Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 302

Asuka looked at the dishes in front of her with a blushing face, and sighed in surprise.

"Ahem... it's okay!"

"After all, time is in a hurry and materials are limited... so the cooking is barely enough."

To Asuka's shocked sigh, Lin Yi replied calmly...

"It's no wonder Teacher Lin can capture the hearts of so many girls. I am afraid that few people can resist this kind of delicacy!"

Regarding Lin Yi's modest words, Asuka couldn't help but looked at Lin Yi with a smile.

"Then I wonder if Asuka-sensei you were captured by me?"

Asuka's sigh directly caused her to burn her body...

After Lin Yi's words were asked, Asuka's expression was a little unnatural...

"you guess?"

"Perhaps I had already secretly promised Teacher Lin!"

Faced with such a sharp question as Lin Yi, Asuka suddenly said to Lin Yi in an adorable manner.

"That's it, then Asuka, you can live here tonight!"

"At that time, we will have a thorough understanding and exchange..."

For Asuka's somewhat cute look, Lin Yi put on a thoughtful look, and quickly said to Asuka seriously.


Lin Yi's words directly made Asuka, who was a little smiling, dumbfounded...


"I forgot that this guy has a thick skin..."

"What should I do now? Do you want to promise him!"

At the moment, Asuka, who looked a little sluggish, couldn't help thinking back and forth... she looked uncertain.

In fact, Asuka knew in her heart that she liked Lin Yi, but she didn't reach the level of love at first sight...

In fact, apart from Lin Yi’s cooking that made Asuka a little heart-stirring, the biggest attraction was that the power that Lin Yi sent into her body before attracted her...

That is a power that is different from the magic system, and the warm feeling is like a kitten that keeps scratching her heart...

"Will this... be too fast?"

Although Asuka had a thousand times in her heart, it was only a few seconds in reality!

After struggling for a while, Asuka couldn't help but said softly.

"too fast?"

"Yes, after all, it's really hard for you to stay overnight when I met you..."

Lin Yi nodded slightly in agreement with Asuka's words.


After Lin Yi said these words, Asuka couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief... But she felt a little disappointed in her heart...

"Ah! The master's character has changed?"

Lin Yi's words made Asuka breathe a sigh of relief, but Sora and Eliya were puzzled... After the two looked at each other, this thought came to mind...

"Let's do it! I'll go to your room to find you tonight..."

However, Sora and Eliya didn't have any doubts for long. Lin Yi's words made their expressions return to normal, and they couldn't help but reveal an expression of "This is right!"


Asuka herself was confused...

She felt that she still underestimated the realm that Lin Yi had reached with shame...

"Oh! Whatever!"

After looking at Lin Yi's serious expression, Asuka stopped talking...

After seeing her mumble, she started to taste the dishes on the table...


The night is quiet...

At this moment, the silver moon is already high in the sky...

The lights in the teachers’ dormitory have long gone out...

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Asuka sighed tangledly while lying on the bed...

After dinner in Lin Yi’s room, Asuka took a shower early and lay down on the bed...

After all, Lin Yi said that she would attack her at night, and Asuka has always been concerned about it...

So after Asuka lay in bed, her expression has been spent in anticipation and confusion...


"Very sleepy!"

During this long wait, Asuka couldn't help but yawn, then closed her eyes with a mutter...

As Asuka entered her sleep, a figure suddenly appeared in her bedroom under the shining moon...

"Uh! Asleep?"

"Do you want to do it?"

"There is a sense of sight of a flower picker..."

This person who appeared in Asuka's bedroom was not someone else, but Lin Yi who came by appointment...

When he saw Asuka sleeping, he couldn't help but think about it.


In such a calm room, Lin Yi, with a keen hearing, suddenly realized that the proud heartbeat on the bed had accelerated...

"Wake up? Pretend to sleep?"

Lin Yi looked at Asuka, whose face was calm and not sober at the moment, doubts flashed in his heart...

