Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 315

"Huh! I will grow again, OK!"

After Mibu Sayaka pinched Lin Yi's waist, she said with a cold snort.

"Yes Yes……"

"Leave it to me! I will rub them up."

Seeing Mibu Sayaka's expression that seemed a little angry, Lin Yi directly tightened the arm that was originally on her waist, and said with an expression that I would work hard.



At the moment in the student union...


"My president, can you stop and rest for a while? My head is almost dizzy by you."

At this moment, Ichihara Suzue looked at Nanakusa, who was walking around in front of her, and said helplessly.

"I...I am not worried about Teacher Lin Yi?"

"After all, the other party is a terrorist. Will Teacher Lin Yi be alone?"

Nanakusa Mayumi said with some excitement regarding Ichihara's helpless words.

"President, are you too concerned about Teacher Lin Yi?"

"Are you already???"

Ichihara Lingyin looked at Nanakusa Mayumi as if she was worried about her husband going out, and asked in surprise.

"Bah! How can I like this big pervert!"

Regarding Ichihara's words, Mayumi Nanakusa said loudly, whether it was angry or ashamed.

"Uh! Didn't I come back at the wrong time?"

As soon as Nanakusa Mayumi finished speaking, a familiar voice suddenly heard behind her, making her expression instantly embarrassed...

Chapter 52

"Hey! Teacher Lin Yi, you guys came back so fast, did you find the wrong place?"

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Shiyuan Lingyin took the initiative to ask Lin Yi curiously.

Regarding Lin Yi and the others coming back so quickly, whether it was Ichihara Lingyin or Nanakusa Mayumi had no doubts, that was the strangest thing.

We must know that the school is not close to the terrorist organization base. Even if it goes back and forth quickly, it will take at least half an hour, but Lin Yi and Mibu Sayaka came back in just ten minutes, can they not wonder?

"No, it's solved."

"Some little friends can be sent at hand, which takes time."

Lin Yi just calmly replied to Shiyuan Lingyin's inquiry.

Lin Yi's answer was calm, but Ichihara Lingyin and Seven Grass Mayumi were not calm.

You must know that according to Mibu Sayaka's description at that time, there were many terrorists, and even possessed powerful weapons.

It was so easy to get it done by Lin Yi, and it took less time than expected to go back and forth.

"Can you tell me something?"

"I'm still very curious about Teacher Lin Yi's methods."

Ichihara Ringtone couldn't help but become more curious...

But when Ichihara asked this sentence, Mayumi Nanakusa calmed down instead.

Originally Nanakusa Mayumi was a little uncomfortable, but when I heard Ichihara Ringtones mentioned Lin Yi's strength, she suddenly felt relieved...

You know that Lin Yi's physical education class not long ago transported these students to an island thousands of miles away. Now thinking about the distance between the school and the abandoned factory is a trivial matter.

"Actually, there is nothing to say..."

"At that time, I walked into the abandoned factory directly and honestly, and when they appeared in front of me, I asked them to kneel down and beg for mercy..."

Lin Yi looked at Ichihara Lingyin's slightly interested appearance, could not help clearing his throat, and spoke very seriously.

"Huh? What's so powerful?"

Not only Ichihara Ringtones, but Mibu Sayaka who knows that Lin Yi is arranging indiscriminately is also curious.

"Since you want to know, then I will reluctantly tell you!"

Hearing Ichihara's question and the curious eyes of Mayumi Nanbu and Sayaka Mibu, Lin Yi couldn't help showing a smile...

"Garbage, I am not referring to a certain person, I am saying that everyone present is garbage..."

In the look in Ichihara's expectant eyes, Lin Yi immediately raised his hand domineeringly.


As soon as Lin Yi said this, the scene suddenly became awkward.

"Hello, goodbye! Goodbye, goodbye!"

He was obviously dissatisfied with Lin Yi's answers, Ichihara Lingyin and Nanakusa Mayumi, when he saw Lin Yi spit on him, he pulled Mibu Sayaka next to Lin Yi directly to her side.

"Okay, there is nothing wrong with you now, we and Misheng have something to say, you should go out first!"

After handing Mibu Sayaka to Ichihara Suzuane behind him, Nanakusa Mayumi reached out and pushed Lin Yi out.


As Lin Yi was pushed out of the student union room by Mayumi Seven Grass, the door slammed shut.

"Uh! Is this a closed door?"

"Besides, are you three women lace edges? Need to close the door to do something quietly?"

