?"

"Brother Chen!! it's here!!"

Almost as soon as Chen Jiang finished speaking, Kun Zhong, who owned the Earth Tiger Armor Summoner, strode to Chen Jiang with two items that were still shining faintly!

"Brother Chen!! look!! Kunzhong placed the two items in his arms on the conference table next to him and said,"These are the two treasures from the heavens we found!""

I saw two treasures from the heavens that Kunzhong placed on the conference table. They were a strange-looking devil fruit and an ordinary-looking water cup!

"Um! let me take a look……"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Chen Jiang looked at the two special items on the conference table, the detailed information about these two heavenly treasures suddenly came from his own. In front of my eyes, they popped up quickly one by one!

【Treasures from the heavens: Wang Ye’s water cup!】

【Source of treasure: The world under one person!】

【Treasure ability: After obtaining the approval of this exclusive water cup, the owner can obtain the"Fenghou Qimen" inheritance, one of the"Eight Wonders" hidden in the water cup!

In addition, you can also get strange spells!】

【How to use: Hold this exclusive water cup and shout to it"Innately lead Zhou Tian, ​​cover the changes in Zhou Tian, ​​and transform me into a king", you can obtain the inheritance of Fenghou Qimen!】

【Friendly reminder: When the inheritor masters the Fenghou Qimen, the Qimen spells will automatically appear in his mind!

Secondly, the ability that Qimen Spells can exert is directly proportional to the inheritor's own strength!】

【Friendly reminder: Every time Feng Hou Qi Men is cast, the caster's physical strength will be consumed!

Especially the"Turtle Fly Body" spell requires improving one's body efficiency at the cost of burning one's own life!】

【Friendly reminder: This version of Fenghou Qimen is an improved version of Fenghou Qimen!

The inheritors of the Fenghou Qimen will not be lost because of the Fenghou Qimen."`."Interior"!】

【Friendly reminder: The inheritors of the Fenghou Qimen can also teach this strange skill to others!

And when teaching other people, the others will not be affected by Qimen and fall into the"inner scene"!】


【Treasures from the heavens: Split Fruit/Superman Devil Fruit!】

【Treasure source: Pirate World!】

【Treasure ability: After eating this split fruit, the person with the fruit ability can freely split his body!

When splitting one's own body, the clothes, shoes and other items on the fruit ability user's body will also automatically fall apart at the same time!

And after splitting, it can still be restored to its original state with the ability of the Devil Fruit that was torn apart!】

【How to use: After eating the split fruit directly, you can gain the ability of the Devil Fruit!】

【Friendly reminder: All fruits in the Devil Fruit series are unique fruits!】

【Friendly (money-based) tip: When a person with the fruit ability splits his body apart, unless there is an outside intervention! Otherwise, both feet must be on the ground!

In addition, the effective range of the ability to split the fruit is within a radius of 200 meters with the foot as the center!

If the split body exceeds this range, the main body will be unable to control, and the split body will be forcibly pulled back to within 2 meters!】

【Friendly reminder: After the body with the ability of the Split Fruit is divided, once it is attacked by an enemy target, the pain of being attacked will be shared by all!

In addition, if one or several pieces of the body are taken away after splitting, an error will occur when it is reassembled! And assembly errors may occur!】


"Oops! I really didn’t expect that!"

After reading the information about the two heavenly treasures in front of him, Chen Jiang's eyes suddenly lit up and he said:"It's actually these two heavenly treasures!".

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