Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 300

"Master, I suddenly felt a puff of air coming to my face..."

"Can we speak normally?"

Sora looked at Lin Yi's pretending appearance, a black line flashed in his eyes, and then he spit out weakly.


"You dare to molest your master, see how I punish you tonight!"

Regarding Kong's so-called'a puff of sorrow', Lin Yi could no longer maintain the original appearance of holding red wine, so he turned around and flicked on Kong's forehead, and then he was vicious. Said to her.

"It's okay, I don't care..."

"By the way, I still have this Ilia to stand for me! Don't be afraid!"

Lin Yi’s threat did not make Kong feel scared at all. After all, she was the physical incarnation of the manuscript of the magical book of Astil, so she couldn’t bear to change it back, so she did not let Lin Yi’s threat. In the heart...

"It seems I want to establish the majesty of the master."

Regarding Kong's indifferent expression, Lin Yi directly put down the red wine in his hand and approached Kong's body...

"'t come over, I'm going to call when you come back."

When Sora saw Lin Yi's constantly approaching figure and the light in his eyes, he immediately put on a pitiful appearance about to be violated...

"Scream! Scream! Even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you."

Lin Yi looked at the impromptu performance and couldn't help showing an evil smile to cooperate with her...

"I'm coming……"

When Kong was in the corner of the wall pitifully deducing, Lin Yi yelled and rushed up...



"Let her go, Teacher Guihu..."

"Come at me if you have the ability..."

The two people who had acted very well, even when they were about to lean against the wall to wipe their guns and escape, the bedroom door was opened...

Behind Lin Yi came Si Bo Shenxue's angry voice...

"Uh!" x2

Regarding this change, both Lin Yi and Kong looked at the bedroom behind Lin Yi...

"What are you looking at?"

"Hurry up and let her go!"

Si Bo Shenxue looked at Lin Yi's stunned eyes, and walked forward directly to pull away Lin Yi's hands on her empty chest...

"It's nothing, it's just that the scenery is a bit charming, so I'm stuck looking at it..."

Lin Yi looked at Sibo Shenxue's maid outfit half-covered at this moment, not to mention the seductive legs in black stockings, but the bow tie that hadn't been fastened on her chest, and the whiteness on her chest was not covered Revealed...

"Huh! I want you to control..."

After Si Bo Shenxue noticed that Lin Yi had been staring at the position of her chest, she looked down at the scene of her sudden springtime and couldn't help but stretch out her sleeve collar with a red face...

"Shen Xuejiang! The clothes are not ready yet!"

"Even if you want to show it to the master in a hurry, you should be anxious for a while!"

Just when Lin Yi wanted to continue to tease Sibo Shenxue, Ilia, who was also in the bedroom, hurriedly walked out of it with a ribbon...

Looking at the shy appearance of standing in front of Lin Yi at this moment, Yi Liya suddenly complained with some misunderstanding.


I don’t even have any thoughts of refuting Ilia’s logic...

"It doesn't matter, since it is Shen Xuejiang's intention, I naturally have to accept it."

Although Si Bo Shenxue did not refute, Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction and said.


"Why did you steal my part in an instant?"

"Little girl, you are not kind!"

I was planning to come with Lin Yi to exercise before meals, but after Si Bo Shenxue interrupted him, he was very dissatisfied with the behavior in front of him...

"Little...little girl?"

"Am I... in the way?"

I thought it was a good thing for me to rescue the little Lolita from the arms of the Great Demon King Lin Yi... But Kong's words made Si Bo Shenxue feel uneasy...

"What's so good about Teacher Guihu? Protect him one by one!"

"Sister Eliya is, and so is this little loli..."

"Damn it, everything is Lin Yi's fault."

The parties have all made requests, and Si Bo Shenxue can no longer protect Kong, but when he walks over to Ilia, his mouth is muttering resentfully.

Although Sibo Shenxue spoke very quietly, she couldn't escape Lin Yi's ears...

"Ahem... I heard..."

"So for the punishment of demeaning the master, I decided to let you"

Chapter 30 The First Step

Lin Yi's voice was like the whisper of a devil, causing Si Bo Shenxue to suddenly see a chill...

