Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 281

Because Lin Yi knows that damage will inevitably occur if he really fights, so Lin Yi will count it after a thought...

At that time, Musashi wanted to die with Lin Yi, so when so many supergravity artillery struck, Musashi directly released his Klein force field...

This resulted in the destruction of the two super warships Musashi and Yamato...

Before he was about to hit, Lin Yi directly used the magic circle to take the two of them away from the battleship... so there was nothing wrong with each other.

After arriving at Haiwu’s headquarters, Nagato took over the position of the flagship...

Lin Yi's inspiration made things easier. Except for Musashi, a little loli who hates Lin Yi, everyone else has become quite admiring Lin Yi...


"Master, hurry up and start a new world!"

"You have to know that nine out of thirteen returns, if you don't hurry, the longer the time, the more interest..."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to pay it back then!"

Lin Yi enjoys the wait of Kaohsiung and others every day, and is a little intoxicated...

It's a pity that Little Loli, the system wizard who lacks a lot of snacks, can't stand it anymore, reminding Lin Yi like an alarm clock every day...

"Oh my God!"

"Little Lolita, you are definitely a good debt collector..."

"I served you too..."

"Since the task of this world has been completed, you can arrange it yourself!"

Lin Yi replied feebly to the bombardment in Little Lori's ear.


"Main Task 1: Become the Supreme Codex (Completed)"

"Mission Requirements: Bring all Sea Fog Fleets under our command"

"Task Reward: 50% of the current world ownership"

"Acquired ownership of the current world, starting to collect..."

"The collection is over..."

"World Search..."

"The crossing begins..."

When Lin Yi's words fell silent, a prompt panel appeared in front of him, and the information on it flashed by...

When Lin Yi came back to his senses, he had already appeared in nothingness...

Without a pause for three seconds, the figure disappeared again...

⑥Inferior students in magic colleges

Chapter 1 Comes with benefits


This is a magnificent bathroom decorated with white jade tiles... The central bath is wide and can accommodate more than 50 people, and there is a continuous flow of hot water on the wall next to the bath... That is the right temperature Make this bath as comfortable as a natural hot spring...

At this moment, beside the bath in the direction of the front door, a charming and soft young woman is slightly closing her eyes and enjoying the comfort like a hot spring...


Suddenly, the young woman did not wrinkle lightly... The grace and majesty looks like a woman in a high position. The reason why there is no one to serve is just because she prefers to enjoy the quiet alone!

But her slightly frowning face just now was because of unexpected guests in the bath...

"I didn't feel any fluctuations at all... how did he appear?"

The young woman opened her eyes and looked at the somewhat intoxicated man lying on her chest at the moment, the doubts in her mind flashed...

"Who are you? You dare to break into Siye's house..."

As for the man's profanity, the young woman asked with a cold light flashing in her eyes.

In her opinion, no matter where this man came from, he was doomed to die since he appeared... After all, the Four Leaf Clan, one of the ten divisions, is not something that everyone can provoke.

"Ding Dong! Master Lin Yi, the task is here..."

Needless to say, the one who suddenly appeared in the bath while desecrating the young woman was Lin Yi who had just passed through...

After the young woman asked in a cold voice, Lin Yi heard the voice from the little Lolita of the system...

"Successfully traversed and began to invade the world database..."

"The world shielding is complete, and information is obtained."

"The current world's'inferior students in magic colleges'"

"main mission:……"

"Mutated Mission: Battle to Grab Girls"

"Task requirements: as long as the formula is effective, there are no corners that cannot be dug"

"Requirement 1: At least snatch three famous girls"

"Requirement 2: Have at least ten girls who have had negative distance contact"

"Requirement 3: Abnormal means must be used to have negative distance contact with the girl"

"Requirement 4: Please act hard, no less than ten times"

"The task rewards ownership of the world"

With the series of data in front of Lin Yi, he fell into deep contemplation...

"Since you don't want to say it, then go to death with the answer!"

After Lin Yi resisted the words he wanted to vomit and fell into contemplation, the young woman in front of him seemed to be silent that did not intend to answer. The impatient young woman snorted directly, and a white light appeared in her right hand...


When the young woman was about to do it, a strange fluctuation directly brought Lin Yi back to his senses...

"Still doing it?"

I saw Lin Yi chuckle, grabbing her hands, and directly injected a magical force into her body, stopping the restless power in her body...



At this moment, Yotsuba Maya was extremely upset in her heart. Originally, she was enjoying the comfort of an artificial hot spring... Unexpectedly, a man appeared on her chest suddenly...

When I was forced to ask Wuguo that I was planning to solve this man, I was suddenly stopped...

"Damn it actually suppressed my magic..."

"Who is this guy?"

