And here, although the scope is also very large, there is no such suffocating sense of oppression.

The little rabbit searched for a long time in the core of this forest, and at most he found some soul beasts that were in their early ten thousand years, but did not find anything more powerful.

This difference made Little Rabbit feel very strange. She didn't understand why this place was so different.

What she was sure of was that she had never been to this place before. There was no fragment or information about this place in her memory.

The little rabbit was thinking about this problem while running. She wanted to know why she came here.

As a 100,000-year-old soul beast"640", there is no doubt about Little Tutu's strength.

Her fighting power far exceeds those soul beasts that are more than ten thousand years old, which allows her to easily gain a foothold in this soul beast forest.

After spending some time, she successfully became the king of the core area of ​​the soul beast forest, commanding many younger brothers.

Little Tutu was not originally a spirit beast who liked to do things herself. She preferred to rely on her younger brothers to inquire about information and complete tasks.

Therefore, after she became the queen of this area, she began to use her minions to gather intelligence and understand the surrounding environment.

A few hours ago, Little Tutu learned an important piece of news through his brothers: many soul masters came to the outskirts of the forest.

These soul masters are different from ordinary soul masters in that they have not yet awakened their martial souls. This news surprised Little Tutu, because she knew that generally speaking, soul masters who had not awakened their martial souls would not come to such a place easily.

Little Tutu began to think about what the appearance of these soul masters meant.

Little Tutu was shocked by the behavior of these suddenly appearing soul masters.

They don't seem to be picky about the soul beasts they want to hunt. Even if they encounter a martial soul with only ten years of cultivation, they will hunt it down without hesitation and then seize its soul ring.

Little Bunny hid in the dark and witnessed all this with his own eyes. She saw that these soul masters cooperated tacitly and moved quickly. Once they found a suitable soul beast appearing, they would immediately launch an attack. And the strength and methods they displayed also made Little Tutu feel a little frightened.

She couldn't help but think, are all the soul masters playing this wild nowadays?

Not even letting go of the martial soul that has been cultivated for ten years, this is simply trampling on life wantonly. Anger and dissatisfaction surged in Little Tutu's heart. She believed that the behavior of these soul masters was too much.

Although Little Tutu was filled with anger at the behavior of these soul masters, she did not act impulsively. Instead, she considered the safety of herself and her younger brothers more carefully.

She once again emphasized the order to her younger brothers, strictly prohibiting them from approaching the outskirts of the Soul Beast Forest.

Little Tutu knows very well that for ordinary soul masters who have not yet awakened their martial souls, even a ten thousand year soul beast is enough to constitute an insurmountable obstacle.

These soul masters may have an advantage in numbers, but facing the powerful ten thousand year soul beast, their power is undoubtedly insignificant.

At the same time, Little Tutu's curiosity was also aroused by these soul masters. She wanted to know where these soul masters came from and what their purpose was.

Just when Little Tutu was about to further observe the soul masters secretly, she suddenly felt a familiar and powerful aura.

This breath slowly floated from the distance of the forest, making Little Bunny feel palpitations for a moment...

Little Bunny recognized the owner of this breath!

"Why did that woman come here!"Little Tutu exclaimed in her heart. She clearly remembered that the owner of this breath was none other than the Pope of Wuhun Palace - Bibi Xi!

Little Tutu was extremely impressed by Bibi Xi.

She was not only powerful, but also The method was cruel and had brought a lot of trouble to Little Rabbit.

Therefore, when Little Rabbit learned that Bibi Xi had also come to this forest, Little Rabbit felt his scalp numb.

In front of the unknown enemy, Little Rabbit Rabbit chose to act cautiously. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She didn’t know how many people were hiding in this place, especially those powerful soul masters who might pose a threat to her.

Therefore, she decided to first She restrained her breath and hid to observe the situation.

So, what happened before happened. Little Tutu was drinking water in her familiar territory. Suddenly, she felt a powerful breath approaching quickly.

This breath made her She felt extremely uneasy, as if she was being targeted by a natural enemy.

When she looked up, Chen Jiang's figure had already appeared in her sight.

Little Rabbit 2.0 Rabbit instantly recognized this human being who had frightened her before. She Without hesitation, she immediately chose to run away!

While running, Little Tutu was filled with doubts and panic. She suspected that this person was Bibi Xi’s helper!

She could clearly feel the powerful aura emanating from Chen Jiang. The aura was not inferior to any Titled Douluo!

This made her even more convinced, because in the Luo Douluo world, the only force that could hide such a powerful Titled Douluo was the Wuhun Palace!

"Who is he? Why does it appear here?".

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