Bibi Xi's face also turned ugly at this moment. She didn't expect Tang San to be able to break her soul power barrier. Although this crack was not enough to completely collapse her soul barrier, it had already made her feel unprecedented pressure.

"Oh, I finally get it."Bibixi suddenly chuckled, as if she had seen through the secret deep in Tang San's heart at this moment. She looked up and down at Tang San, with a hint of teasing and amusement flashing in her eyes.

"It turns out that you are a father slave. Bibi Xi spoke slowly, each word piercing into Tang San's ears like a needle,"Just me telling you some of your father's past is enough to make you angry to this extent.""

Tang San gritted his teeth and tried hard to control the anger in his heart. He knew that Bibi Xi was deliberately irritating him and trying to make him lose his mind. However, he also knew that he could not just succumb to her provocation.

"At this time, I became curious. Bibixi changed the subject, with an interesting expression on her face,"If your father asked you to kill your lover, what would that be called?""

Speaking of this, Bibi Xi frowned deliberately, as if she was trying hard to think about the name. Her eyes wandered back and forth on Tang San, as if expecting his reaction.

Tang San's heart tightened, he knew that Bibi Xi would pick up the name. Who is he going to talk about next? That is the softest and most cherished existence in his heart, and it is also the person he is unwilling to hurt no matter what.

"Oh, by the way, it’s the rabbit named Xiao Wu, right? A teasing smile appeared on Bibi Xi's face, as if she was talking about something insignificant,"If your father asked you to kill her, would you obey the order?" After all, you are a father slave."

When Tang San heard Bibi Xi mentioning Xiao Wu, the anger in his heart suddenly burst out.

"Go to hell, Bibixi!"Tang San roared, his voice full of endless anger and determination.

He raised the Clear Sky Hammer high again, and then smashed it down with thunderous force.

This time, Tang San's attack was stronger than It was more violent than any time before. His Clear Sky Hammer seemed to turn into a bolt of lightning, cutting through the air and hitting Bibi Xi's soul barrier.


A crisp cracking sound sounded, and Bibi Xi's soul barrier finally couldn't hold up under this blow and was completely shattered. The fragments of the soul barrier flew everywhere, like blooming flowers blooming in the air. show the final glory

"Chaotic cloak hammering technique!"Tang San roared angrily, his voice full of determination and firmness. He held the Clear Sky Hammer tightly with both hands, his body slightly arched, like a tiger about to pounce, all the strength of his body was concentrated in this moment.

Ranmai Feng Hammer Technique , is an untold secret of the Clear Sky Sect, and is also a powerful skill that Tang San's father once used. This hammer technique can superimpose each attack of the Clear Sky Hammer, and each swing of the hammer will change the next attack. It becomes more violent. When the attacks are superimposed to a certain extent, their power will reach a terrifying level, enough to destroy all obstacles in front of them.

Tang San knew that he did not have time to tangle with Bibi Xi in this place. He must quickly The battle must be fought quickly to deal with this powerful enemy as soon as possible. Therefore, he did not hesitate to use the random cloak hammer method, hoping to end the battle with a final word. The

Clear Sky Hammer turned into afterimages in Tang San's hands, Every swing brought with it the sound of howling wind and thunder. The air seemed to freeze at this moment, and all the light focused on Tang San, making him the most dazzling existence at this moment.

"Random cloak hammering method?"Bibi Xi looked at Tang San's attack with a trace of surprise in her eyes.

She obviously recognized the power and terror of this skill. She knew that if she couldn't respond in time, she would probably be completely destroyed by Tang San's attack.

"Unexpectedly, you inherited some of your father's unique skills."

Bibi Xi looked at Tang San, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"But how many hammers can you swing with this hammering technique?"Bibi Xi's tone revealed a trace of amusement, as if provoking Tang San to his limit.

"The fifth hammer!"Tang San roared, his voice filled with endless anger and power.

He knew that this was his last chance, and he had to use all his strength to defeat the powerful enemy in front of him.

The fifth hammer was the pinnacle of the Luan Cloak Hammer Technique ( With Zhao's permission, the Clear Sky Hammer turned into a bolt of lightning in Tang San's hand, pierced the air, and with the sound of howling wind and thunderous force, it hit Bibi Xi fiercely.

Faced with this attack, Bibi Xi didn't despise it at all. She knew that Tang San's fifth hammer had gone beyond the scope of ordinary attacks and reached an extremely terrifying level. If she couldn't respond in time, she would probably be defeated by one hammer.

Therefore, she directly He mobilized all his soul power to form an indestructible soul power barrier in front of him. This soul power barrier shone with dazzling light, like an invisible wall, firmly protecting Bibi Xi within it.

"boom!". (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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