Tang Yan raised his head with difficulty, and saw Bibi Xi's slender jade legs stepping on black high heels, slowly walking towards him.

Bibisi's figure looks particularly tall in the afterglow of the setting sun, as if a queen has descended into the mortal world.

At this moment, Tang Xuan's heart was full of despair. He knew that he had been targeted by Bibixi, and his hope of escaping back to the world of Luo Dou had become slim.

His body trembled, but he still feigned composure, trying to maintain the last shred of dignity in front of Bibisi.

However, Bibisi did not give him this opportunity. She walked up to Tang Xuan and looked down at this once invincible enemy.

There was a cold light in her eyes, as if she wanted to see through Tang Xuan completely. She knew that Tang Xuan no longer had any 21 resistance power, and now he was like a lamb to the slaughter.

"Do you think you'll be able to escape?" Bibishi's voice was cold and unforgiving. She slowly raised her hand, and a powerful energy gathered in her hand.

She knew that with just a slight wave, Tang Xuan could be completely wiped out.

Bibisi's beautiful eyes are like a frozen lake in the cold winter, full of cold and profound.

She looked at Tang Xuan's gaze, as if penetrating his body, looking directly at his soul, making him feel a piercing chill.

She had been staring at that crack in the world just now, so it was natural that she noticed Tang Xuan who wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

In Bibixi's heart, Tang Xuan had long been regarded by her as a mortal enemy, and she would not give him any chance to escape at all.

At this moment, Bibixi was like a ruthless executioner, directly blocking Tang Xuan's way.

Her figure looked particularly tall and majestic in the afterglow of the setting sun, as if a mountain peak was blocking Tang Xuan's way.

"Do you think you can escape?" Bibixi's voice was cold and ruthless, like a sharp knife piercing Tang Xuan's heart.

Seeing Bibixi approaching him step by step, her menacing appearance did not hide the strong killing intent on her body at all, and Tang Xuan's heart was completely overwhelmed by despair.

He understood that at this moment, Bibixi was no longer the Pope of the Martial Spirit Hall who was once high, she had completely turned into a crazy executioner who only wanted his life.

Tang Xuan did not choose to beg for mercy, because he knew that in front of this crazy woman, begging for mercy would only make him appear more weak and deceitful, and it would not have any substantive effect at all except for attracting ridicule and contempt from the other party.

Therefore, he resolutely gave up the idea of begging for mercy and was ready to exchange his life for a glimmer of life.

He silently condensed the only remaining soul power in his body, and those soul powers gathered in his palm like a trickle, gradually forming a small vortex of soul power.

At the same time, his hands also tightly grasped his Haotian Hammer, which was his last weapon and his only reliance.


On the battle stage suspended high in the sky, Chen Jiang's gaze was firmly locked on the spatial rift that had been split by the sword of the Shura God.

The crack was like a lightning bolt in the night sky, dazzling and profound, revealing the mystery and unknown of another world.

Chen Jiang's eyes were as cold as snow, but at this moment, there was a hint of surprise that was not easy to detect.

He has always said to Bibixi that he wants to return to the Luo Dou world can only be said to have a "chance", in fact, even he has never found a definite way.

But now, the actions of the god Shura have broken this deadlock. That sword not only tore the space, but also set off a trace of waves in Chen Jiang's heart.

He stared at the slowly healing crack, and his heart couldn't help but ripple.

Chen Jiang is not an easily moved person, but at this moment, his heart has indeed changed.

He began to reassess the power of the Shura God, as well as the Luo Dou world that was hidden behind the cracks.

Perhaps, this was really an opportunity, an opportunity he never dared to imagine. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His gaze wandered between the rift and the god Shura, and his heart was full of thoughts.

Chen Jiang frowned slightly, and an inexplicable thought surged in his heart. This unexpected discovery seemed to break his previous cognition and forced him to re-examine the situation in front of him.

863 "That means ......," he muttered to himself, as if trying to digest the sudden message.

In a sense, this world barrier connecting the two worlds did not seem to be as impregnable as he had imagined.

He had always thought that this barrier was impenetrable and could not be broken except in a specific way and timing.

However, the facts now force him to change his mind. The strength of the Shura God, in his opinion, although powerful, is not invincible.

Since the god Shura has the ability to split this barrier of the world, what about himself?

An inexplicable excitement swelled in Chen Jiang's heart. He felt the surging power in his body, as if he saw a new possibility.

If he can master this method, then can he also travel freely between the two worlds like the god Shura?

Chen Jiang's gaze wandered in the void, and endless thoughts surged in his heart.

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