Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 11

"Yeah! I will not have the final say then."

Erina's eyes lit up when she heard Lin Yi's words, and she was obviously moved.

"Huh! This bastard wants to K...Kiss, you can't justify the punishment for bad punishment."

After resolving his worries, Erina began to imagine the means to punish Lin Yi.


After thinking about it for a long time, Erina suddenly had an idea.

"Well, this lady has agreed to your request, but I have to add another request before that."

Then Erina spoke in the surprised expression of Nito Hishasa.

"Master Erina, how can you agree to such a rude request?"

"Feisha, don't you worry about who loses and who wins by the time I have the final say?"


For some reason, Nito Hisako had only an ominous premonition in his heart.

"I don't know what the request is?"

Lin Yi asked.

"If you can make a dish that satisfies me, I will let you taste...Taste what." Erina said shyly and omitted the past, and then continued: "But if you can't make it. I am satisfied with the food, then you have to run around the Yuanyue Academy naked."

"no problem."

Lin Yi directly agreed.

"Yijun, why did you make that request?"

Not to mention Xingping Chuangzhen's weird eyes, even Tian Suohui was a little nervous about Lin Yi's bet.

"Nothing, just give her a little punishment."

"Who asked her to interrupt our kissing before, and this time we will make up for it from her."

Tian Suohui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing Lin Yi's words.

"Actually... In fact, Yi Jun can do it anytime if he wants, without having to find someone else."

In Lin Yi's surprised eyes, Tian Suohui tugged at the corner of her clothes and said softly.

"Then when the assessment is over, we'll go back and have a good time."

Tian Suohui's words made Lin Yi's eyes shining. This is a trend that can go further!


"Stop flirting, let's get started!"

Erina was obviously unable to see Lin Yi and Tian Suohui's flirting performance there, and immediately interrupted.


At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly looked at Xingping Chuangzhen who was aside and said.

"Of course, it's my hobby to be able to compete with others in cooking."

Xingping Chuangzhen nodded unceremoniously, and he also wanted to know how well this man with a superb knife skill was cooking.

"What are you cooking?"

While Lin Yi was thinking, Xingping Chuangzhen, who was standing in front of another kitchen counter, asked curiously.

"Still deciding."

Lin Yi replied without looking up, then opened the system's redemption page, and saw that Lin Yi's eyes were blinded by the dazzling array of cooking recipes.

"The system filters out the dishes related to eggs."

Lin Yi directly used the system's search capabilities, even if the cooking recipe shrank by more than two-thirds, there were still hundreds of eggs.

These dishes are the essence of the whole world, and only when they reach a certain level will the system incorporate them into the recipe.In this world, whether it is a famous cooking king or an unnamed cooking hermit, as long as the cooking meets the standard, the system will be included in the recipe.

However, since it is a cuisine, there is naturally a difference between superior and inferior. Among these egg dishes, there is a dish called "Dream Homeland" that ranks first, but it is a pity that Lin Yi can only see it before he has paid for the exchange point. The name of the dish does not contain any other information about the dish. Although the name of this dish does not seem to be related to eggs, it is definitely related to eggs.After all, the system will not fool Lin Yi casually.

"Since it's the number one spot, it must be extraordinary, let's try it!"

"The system exchanges the recipe "Dream Homeland". If it weren't for the egg cooking system, I would dismantle you."

After making up his mind, Lin Yi said viciously to the system.

"Confirm the exchange of'Dream Home'?"


"Redeem the recipe "Dream Homeland" and consume a thousand luck points"

"The recipe "Dream Home" has been redeemed, and the information is being transmitted..."

"Reminder: When the host wants to tear me down, please choose to commit suicide."

Without mentioning the last sentence of the system, the information about cooking "Dream Home" instantly passed into Lin Yi's brain.

"That's it."

Lin Yi had a certain understanding of this dish after receiving the information.

Chapter 18 Connotative Boiled Eggs


Unlike Lin Yi, who was choosing a recipe, Xingping Chuangzhen at this time had already entered the stage of enthusiastic work.

Eggs, spring onions, ice cubes, etc., these prepared things instantly attracted the attention of Erina and the others. After all, Lin Yi was in a daze here, they couldn't keep watching Lin Yi in a daze!

"Assessment is subject to a time limit, and candidates are requested to complete it within the specified time."

