Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 291

"you are hopeless……"

"Ah! I... I should be able to rescue it..."

"Let your teacher Lin?"

"Eh! That's a good idea..."



As the protagonist, Lin Yi is walking on the way to the dormitory...


"When will you three follow?"

After walking some distance, Lin Yi greeted Ichihara Lingyin to stop, turned around and looked at Watanabe Mori, who was not far from him, and asked silently.

"As a highly dangerous element, even teachers must be closely monitored..."

Mori Watanabe, the chairperson of the Fengji Committee, had not spoken yet, and Chiyoda Hanatone on the side spoke to Lin Yi unceremoniously.


"Do I have to monitor when I sleep?"

Lin Yi couldn't help asking a little bit painful for the energetic Chiyoda Flower Music.

"Of course, this can prevent you from being a flower picker at night..."

After Lin Yi's questioning, Chiyoda Huayin said something of a matter of course after serious consideration.

"Why don't you sleep with me!"

"In this way, I can closely monitor my every move..."

"Of course, when necessary, we face each other naked...'Be honest with each other' is also possible..."

Lin Yi was very touched by Chiyoda Hanaone who looked serious, so he couldn't help but gave her a good idea...

"This is also a good choice..."

After hearing Lin Yi's suggestion, Chiyoda's eyes lightened...


"No... impure relations between teachers and students are not allowed..."

Seeing Lin Yi and Chiyoda Hana sound addicted to chatting, and even getting a little bit more and more out of the ordinary, Watanabe Mori directly raised his palm and knocked Chiyoda Hana sound on the head...

" hurts..."

Chapter 16 The Basic Professional Ethics of the Devil

"I still agree with Watanabe-senpai's words."

Just as Watanabe Mori’s words saying “The school prohibits impure relations between teachers and students” just fell off, an indifferent voice came from the far end of the corridor...

"Spoda too?"

"How come the ghosts stay!"

Lin Yi looked at Spoda Ye who was pointing at him with the gun-shaped CAD in his hand in the distance, and couldn't help but say a little speechlessly.

"I'm not interested in men, as long as my sister is handed over... Our well water does not violate the river..."

"Otherwise, I don't mind what parts you will have less then..."

Si Poda was also not interested in Lin Yi's words, just watched Lin Yi indifferently and said with a warning.

"Student Si Bo, please calm down..."

"It is not possible to use CAD for magic attacks on campus, not to mention that you are still a member of the discipline committee."

Mori Watanabe immediately persuaded the fluctuation caused by the Spoda gun-shaped CAD at this moment.

"And the ghost teacher here, hurry up and hand over Classmate Sibo's sister..."

As soon as Watanabe Mori finished persuading Spoda, he turned to look at Lin Yi and said glaringly.

"Actually, it is not impossible for me to hand over Sibo Shenxue, but who will make up for my loss?"

"Or Mori sauce, come and be my captive!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but said in distress to Watanabe Mori's words.


"Watanabe-senpai, I think it's better to leave it to me!"

"Rest assured, I will pay for the damage to the school."

For Lin Yi's very uncooperative attitude, Si Boda also directly gave up his plan to communicate...


I saw the data flashed round by round on Sibo Daye’s gun CAD, and a wave of fluctuations spread towards Lin Yi...

"I can't play magic things worse than you..."

In an instant, Lin Yi rushed towards his face with a gesture of force with both hands...


Just listening to a clear sound in the air, Spoda’s invisible attack was instantly shattered...

"Can you send magic without using CAD?"

"No, there is no complicated technique in his magic attack..."

"How is this going?"

After Lin Yi resisted his magic, Si Poda couldn't help but frown...

As a strategic magician, he has a thorough research on magical nature, otherwise he would not choose to become a magician...

But Lin Yi's attack methods made him very unfamiliar. He couldn't help making magic attacks that could be instantaneous without the aid of CAD. Even the attacking magic was unseen before...just like another system...

"Huh? Can a magic attack be issued without the aid of CAD?"