Yotsuba Maya directly mobilized the enormous power in his body with the doubts and anger in his heart, intending to let this ignorant guy see the power of one of the world's strongest magicians [Queen of the Night]...

Na Chengxiang suddenly a powerful force poured into his body through his hands... The original strongest magician instantly became an ordinary woman...

Even if the powerful physical power is still retained, it is far from the powerful magical destructive power...

"You...who are you? Let go of me?"

Since Yotsuba Maya lost her fertility due to physical damage in the previous attack, she has never paid attention to matters between men and women...especially now that she has already become the strongest magician and who dares to be like this in front of her Bold...

As for her fiancé, who had made a marriage contract since she was a child, she had already dissolved the marriage contract on the grounds of infertility...

"I am a man bestowed to you by the heavens. Now letting go of the beautiful scenery on the good day, isn't it a shame for you!"

Lin Yi stretched out his hand and raised Si Ye Zhenye's chin provocatively, and said with an evil expression.

"you dare……"

For Lin Yi, the man who appeared suddenly and could even directly restrain him, Yotsuba Zhenye couldn't help but feel a little fear...

Yotsuba Maya, who has long been strong in her hands, has always been aloof and despise others, but now that her power disappears and even when she is strengthened, she is a little scared...

"wait wait wait……"

Yotsuba Zhenye, who suddenly felt the obvious changes in Lin Yi's body, suddenly shouted.

"Don't you want a woman? I will find you... twins, young women, girls... you can... whatever you want..."

At this moment, Yotsuba Zhenye, who has regarded Lin Yi as an evil spirit in her sex, directly used her own chips to tempt her...

"No, these mortals are not so attractive to you..."

"tell me your name……"

After Lin Yi bowed his head and kissed Siye Zhenye's lips softly, a sweet breath came into his nostrils...

"Four... Yotsuba Miya..."

Chapter 2 The Gossip of the Maid's Heart

My name is Yotsuba Maya, and I am a magician standing on the top of the world. As such a great person, today has ushered in the most humiliating moment...

"I...I'm going to break..."

With waves of pleasure in her body rushing into her mind, Yotsuba Zhenye, who had been resisting Lin Yi's movements, unconsciously cooperated...

Even if in her mind, she wished to smash the man's body in this moment, but her body was not controlled by her... Gradually, even the spirit began to trance... The unconscious groan in the mouth gave a beautiful melody that made people bloody... …

"I...I can't..."

"forgive me!!!"

When Lin Yi conquered more than ever, Siye Zhenye, who had always been enjoying herself, finally reached the peak and woke up...somewhat panting, grabbed Lin Yi's arm and said.

"A lie, how could the strongest magician's combat effectiveness be so weak?"

"Fight for another round..."

Compared to those ship ladies who didn't want to drain Lin Yi all the time in the previous world, Lin Yi finally found the pride of a man in Siye Zhenye...

Looking at the woman who was originally domineering but now became tender and tender under Lin Yi's conquest, Lin Yi's heart fire that had just been extinguished rose again... Ignoring some pleadings, Yotsuba Zhenye played with it again...

"Ah! Then... not there..."

When Lin Yi turned Siye Zhenye upside down and changed her posture, she immediately understood what Lin Yi wanted to do in her sensitive touch, and suddenly exclaimed in a panic...

"It's okay, since the development naturally needs to be improved... this is also for your health..."

In Lin Yi's calm words, Yotsuba Zhenye suffered two injuries tonight...


"My lord had a long time soaking today!"

While Lin Yi was training Siye Zhenye in the bathroom, the maids outside the door couldn't help but wonder...

Obviously because of Lin Yiman's prolonged conquest, their Patriarch, Yotsuba Zhenye, extended the bath time to more than three or four times the previous...

"Shut up, we can actually talk about the Patriarch's matter."

"Although I know you are worried, Patriarch, as the world's strongest magician, who can hurt her, is waiting honestly."

When the two maids standing at the door couldn't help but discuss, suddenly a white-haired middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper stood in front of them and reprimanded.

"I see, Master Ye Shan."

In front of the white-haired middle-aged man, the two maids did not dare to have any dissatisfaction... It should be that this seemingly middle-aged man is over 70 years old, from the time when the first generation of the Patriarch of the Si Ye family was reigning. He is already the deacon of the Yotsuba family, and now he is even the head of the deacon of the Yotsuba family. He is in charge of all the things in the Yotsuba family’s main house, even the Patriarch of the Yotsuba family dare not treat him lightly. ...

At this time, the two little maids dared not express any dissatisfaction with Deacon Ye Shan’s reprimand...

"Keep guard, remember to report that Miss Shen Xue is back after the Patriarch comes out."

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