At this moment, Lin Yi, who was a little stunned, was pushed out of the room door by Seven Grass Mayumi, and then glanced at the depressed Tucao Dao after a glance at the corridor.

Regarding Lin Yi's complaint, I don't know whether it is because of the sound insulation effect of the student union room or other reasons.

"Forget it"

"The matter is resolved, I just go back to take a rest."

"I don't know if Shen Xue is obedient? Although Eliya is looking at her, she is somewhat uneasy. After all, Deep Brother Control is sometimes terrible, and it is not good to suddenly blacken it."

Suddenly, Lin Yi, who felt nothing to do, couldn’t help but walk towards the apartment after murmured...


"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

Just as Lin Yi was on the way back, the little Lolita, who didn't like to stay quietly and quietly in Lin Yi's sea of ​​consciousness, appeared to move.

"Master, why is your world so slow?"

"It's been a long time, the task is only completed so little, when can I complete the dream of sleeping in the air and eating in the air"

After little Lolita appeared in front of Lin Yi, she directly buried Lin Yi with her hands on her hips...


"If you step too far, you can easily get involved. Don't worry..."

Lin Yi couldn't help but flicked a bit on her forehead speechlessly.


"The mission target has appeared, the master will quickly go up and attack her."

Just when Lin Yi was about to continue to say something, the little Lolita of the system ignored Lin Yi and shouted excitedly at a girl who was not far from the corridor.

"A petite girl again?"

"I want to find some mature ones recently!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but muttered to herself at the corner of the girl's mouth.


Only when Lin Yi said these words, the girl who was only a dozen meters away from Lin Yi suddenly stopped and looked at Lin Yi with alert...

"The ears are so good?"

Seeing the girl's appearance, she instantly understood that the other party heard him.

"Shizuku, wait for me!"

Just as the girl's eyes were thinking about whether to make a detour, a girl ran from behind her...

"Wow... here's another one, master, come on..."

"It's too tiring to go out and stroll around, I'll go back and sleep for a while!"

When the little system girl saw another girl who appeared, she couldn't help cheering again...

However, after cheering a few times, she dozed off and started to drill into Lin Yi...

The most important thing is that after little Lolita's words, Lin Yi has a feeling of collapse...

"I will play games when I wake up..."


Chapter 53 High Energy Ahead Needs a Detour

"Eh! Shizuku, what's the matter?"

When the girl in the distance gradually ran over, she looked at Lin Yi motionlessly in front of the girl called Shizuku and asked curiously.

"Nothing, there are ghosts and animals ahead, let's go around!"

In response to the girl's question, Kitayama Shizuku's vigilant expression suddenly returned to normal, and he turned around and pulled the girl and walked back.


Regarding Shizuku's words, Mitsui Honoka who was still a little confused at the moment could not help but let out a series of surprises.

"Ahem! Are you first-year students?"

Just when Mitsui Suixiang and Beishan Shizuku were about to leave, Lin Yi couldn't help but cough lightly and asked.


But it was silence...

"Shizuku, there are seniors behind him saying hello, shouldn't we respond?"

Mitsui Suika looked at Shizuku Kitayama, who had no intention of turning back, and looked at Shizuku without changing her face. She couldn't help but glanced at Lin Yi behind her with a little embarrassment, then whispered to Shizuku Kitayama.

"Huixiang, ignore him."

"This guy is a ghost. He likes to target the underage girl like Suika. Let's stay away from him."

After Mitsui Horaka's question, Kitayama Shizuku glanced at Lin Yi alertly, and then persuaded Mitsui Horaka.

"Shizuku, how did you know this?"

Mitsui Houka didn't have much doubt about Kitayama Shizuku's words, because she knew that although Kitayama Shizuku usually didn't speak much, but every time she talked, Mitsui Houka felt a sense of unawareness, and at least she would not suffer from listening to her opinions.

"I heard him when he was talking to himself just now, so bold!"

"Wait later, we will take a detour to the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline, otherwise it will not be good to be entangled by him."

In response to Mitsui Suika's questioning, Beishan Shizuku turned around again and looked at Lin Yi with contempt, and explained to her.

"Oh! Let's go then."

Hearing Kitayama Shizuku's explanation, Mitsui Houka was somewhat surprised and covered her lips. Her eyes were full of weirdness when she looked at Lin Yi. Mitsui Hooka really couldn't think of how such a handsome person could be so dark!


"It's a bad habit to slander others with such openness!"

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