Not only Si Boda, but even the four women who stood not far from Lin Yi were surprised...

"It seems that you have some ability..."

Although Spoda doesn't understand the other party's methods, Spoda, who is accustomed to fashion clothes, will naturally not admit it. Instead, he looks like you are good at fighting with me...


"Uh! This is pretending to be in front of me..."

"It is better for people to have a little self-knowledge..."

Lin Yi looked at Si Po Da Ye who was pretending to be a little bit in front of him, and after a word of helplessness, the figure disappeared in front of everyone, as if teleporting...


In the next second, Sibo Tatsuya's figure flew out in the eyes of Watanabe Mori and the others, and Lin Yi was now in a handsome gesture of right uppercut...

"No one can't do it with one punch..."

At this moment, Lin Yi, who was posing as a punch, said slowly...


Before Watanabe Mori and the others could wake up from their shocked eyes, Siboda, who was knocked into the air by Lin Yi, coughed up a mouthful of blood and climbed up from the ground again...


"If there is... then two punches..."

Before Spoda can stand still, the scene just now reappears... Spoda also flies out again...


Lin Yi slowly retracted his pretending posture, and suddenly saw a mobile phone enter his eyes...

"Oh! It turns out there is a position!"

"Unexpectedly, it is abnormal to have a positioning on my sister!"

Lin Yi looked at the place where the green dots were constantly flashing in the phone, and immediately understood, Siboda also came to find his purpose...

"You are more perverted!"

Regarding Lin Yi's disdainful words, the women could not help but regain their sense of contempt for Lin Yi...

"Student Sibo, are you okay!"

"He's okay, he just needs to fall asleep for a while..."

After despising Lin Yi, Mori Watanabe, who was the chairman of the committee, directly turned his attention to Sibo Tatsuya, and walked over to ask with some concern.

It's a pity that Spoda, who was already in a coma, couldn't answer Watanabe Mori's words at all, but Lin Yi said something.

"Huh? Recovered?"

Lin Yi just finished speaking, and suddenly discovered that Spoda, who was vomiting blood, was beaten by himself just now, and even the damaged internal organs returned to normal in an instant, but the spirit was a lot weaker...

"Teacher Lin Yi is really amazing..."

"I'm really not the teacher's opponent, I think the teacher should be an ancient magician!"

"After all, the only people who can use magic without borrowing CAD are the ancient magicians recorded in ancient books."

"This way I can understand why I am finding my sister's position, but I can't find her person..."

"I think it should be blocked by the spell barrier set by the teacher!"

Seeing that in the shocked eyes of Watanabe Mori and others, Spoda also wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth without moving, and looked at Lin Yi with a clear look in his eyes and said.


"Can you give me a protagonist of waste material?"

"Can you just stop and grab my pretense halo, okay? Didn't you see that the girl's eyes were attracted?"

Lin Yi looked at Si Bo Da Ye who stood up like a okay person at this moment, and even kept admiring the few women who looked at him in his words, Lin Yi couldn't help but wailing...


"What ancient think too much, boy..."

Regarding Si Bo Da Ye's words, Lin Yi directly rejected his ideas with contempt...

"Lao Tzu is the demon king, and robbing girls is the basic professional ethics..."

"If it hadn't been for too many beautiful girls recently, I would have taken away the female students from this school..."

While everyone was waiting for Lin Yi's explanation, Lin Yi's words directly shattered their three views...

"I... I have never seen such a brazen person..."

Chapter 17: Surprise in Life

Regarding Lin Yi's professional declaration, the atmosphere on the scene fell into silence...

"Devil... Demon King..."

"Unexpectedly, Teacher Lin still has such a secondary second side!"

After the three views were broken, the women looked at each other and said words that made Lin Yi a bit toothache...

"The devil?"

"It's really challenging!"

"But isn't it the wish of my generation to snatch the princess from the devil!"

Compared to the girls who have broken up in the Three Views, Si Poda also looked at Lin Yi with interest...

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