After Nito Hisako reminded Lin Yi, he followed Erina to the kitchen counter of Xingping Chuangzhen.

"Master Erina."

After seeing that Erina was attracted by Kohei Sakima, Nito Hisako immediately called out the information about Kohei Sojima from the tablet.

"Xingping Chuangzhen, the family opened a small restaurant."

"As you can see from the outside, he looks like a second-rate chef. No wonder he dared to make dishes in front of me."

Erina seemed to understand something after reading the materials of Yuping Chuangzhen.At the same time, he is not interested in his cooking.

But before leaving his kitchen, Erina still subconsciously asked "Xinghei Suzaki, what are you planning to do?"

"Don't you see it now?"

Regarding Erina's question, it was Kopei's turn to be a little sluggish, so he sneered and asked.

"Say it quickly, or I will fail you."

Although Erina didn't understand why Xingping Chuangzhen sneered, she immediately forced her to ask.

"In that case, I will tell you!"

"What I want to do is the secret cuisine of Kopira Restaurant No. 8"

Xingping Chuangzhen said with a mysterious face.

"Secret cuisine?"

Erina's expression tightened when she heard these words. It must be extraordinary that it can be called a secret cooking.


Unfortunately, Xingping Chuangzhen's next sentence interrupted Erina's conjecture.

"Feisha, let's go! I feel that it is better to stare at Lin Yi than here."

Erina turned her head directly after Kohei Suzaki answered, greeted her secretary Nito Hisako and left in front of Suzaki's kitchen counter.

"Bibimbap...he thought it was too bad."

"Lin Yi, will you do it? If you can't, just kneel down in front of this lady and say loudly,'I was wrong.' Maybe I can consider letting go of your streaking punishment! This chance is 100%. One point one!"

Erina came to Lin Yi's kitchen counter, looked at Lin Yi who was still thinking, and said proudly.

"Yijun, I believe you."

For Tian Suohui, who has tasted Lin Yi's cuisine, she is full of confidence in Lin Yi's cooking level.

"You came just right."

Erina had just finished speaking, and Lin Yi was thinking about how to modify it after receiving the recipe. Lin Yi's pursuit is only to make unique dishes, not just copy it after exchanging the recipe.

But Erina's words just now gave Lin Yi some inspiration.

"Just tell me what's the matter, why keep staring at me?"

Erina was very uncomfortable with Lin Yi's eyes that seemed to strip herself naked, so she frowned and asked.

"it is ready."

After a while, Lin Yi withdrew his gaze, but did not give an explanation.

"Since you are not going to give up, now you can tell us what your cooking is! After all, the game time is running out."

It's a pity that Lin Yi directly ignored Erina's words and took out two eggs from the kitchen counter and put them in his hands.Started preparing for his own cooking.

"Humph, I want to see what you can cook."

Erina looked at Lin Yi who ignored him and let out a soft snort.

After Lin Yi got the eggs, he didn't start cooking. Instead, he let the eggs roll and shake in his hands from time to time. There was no pattern as if they were random.

After shaking for about two minutes, Lin Yi opened his eyes.Although his expression was relaxed just now, the sweat stains on his head have shown that his actions just now are not simple.

"Hisasha, can you guess what kind of food he cooks?"

Erina looked at Lin Yi, who was boiling the water, and couldn't help but asked Scarlett.

"Master Erina, I don't know. I don't even understand the meaning of the egg shaking in my hand just now."

Nito Hisako shook his head and said he didn't know.

"Kang Dang"

While the two of them were still discussing in doubt, Lin Yi had already put the two eggs in his hands into a pot full of cold water...

"Huh? Is it a boiled egg."

Xingping Chuangzhen, who was about to end the bibimbap over there, was also attracted by Lin Yi's actions, and that thought naturally flashed in his mind when he watched Lin Yi put the eggs in the water to cook.

"It should not be that simple."

Xingping Chuangzhen quickly shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts.

The three people with a skeptical look were instantly dull after Lin Yi put the two eggs in front of Erina.

"Really boiled eggs?" x3

This idea came to all three of them at the same time.


"What a joke, you used this kind of cooking to fool me."

Erina slammed the kitchen counter and shouted.

"Don't worry, it's not over yet!"

As Lin Yi's words just fell silent, the intact egg on the left began to crack due to the shock of Erina's fist.


The cracks gradually increased...


After a small voice, the connotation of that egg was instantly exposed.


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