As a god, he had always thought that his power was invincible, but at this moment, he was so ridiculed and despised by a mortal.

"If the gods can only do this step for you, then this so-called god is not right!"

Chen Jiang continued, his tone full of determination and confidence. It seems that in his opinion, the gods are nothing more than that, and there is nothing remarkable about it.

With that, he swung the black knife in his hand again, Yama, and slashed at the Shura god.

The black domineering aura instantly condensed on the black knife, making the entire blade exude a gloomy and fierce aura.

This sword, as if it was going to split the entire heaven and earth, was so powerful that it was unimaginable!

The black blade danced in Chen Jiang's hand, like a black lightning bolt, tearing through the divine power defense of the Shura God with lightning speed.

The incomparably strong divine power barrier was as fragile as paper paste in front of Chen Jiang's black knife.

Immediately afterwards, the blade continued to go deeper, and together with the divine body of the Shura God, it was directly torn open by Chen Jiang.

The wound was so deep and so big that it almost cut the Shura God in half! Golden divine blood instantly gushed out from the wound, staining the entire sky red.

The god Shura suffered such a heavy blow that he couldn't help but let out a terrible scream: "Ahhhhh

His voice was filled with pain and anger, as if he wanted to pour out all this endless hatred and anger.

The blood of the gods, in a sense, is the source of the power of the gods. It contains the infinite power and life essence of the gods, and is the foundation for the gods to survive and fight.

However, at this time, the god Shura felt that his god's blood was constantly gushing out, as if an unstoppable wound was gradually drawing his power away.

With every drop of divine blood lost, the god Shura felt that his power was passing away.

This feeling of powerlessness made him feel more fear and anger than he had ever felt before, because he knew that if he continued like this, he would eventually become a powerless ordinary person.

At this time, Chen Jiang was like a ruthless executioner, wantonly wielding the black knife in his hand-Yama.

The golden divine blood stained on the blade was thrown everywhere under his swing, as if mocking the incompetence of the Shura God.

"Earlier, I said that I wanted to see if your so-called gods would feel pain and bleed. "

Chen Jiang's voice sounded again, and his tone was full of banter and disdain.

It seems that in his opinion, the so-called gods are just a group of ridiculous beings.

Chen Jiang looked at the Shura God who was covered in scars and looked angry, and said slowly: "Now it seems that your so-called god is no different from a mortal. "

His tone was full of mockery and disdain, as if to tell the Shura god how ridiculous his previous arrogance and arrogance were.

"God is not to be dishonored!" the god Shura roared, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

As a god, he had always thought that he was a being on high (caff), but at this moment he was so humiliated by a mortal, which made him feel extremely angry and humiliated.

In order to repair his own injuries, the god Shura had to take back the divine power that sheltered Tang Xuan.

This move made De Tang Xuan instantly exposed to endless danger, because now he was standing on the battlefield almost without any defense.

Losing the protection of his divine power, Tang Xuan only felt a gust of cold wind coming, as if countless sharp blades were approaching him.

He looked around in horror, looking for a glimmer of hope for survival, but the sight before him made him feel desperate.

Tang Xuan looked at the divine flames burning on the battlefield with a horrified expression, as well as the golden divine blood that was constantly swaying in the sky. His heart was filled with indescribable shock and fear.

"How can this be!" Tang Xuan exclaimed, his eyes full of disbelief. This is a god!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

It was the god Shura who was more powerful than the god of the sea that he had inherited! In his cognition, the god was an invincible existence, a peak that mortals could never reach.

However, at this moment, the god he believed in was defeated by a mortal!

Tang Xuan was a little broken, and his heart seemed to be instantly shattered by an invisible force. The god he had always believed in, the invincible being, could seem so weak in battle, defeated by a mortal, which he couldn't accept.

He looked at the divine flame that was still burning on the battlefield, and the golden divine blood that was constantly swaying, and his heart was filled with endless pain and confusion.

What is the result of all the hard work he has been working on, and everything he has paid?

If the power of the gods is so weak, then what is the point of his beliefs, his pursuits?

Tang Xuan felt that his world was disillusioned, and his heart fell into darkness.

"Oh?" Chen Jiang sneered, his gaze casually swept over Tang Xuan who was lying on the ground, and then looked at the Shura God with a playful expression.

And Tang Xuan was stared at by Chen Jiang like this, and he suddenly felt creepy, and the whole person was like falling into an ice cave, as if he was deep in hell.

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