Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 20

"As a chef, if you can't control your anger, how do you make good dishes."

Seeing the loud yelling of the two students immediately aroused Professor Chapel's dissatisfaction, and immediately yelled.

After hearing Professor Chapel’s words, the two students could only suppress their anger in their hearts, and at the same time, they planned to wait until the end of the class to teach Lin Yi, the nasty transfer student, to let him understand the truth about being a good person.

"Will you do it?"

"Do you want me to teach you?"

Lin Yi glanced at Xing Ping Chuang, who was still muttering to the recipe on the whiteboard, couldn't help but asked amusedly.

"No, it's just beef stew!"

"Can't trouble me, or should we compete again?"

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Xingping Chuangzhen directly rejected his proposal, and then he was full of challenges.


"Challenge Mission Open"

"Challenge Mission: Beef Showdown"

"Challenge request: beat him in the dishes proposed by Koppei Sakuma"

"Challenge reward: 1000 luck points"

When Xingping Chuangzhen sent out a signal of challenge, the system decisively reminded Lin Yi.

"It seems that the last challenge did not dampen your confidence!"

Lin Yi looked at Xing Ping Chuang who was full of fighting spirit and couldn't help laughing.

"There is no one who can defeat me if he wants to challenge me once!"

For Lin Yi's words, Xingping Chuangzhen said seriously.For him, failure just gave him the experience of failure, and it is impossible to really defeat him.

Lin Yi couldn't help but admire him here, with strong resilience.Compared with his father more than 500 times, but still full of enthusiasm to improve his cooking skills, what should I say?He should be someone who was born specifically for cooking.

If Lin Yi hadn't relied on the cheat device of the system, let alone his superb cooking skills, it might be difficult to even feed himself.

However, for the challenge of Xingping Chuangzhen, Lin Yi did not exchange the recipe as last time, but relied on his own cooking skills to complete it. After all, Mr. Chapel has written on the whiteboard about the recipe of this dish. .

As long as Lin Yi researches it roughly, he can make it a perfect representation or even incorporate some of his own unique concepts to make it different. After all, the advanced cooking skills that Lin Yi exchanges are not jealous. It allows Lin Yi to completely master this realm of cooking. Art, not a blessing of skill.

Like the recipes that Lin Yi redeemed, Lin Yi could create it as long as it took time, but that would undoubtedly take a long time. It was too difficult for Lin Yi. He would rather spend time to pick up girls than Spend a lot of time on the kitchen counter.

Thinking that He Xingping really challenged him, Lin Yi could not help but remember that his luck point at this time seemed to have broken through the 10,000 mark, and he could exchange some powerful abilities.

Name: Lin Yi

Age: 16 (constant)

Skills: advanced knife craftsmanship, advanced cooking (gourmet category)

Strategy: Tansuo Mie (in progress), Tansuo Mieko (the strategy is completed), Nakiri Erina (in the strategy), Minezaki Yaeko (in the strategy)

Lucky points: 13280 points

Strategy World: None

In the world: spirit of eating halberd

"What is good for exchange?"

After seeing his luck point, Lin Yi opened the system exchange page and thought.

"The system exchanges a hand of god for me."

Now this world doesn't have much to improve Lin Yi's strength. After all, it is just an ordinary world. For Lin Yi, who has reached a certain level of cooking, everything is a cloud.

"I hope to exchange the God of Cooking suit, but unfortunately the knife is too expensive and I can only exchange it with the costume when I have enough luck."

What Lin Yi saw at first glance was the suit of the God of Cookery that could be worn, but unfortunately, the clothes and knives added too many points of luck, and he was not enough at all, so he had to exchange for something.

"But fortunately, even if you redeem these luck points, you can count on the accumulation of luck you need to navigate the world, otherwise it would be miserable to accumulate 200,000 luck without redeeming anything."

While Lin Yi was still lucky, the system prompt popped up.

"Confirm the exchange of the'Hand of God'"


Facing Lin Yi's confirmation, a tingling sensation came from his hands.

"Successful redemption, deduct 10000 air luck points"

"God's Hand is being transformed..."

"I rely on..."

Lin Yi originally thought it would be a very easy fusion, who knew it was to transform his own hands. The dense tingling sensation made Lin Yi hard to cry and laugh.

"So cheating, fortunately I didn't exchange the tongue of God, otherwise I can only see me in the hospital now."

Fortunately, it didn't take long to make the transformation. When Lin Yi almost couldn't bear it, the transformation of his hands stopped.

"The transformation of the Hand of God is complete."

As the system prompt appeared, the original sharp tingling sensation began to recede, and a refreshing sensation filled his hands.

"Become a lot more flexible."

As a chef, Lin Yi naturally has a keen sense of his own hands. He felt the difference between his own hands at the moment after the transformation was completed.

"Yijun, what's wrong with you? A lot of sweat!"

Just as Lin Yi felt her hands, Tian Suohui beside her clearly noticed that Lin Yi's expression was not right.

Chapter 32 The Sense of Vision of Third-rate Online Games

"I'm fine."

After Lin Yi leaned gently on Tian Suohui's body, he shook his head to indicate that he was OK.

"Why don't you take a break."

