Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 15

Just as Fengzaki, who walked through the door, was talking to Xinghei Souzhen, Lin Yi quietly said in Tian Suohui's ear.


Tian Suohui really didn't know how to refuse Lin Yi's request. If he refused directly, would it make Lin Yi angry, causing him to get angry with himself, and then leave their mother and daughter.

If something like that really happened, she really didn't know how to explain to her mother when she returned.But if he agrees directly, he is afraid that he will have to find more women.

" decide for yourself!"

Tian Suohui sighed inwardly and handed over the decision to Lin Yi. She really didn't have any opinions, but she didn't want to conflict with Lin Yi because of this matter, so she had to follow Lin Yi's thoughts.

"Sure enough, choosing you to be your wife is correct."

Lin Yi directly gave her an affectionate kiss after obtaining the favor of Tian Suohui.

In fact, in Lin Yi's view, Tian Suohui's kind and cute character is nothing wrong, and Lin Yi only values ​​her good bully.This is why Lin Yi wanted to attack her directly after knowing that she was Tian Suohui on the day of the crossing.


After Lin Yi received Tian Suhui's approval, he coughed twice and attracted everyone's attention.

"I suddenly had an idea."

In everyone's surprised eyes, Lin Yi gently lifted Tian Suohui who was sitting on him.At the same time, while talking, he walked towards the place where Minezaki was sitting.

"Boy, stop."

Just when Lin Yi was approaching Fengqi, one of the three bodyguards stood in front of Lin Yi and said coldly.


I saw the bodyguard in front of Lin Yi fell to the ground like a cooked shrimp, curling up.

With the improvement of Lin Yi's knife skills and cooking skills, his physical fitness has reached a certain level. After all, some special skills are the same as chicken ribs if they do not have strong qualities.

The skill that Lin Yi exchanged was a skill that could be displayed, so naturally his physical fitness must be improved accordingly.

Faced with Lin Yi, whose quality is about to rise to the inhuman state, if a bodyguard can block Lin Yi's full blow, there will be a ghost!

"You guy."

After the middle-aged bodyguard who had stopped Lin Yi fell to the ground, the two bodyguards standing behind Fengzaki suddenly rushed out towards Lin Yi with a roar.

Lin Yi dodged a punch from a bodyguard on his side, and at the same time he lifted his right leg up and hit his abdomen directly with a knee bump.


I saw that the bodyguard's eyes suddenly burst, and the fierce attack directly caused his bitterness to be spit out from his mouth.

Compared to this bodyguard, the next bodyguard was even more unlucky, and was directly hit by a kick.As for whether he can have a normal sex life after this kick, this is not what Lin Yi should care about.

In fact, all of this happened in an instant. When Lin Yi tried to deal with the three bodyguards, Kurase and Minezaki were stunned.Unexpectedly, Lin Yi, who doesn't seem to be strong, would be able to fight so well.

"You... what do you want to do?"

After being surprised, Fengzaki remembered his situation.She had originally brought a few bodyguards and she thought she was foolproof. Who knew how such a powerful guy suddenly appeared, and how Fengzaki, who was a weak woman without a bodyguard, could become arrogant.

"Guess it!"

At this moment, Lin Yi had already walked in front of Feng Qi, and looked at it condescendingly.What caught the eye instantly was a pair of perfectly round objects. According to Lin Yi's visual observation, this was much larger than Mieko's, but the visual observation was always inaccurate.

In Fengzaki's somewhat horrified eyes, Lin Yi stretched out her index finger to the career line on her chest, and slowly slid her fingers downward as her breathing increased...

Lin Yi put his hand back in Fengzaki's ruddy and blurred eyes.

"What I want is you."

When Feng Qi was a little sober, Lin Yi pinched her smooth chin and said aggressively.

"Little~brother~brother, sister's net worth is not cheap! You can't afford it."

Suddenly a cool breeze blew from outside the door, finally awakening Fengzaki, who was touched by Lin Yi, who was a little confused.She looked at the rather handsome young boy in front of her and couldn't help but laugh.

Although Lin Yi was already an uncle who was about to run for three in his previous life, his age and appearance have been fixed by the system at the age of sixteen after he traveled through the world, so it’s true that Fengzaki called him a little~brother~brother. .

"I know it's not easy, so I'm going to use a dish to settle you down."

"Know that I have wanted a maid for a long time."

Lin Yi didn’t get angry when Fengzaki called him a little~brother~brother, but gently slid his fingers on Fengzaki’s lips. The kind of gentleness did not have a temptation, but Lin Yi pulled his hand after restraining in time. Leaving Fengzaki's pretty face.


For Lin Yi's performance just now, Xing Ping Chuang Zhen couldn't stand it anymore.It's fine to molest, but is it necessary in front of everyone?The most important thing is that he knows that Lin Yi and Tian Suohui are husband and wife. Is it really good to molest other women so brazenly in front of his wife?

So Xingping Chuangzhen deliberately coughed to make Lin Yi calm down.It's a pity that he forgot that even if Lin Yi took the advantage of Erinai, he didn't see Tian Suohui's complaint.He himself is nosy.

"Xingping, remember to take medicine if you have an uncomfortable throat."

Lin Yi looked at Xingping Chuangzhen after coughing, and exhorted him with great concern.Then he ignored him and walked directly to the kitchen.

"Maid, what do you want to eat? Master, I will make you a good one today."

Lin Yi roughly checked the remaining ingredients, then pretended to look at Feng Qi and asked.

"Little~brother~brother, don't be complacent!"

"Sister, I suddenly want to eat steak, can you make it?"

Fengzaki looked at Lin Yi, who was about to do it, and couldn't help but despise her. As the company's senior, she hadn't eaten any kind of delicious food.It's not that simple to conquer her stomach.