"Suddenly there is a sense of excitement!"

Lin Yi looked at Asuka who was pretending to be sleeping, and gradually walked to the bedside and lifted the quilt on her body... Lin Yi's breathing couldn't help but feel a little short...

I saw Asuka's plump body looming under the translucent pajamas...


When Lin Yi's fingers swiped down from Asuka's beautiful white collarbone, Asuka, who was pretending to sleep at this moment, couldn't help making a seductive voice...

Although Asuka did not open her eyes, her trembling eyelashes told Lin Yi that she was sober at the moment...

As Lin Yi's fingers moved across the hidden parts of Asuka's body... Her breathing gradually became faster...

Chapter 33 An'Invader' was Arrested


Although the soundproofing effect of the rooms in the teacher's apartment is relatively good, facing Asuka's unconcealed loud voice directly defeated...

With Asuka's high and low cry, the light that had been extinguished on the right side of Asuka's dormitory came on again...

"Um... so noisy!"

I saw the woman in the bedroom who thought she was only covered by a light blue pajama got up from the bed...

Regarding the sounds coming from the next room from time to time, she rubbed her dim eyes and made a muttering sound...


"Why Sensei Asuka still doesn't sleep in the middle of the night?"

The teacher who lives next to Asuka is naturally the teacher of this school...

But when it comes to her, Spoda is mentioned, because besides being the tutor of Spoda’s class, this teacher also serves as a police investigator, even cleverly the same as Spoda. Practicing under the Ninefold Eight Cloud Gate...

Ono Haruka, this woman whose breast growth is not in proportion to her figure, is the first thing exposed to the air after getting up at this moment is her huge opi who can't even hide her pajamas...


"I can not make it……"

Onoyao, who was still a little confused, was suddenly awakened by the clear call next door, and the lingering call directly made her sleepy sleep disappear...

"what's the situation?"

"Teacher Asuka, it is obvious that he is not alone when listening to these words!"

"Who on earth is it?"

"I haven't seen her close with anyone recently!"

"Why don't we go over and take a look?"

Onoyao leaned against the wall to listen to the slight groan, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind...

"Well, I just look and don't speak..."

Haruka Ono, who was a little itchy by the calls next door, couldn't sleep again, made a playful decision in his heart...


Following Ono Haruka’s decision, she opened the door without changing her clothes and wearing her pajamas...

"no one……"

After opening the door of the room, Ono Haru vigilantly stretched out his head and patrolled in the corridor for a week, then walked out the door with a sigh of relief...

Originally Ono Haruka's sexy body gradually disappeared into the air after walking out of the door...


Soon, the door of Asuka next door opened soon...

The invisible door opening was like a ghost, but no one noticed it. After all, it was already late at night, and it was impossible for the school to disrespect the teachers’ privacy and wantonly install cameras in the hallways of the dormitory...

Haruka Ono, who masters the "invisible" magic outside the system, can not only eliminate his breath and magic fluctuations to the greatest extent, but also hide his body to a certain extent...

And the one who just opened the gate of Asuka is naturally not a ghost, but Haruka Ono who is invisible...


"I...I'm going to reach heaven..."

Asuka, who was discussing the origin of human life and Lin Yi in the bedroom at the moment, muttered to herself with a flushed face...


Just after Asuka finished speaking, Lin Yi suddenly raised her brows and stopped subconsciously...

"no, do not want……"

"do not stop……"

Asuka, who was still complaining about Lin Yi's speed being too fast, couldn't help but gasp and plead after Lin Yi stopped moving.

In fact, the reason why Lin Yi stopped just now was not because of Asuka's words, but because he suddenly heard the sound of the door opening...someone was even walking towards the bedroom...

"Who will it be so late?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but have doubts...


But soon, when Asuka's high moan came in his ears, Lin Yi immediately understood...

"The soundproofing effect of the cheating room is too bad!"

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