Tian Suohui, who had recovered a little confidence, couldn't help but put forward suggestions when seeing Lin Yi's tired look.

"That's not necessary, I just realized the new ability just now, so I take this opportunity to experiment."

However, Lin Yi refused and shook his head. The ability Lin Yi had just acquired was just when his enthusiasm was high, and he didn't show how he fits his low-key but trying to pretend style.

"But the way you are now."

Tian Suohui looked at Lin Yi with sweat on his forehead and said with some worry.


Although Lin Yi knew that Tian Suohui was doing it for his own good, sometimes he explained it faster with movements.Lin Yi lowered her head and kissed her lips before Tian Suohui could not respond.

"How dare he be so bold?"

Different from the square, they are in class at this time!What if Mr. Chapel is kicked out to do such a thing.At this time, Tian Suohui's heart was numb, and she still underestimated Lin Yi's boldness.

"It's okay, I blocked the teacher's eyes."

After Lin Yi let go of Tian Suohui's sweet lips, he seemed to see her worry, so he said comfortingly.

Although Teacher Chapel didn't see it, most of the students who were cooking at this time noticed, but before thinking about it, Lin Yi flew out because of the words of the two boys.

If they stabbed this matter out and caused Lin Yi and the others to be expelled or punished, then I am afraid that a kitchen knife will fly to their heads!

Even if Lin Yi didn't dare to kill, it was not a good thing to keep paying attention to Lin Yi's chopper all the time.

So when they were surprised, they turned one eye and closed the other as they didn't see it.

After Lin Yi stood in the middle of the kitchen counter, the original laziness disappeared instantly.

Although Lin Yi did not wear a chef's uniform at this moment, no one who stood in the middle of the kitchen counter would deny that he was a chef.

"so hot!"

Even Tian Suohui looked a little idiot at Lin Yi at this time.

"Fresh beef: this is a tenderloin cut from a sorrowful edible cow"

"Cookable, cooking effect bad luck +1"

At this time, after Lin Yi put his hand on the beef in front of him, the powerful hand of God instantly gave the data.

"I'm going, how come there is a sense of sight of a third-rate online game."

Lin Yi couldn't help but vomit when he noticed the feedback from the hand of God.

"Fresh beef: this is a tenderloin cut from a savage edible cow"

"Cookable, cooking effect energy +1"

"Fresh beef: This is a tenderloin cut from an edible cow who wants to become a bullfighting"

"Cookable, cooking effect vitality +1"

After Lin Yi's hands skipped a few pieces of beef in an instant, the feedback from him was an eye-opener for Lin Yi.

"Sometimes the hard work of the day after tomorrow is never as good as talent."

After Lin Yi sighed in his heart, he started to do it.

When Lin Yi got up, Tian Suohui, who was standing beside him, had nothing to do. She couldn't get involved at all with Lin Yi.

Beef stew with red wine is a very common and simple dish, but to make it well requires strict control of the heat and seasoning.

This is certainly not difficult for Lin Yi, anyway, he is also the one who has reached the pinnacle of cooking.


Unlike others, the red wine used by Lin Yi is the remaining 87-year Lafite last time.

So as soon as he used it as a Frenchman, Chapel felt different.

Although puzzled but did not delve into it.

It didn't take long, about ten minutes, and while the other students were still waiting, Lin Yi and Xingping Chuangzhen's cooking was already out.


"Let you wait a long time."

Although the two completed almost at the same time, Lin Yi let Xingping Chuangzhen go first.

It wasn't Lin Yiqian, Lin Yi just abide by the truth of the protagonist's last appearance.


Although there was no trouble in the original work, the beef made by Xingping Chuangzhen was still very tender.

"It's very soft, it can bounce off the fork that is pressed on it."

After observing Xingping Chuangzhen's cooking, Chapel tried it with a knife and fork.I was a little surprised to find that beef was surprisingly elastic.

'Burgundy Beef Stew' is not complicated, but in addition to controlling the heat and seasoning, it takes a long time. If you want to make the beef soft, you need at least one for a better taste. More than hours.

However, even if the time taken by both Xingping Chuangzhen and Lin Yi did not take enough an hour, they made the beef reach the same level, which surprised Chapel.

"Even if you look good, it doesn't mean that the dish is qualified."

After seeing the flexibility of beef, Chapel was not surprised but started to taste Koping Chuangzhen's cuisine with such a concept.Then Xingping Chuangzhen's calm eyes cut off a piece and put it in his mouth...


After Mr. Chapel put the cut piece of beef into his mouth, his consciousness followed the guidance of the food and imagined a sweet journey wrapped in honey in his mind, as if traveling in a sea of ​​sweet honey general.

"It's so delicious..."

At this time, Teacher Chapel unconsciously brought the fantasy smile into reality. The innocent smile seemed to be nothing to Lin Yi and Xingping Chuangzhen, but it surprised the other students in the classroom.

"Ms. Chapel actually..."


The students who felt incredible in the classroom basically said in unison...

Then, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, I saw that Teacher Shaper put down the knife and fork in his hand and looked at Xingping Chuangzhen seriously and said: "Xingping Chuangzhen is true! I will give you an A grade evaluation."

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