"System, any suggestions for recipes?"


"Fake the real"

Chapter 24 Extravagant Red Wine

Lin Yi exchanged the so-called "fake the real" recipe with the thought of not being pitted by the system.

"Exchanging recipes for'fake the real' and consume a thousand points of luck"

"The recipe's'Fake and Real' are exchanged, and the information is being transmitted..."

After Lin Yi finished sorting out the information transmitted by the system, he was stunned.

How can this be fake? This is simply turning decay into magic!

Lin Yi, who was silent for a moment, didn't express any opinions, he rolled up his sleeves, and surrounded the apron Xingping Chuangzhen had just handed over.

If nothing else, it's doing it.

The main material this time is naturally the same as the "Imitation Barbecue" made by Mr. Koping in the original work, and potatoes are also used.

Not only potatoes are available, but potatoes are more suitable than other ingredients.


I saw that the potatoes that had just been cleaned were instantly cut in half in the light of Lin Yi's knife, just like cutting the fruit inside.

The first thing Lin Yi had to do was steam dry the water in the potatoes. After peeling the potatoes, Lin Yi put the potatoes in the steamer.

Next is the most important step, how to let others taste the taste of meat through potatoes.

In the original work, Xinghei Chuangzhen used the bacon-assisted potatoes he bought to make the so-called "imitation barbecue", but at this time Lin Yi did not have any meat products to use, all he had to do was to prepare a special Seasoning.

This secret sauce is the essence of the recipe's "fake and true" recipe, it can turn other ordinary ingredients into meat.

But it's not an internal change, it just makes people feel that this is flesh.Even if you know that this is not meat, you can taste all kinds of meat.


During the time when the potatoes were evaporating, Lin Yi re-ignited the fire on the other side, put the clean pan next to him, and poured the red wine into everyone's surprised eyes.

Of course, what surprised everyone was not Lin Yi's use of red wine for cooking, but what surprised everyone was where his red wine came from.

Needless to say, Lin Yi exchanged it from the system. Even though this dish is simple to say, the ingredients required for the secret sauce are quite precious.

"Red Wine"

"Place of Origin: Lafite Winery"

"Year: 1787 Collection (226 years)"

"Exchange price: 100 luck points"

Not only the red wine, but then Lin Yi exchanged various rare condiments from the system differently in everyone's surprised eyes, and a scent of mixed condiments came out with the simmering fire.

"It smells good! But why do I feel a little dizzy? Am I drunk?"

At this time, everyone around Lin Yi felt intoxicated after smelling the scent in the pot.

This is not to blame for them, because in the secret sauce, the higher the age of the red wine used, the stronger the effect.Had it not been for the many spices that had absorbed the fragrance of red wine during the cooking process, there would be no standing people in the restaurant at this time.

Unlike the people who were confused at this time, Lin Yi was more focused at this time. This secret sauce tested the chef's mastery of the heat.

The fire can neither be big nor small. It is too big to destroy the internal structure of many seasonings, but if it is too small, the fragrance of red wine will not be able to be completely integrated into it to produce a wonderful chemical reaction, which is no different from boiling with water.


As Lin Yi's voice sounded, the fragrance that had drunk the crowd slowly faded.

"What's the matter? Suddenly I feel a lot clearer in my brain."

Even the long-term contact with cooking, Koping Sakuma Wada Sorui, after just smelling the fragrance, did not resist its overbearing invasion, and became intoxicated.

At this time, Lin Yi's secret sauce was completed and the fragrance instantly condensed before they woke up from the intoxication.

"Lin Yi, how old is your bottle of red wine?"

Xingping Chuangzhen was silent for a while and found the main culprit.So he asked Lin Yi expectantly.

"look by youself."

At this time, Lin Yi, who was processing the steamed potatoes, directly took the bottle of red wine and handed it to Xingping Chuangzhen.

After Xingping Chuangzhen looked at the red wine bottle handed over by Lin Yi, he looked at the introduction on the bottle curiously.

"In 1787?"

Xingping Chuangzhen, who took the bottle, immediately yelled after seeing the date on the bottle.

"What 1787?"

At this time, Fengzaki, who had not fully recovered from the intoxication, was suddenly awakened by Xingping Chuangzhen's yell, and asked directly.

"In 1787, the age is really long!"

Xingping Chuangzhen calmed down after his surprise. For him, no matter how long it was, it was just a bottle of red wine. He was most curious about how Lin Yi got this bottle of red wine.


Compared to the ignorant Koping Sakuma, Minezaki was completely stunned by its vintage after taking over the wine bottle in his hand.

"Does a bottle of red wine need this?"

Xingping Chuangzhen couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the appearance of Minezaki dementia.

"Just a bottle of red wine?"

"Do you know its price?"

"You soil bun, soil turtle."

Xingping Chuang really contemptuously provokes Fengzaki's anger, which is simply unforgivable for her.

"Even if you only drink a drop of this bottle of red wine, you can't afford it even if you work for the rest of your life."

"According to this year, it is simply a sky-high price, let alone drink it, we have never seen it."

Fengzaki's words just fell silent, Xingping Chuangzhen couldn't help but ask: "Since I haven't seen it before, there is still a possibility that this one is fake!"

"Also, if this bottle of red wine is not fake, are you ready to sell it to Lin Yi for a lifetime?"

The words of Xingping Chuangzhen made Fengzaki, who was fascinated by this 1987 Lafite at this time, suddenly wake up.

"Yes! It might be fake!"

But before Fengzaki could verify the authenticity of the red wine in his hand, a scent of soaring fragrance rushed towards everyone.

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