Xiaowu didn't know that Chen Jiang was live broadcasting. All she could see was Chen Jiang alone and his occasional talking to himself.

Therefore, when Chen Jiang revealed information about her identity, she just thought it was Chen Jiang talking to himself and did not pay too much attention to it.

However, when Chen Jiang accurately revealed her identity as a hundred thousand year soul beast, Xiao Wu's eyes changed instantly.

A sharp light flashed in her eyes, it was shock.

For her, her identity has always been deeply hidden, and even her friends from the Shrek Seven Monsters rarely know about it. But at this moment, Chen Jiang easily revealed her secret

"You are indeed a well-hidden Titled Douluo!"

There was a hint of coldness in Xiao Wu's tone. In her opinion, the one who can see through her soul beast identity must be a powerful and experienced Titled Douluo. A strong man of this level 637, in the entire Luo Dou Continent, It was a rare existence.

The cold light in Xiao Wu's eyes became even stronger.

"However, don't think that just because you are a titled Douluo, you can do whatever you want."

Xiao Wu's voice was cold and firm. She didn't allow anyone to act condescending in front of her, not even a titled Douluo.

She took a deep breath, and the breath in her whole body began to change.

The originally soft breath gradually gradually It became sharper, like an unsheathed sword, exuding a chilling air. Her body also leaned forward slightly, assuming a posture ready to fight at any time.

"A few years ago, I might have been afraid of you, but now, it's too late!"

Xiao Wu's tone was calm. She did not deny the power of Titled Douluo, but that was in the past. Now, she also has strength that is not weaker than Titled Douluo.

Looking back on the early days, Xiao Wu couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

At that time, she had just chosen to transform into a human and lost the power of the soul beast. She lived in fear every day.

She was afraid of being discovered by those powerful soul masters and afraid that she would become their prey. However, she did not Instead of giving up, he practiced hard and continuously improved his strength.

During that time, the frightened days with Tang San were the most unforgettable times for Xiao Wu!

After years of hard work, Xiao Wu's human body has been trained to the level of a titled Douluo level.

After becoming a Titled Douluo, Xiao Wu took back the power of the soul beast.

Now she is not afraid of any Titled Douluo!

"Since you, Wuhun Palace, are stubborn, don’t blame me!"

Xiao Wu's voice was full of determination. In her opinion, Chen Jiang is undoubtedly from Wuhun Palace. Although she does not know Chen Jiang's specific identity and purpose, Wuhun Palace's evil deeds have made her Full of hostility and vigilance towards this organization.

Tang San kept telling her that Wuhun Palace was pure evil!

Xiao Wu’s memory still clearly retained the scene of the decisive battle with the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

That was when she came to this inexplicable place. (cdcf) the last memory before the world.

Now, facing Chen Jiang in front of him, Xiao Wu only had one thought in his mind: fight!

The people in Wuhun Palace must be eradicated, otherwise they may hinder the third brother!

"The seventh soul skill: Soft Bone Rabbit Clone!"Xiao Wu shouted low and activated her seventh soul skill. This is one of her best skills. She can create several clones in a short time and attack the enemy from different directions.

With the soul skill Activated, Xiao Wu's body suddenly became illusory.

Her figure swayed in place a few times, and then quickly separated into several clones. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These clones and her The real bodies are exactly the same, both in appearance and breath. They appeared around Chen Jiang like ghosts, and then rushed towards him from different directions.

Xiao Wu's real body was also mixed into the clones, making it impossible to tell them apart. Which one is her true body?

Not only do these clones look the same as Xiao Wu, but what’s even more frightening is that they all possess quite strong combat power.

Each clone seems to be an independent individual, with fast movements and sharp moves, making People can't tell which one is the real Xiao Wu. Their existence is like a fog, completely shrouding Chen Jiang.

However, facing this sudden attack, Chen Jiang did not appear too panicked.

He took a deep breath, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, as if he had seen through the essence of the attack.

"Are you taking action now?"Chen Jiang's tone was filled with a hint of helplessness and regret. He still wanted to chat more with this little beauty, but the other party didn't seem to want to pay attention to him.

At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly filled the air around Chen Jiang. breath.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand, and the surrounding clock hands began to rotate rapidly around him.

The hands rotated faster and faster, and finally almost formed afterimages, making it impossible to see them clearly. real trajectory

"Time pauses!"Chen Jiang pointed lightly at the clone of Xiao Wu rushing at the front.

As he finished speaking, the clone seemed to be frozen in time, motionless in place, completely losing the ability to move..

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