"You...what do you want?"

Si Bo Shenxue turned her head to look at Lin Yi's smiling face, and asked cautiously.

"You come here first..."

Lin Yi did not answer Sibo Shenxue's question.

Instead, he smiled at Si Bo Shenxue and beckoned her to come to her.

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Si Bo Shenxue became a little uneasy.

After all, during this time of getting along, Si Bo Shenxue understood that Lin Yi was not only a ghost teacher, but also a domineering man, and he did not allow others to refute his meaning.

And now?

Lin Yi's smiling and happy appearance made Si Bo Shenxue feel the deep routine...

"I...I have something else."

"You don't have to wait for me to eat slowly."

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, it’s not Si Bo Shenxue’s style to walk towards Hushan. Especially when facing Lin Yi, she always feels that there is nothing good, so she directly refused Lin Yi and walked towards the bedroom... …

"It's not that easy, come over here!"

Lin Yi looked at Si Bo Shenxue who wanted to escape, naturally she couldn't do what she wanted...

So Lin Yi waved his hand, and suddenly a force that Si Bo Shenxue could not control wrapped around her body, and directly grabbed her half-covered body.

"Ah! Let go of me..."

In response to Lin Yi's sudden attack, Si Bo Shenxue, who had a girlish heart, suddenly screamed in panic...

"Now that the maid costume has been changed, then do some things that a maid should do!"

Lin Yi looked at Si Bo Shenxue, who was struggling but unable to get rid of her, could not help but hook her chin and said with a smirk.

After struggling for a long time, Sibo Shenxue could not help but stop her body movements...

All because when she was struggling, Lin Yi's idle hands touched some sensitive parts of her body from time to time, which made her feel very uncomfortable...

"What the maid... should do? What is that...?"

After Si Bo Shenxue stopped, she couldn't help asking in a flustered manner about what Lin Yi said the maid should do.

"That's more..."

"Take it now! Serve me to eat..."

With regard to Si Bo Shenxue's somewhat confused eyes, Lin Yi couldn't help but flash some thoughts...

"Just... it's that simple?"

Originally thought that she would do something with Lin Yi, or that Si Bo Shenxue, who was about to be supervised by Lin Yiqiang, looked stagnant after hearing the explanation, and asked strangely.

"Yes, it's that simple..."

"Then let's start!"

"Now listen to my command..."

Lin Yi's answer calmed Si Bo Shenxue's expression a lot...

After Lin Yi ordered, he immediately picked up the chopsticks on the table...

"First you have a bite..."


Although Sibo Shenxue was puzzled by Lin Yi's order, she still obediently stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the meat on the table and put it into her mouth...


After Lin Yi's cooking entered Sibo Shenxue's mouth, she made a sharp and seductive voice...


"It's delicious!"

After Si Bo Shenxue finished the tasting, his eyes beamed at the brightly colored little green vegetables on the table...

"What about the others?"

However, it is obvious that Shiba Shenxue, who is not afraid of meat and vegetables, quickly shifted his eyes from the small green vegetables closest to him to other dishes...

"Um... this braised pork looks so appetizing! It just feels like gaining weight..."

"En En... This lotus root slice also looks good, crystal clear and so beautiful..."

At this moment, Si Bo Shenxue has forgotten that she is still in the arms of Lin Yi, and all her thoughts have been put on food...


Just when Sibo Shenxue hesitated for a moment, and then planned to drop her chopsticks, her hip was suddenly attacked...

"Woo...what are you doing?"

Si Bo Shenxue glanced over at Lin Yi who disturbed her eating food...


"You are a maid now, who allows you to enjoy it alone?"

Lin Yi asked faintly after Si Bo Shenxue's angry look.


"Yes... I'm sorry..."

Seeing Lin Yi's calm face, Si Bo Shenxue instantly forgot about her painful buttocks being attacked, her face was a bit blush and apologized to Lin Yi...

"It's not impossible to eat..."

Lin Yi's words made Si Bo Shenxue's eyes bright...


"but what?"

Si Bo Shenxue eagerly asked Lin Yi's slow words.

"It must be after punishment..."

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