Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 328

"Your thinking is too dangerous. I want to help you correct it."

"You come with me."

After Nanakusa Mayumi was silent for a moment, she pulled Sibo Shenxue with a serious expression and walked towards her room...

"Walk slowly, don't give it away..."

After Lin Yi waved his hand and watched Nanakusa Mayumi and Saba Miyuki leave, he couldn't help but shift his gaze to Watanabe Mori, who was standing aside...

"Would you like to go in and sit while you have time?"

Lin Yi's words with a smile suddenly made Watanabe Mori look like a cat who was frightened, and his hairs were erected...

An ominous premonition reverberated in my mind...

"No... no need..."

"There is still a lot of the Nine Schools Battle that I need to deal with! Goodbye teacher!"

I saw that after Watanabe Mori finished his excuse for escaping at an alarming speed, his figure disappeared in front of Lin Yi...

"I'm not a devil, is it so scary? Obviously so handsome!"

Seeing Watanabe Mori who suddenly fled, Lin Yi was completely unprepared...

It wasn't until Watanabe Mori left Lin Yi's perception that he touched his handsome face and muttered to himself.


"Forget it, go back and get some sleep!"

"Anyway, the Nine Schools Tournament will not start until noon!"

After seeing the people leaving, Lin Yi couldn't help but yawned, stretched out, muttered to himself, opened the door and walked in.

Chapter 73 The Battle of Nine Schools Forced to Stop

"Boom boom boom!"

Lin Yi didn't sleep long, and was awakened by a knock on the door!

"Huh? These girls left?"

After Lin Yi woke up, he couldn't help but said in surprise when he saw that there was no one beside his bed.

But Lin Yi didn't entangle, after all, the monk could not run away from the temple. Now Lin Yi was a little annoyed by the knock on the door.

"Fortunately, I am not too angry to get up, otherwise I don't want this hotel."

In Lin Yi's whisper, he got up from the bed lazily.


"Mayumi, if you don't have a perfect reason, then you will endure the anger that I release on the bed..."

Lin Yi opened the door and saw the figure of Seven Grass Mayumi again, and said with veins on his forehead.

"Teacher Guihu, you are still in the mood to sleep."

"problem occurs!"

For Lin Yi's words, Nanakusa Mayumi didn't care about despising him, and said directly to the subject.

At this time, Lin Yi realized that although Seven Grass Mayumi did not panic in her expression, she could still see the anxiety in her eyes...

"Don't worry, let's talk as we walk."

As the leading teacher at this time, Lin Yi naturally couldn't let it go.

A magical casual outfit appeared on his body with only a pair of pants.

Seriously, if it wasn't for Lin Yi that this casual outfit suddenly appeared on her body, Mayumi Nanakusa hadn't really noticed that Lin Yi was half naked before!

But now is an important moment, Nanakusa Mayumi can't bother to think about some strange things. As she walked towards the elevator with Lin Yi, she said as she walked: "The battle of nine schools has been temporarily cancelled."

"The game venue was destroyed, and there were even attacks near the sidelines."

"It's just that this hotel is far away, so it hasn't spread here yet."

"All the students are defending under the leadership of the teacher, waiting for the arrival of the army."

A few words from Mayumi Nanakusa simply summarize the current situation...

"So bold! Do you know who attacked?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but be surprised for a scene that was not in the original work... but it was just a surprise.

Then he asked Mayumi Nanakusa curiously.

You must know that in this world strategic magicians exist like nuclear weapons. Although neon is relatively small and only has such a small island, there are many strategic magicians in it, and not many people can trouble it.

"Teacher, are you ready to tackle the terrorists?"

Regarding Lin Yi's question, Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly did not call him a teacher of ghost animals, but looked at Lin Yi with expectation and asked.

"The teacher's shooting fee is not low, as long as they don't do anything to my lovely students."

"As for the rest, leave it to those troops!"

"After all, the opponent is too weak to lift the spirit..."

Lin Yi did not respond to Mayumi Nanakusa's expectation. Although he was strong and even solved this trouble... But he didn't want to ask for trouble in the face of a full-scale attacking enemy.

If it is a dense enemy, a large-scale magic can be done directly... But this kind of heroic behavior like a firefighter should be given to those in the army!Lin Yi only needs to make sure that the people he brings are all right.

"Ok... alright!"

After hearing Lin Yi's answer, Nanakusa Mayumi was disappointed but there was nothing to do.

After all, the reality is still cruel. Although she knows that Lin Yi should be sure to deal with these terrorists, why should he do this?

Only after getting Lin Yi's answer, Nanakusa Mayumi and Lin Yi didn't say a word before entering the elevator and reaching downstairs.

"Teacher! President!"

As soon as the elevator door opened, Ichihara's ring tone greeted him directly.

"Ringtone sauce! What's going on now."

Lin Yi asked directly after hearing the voice of Shiyuan's ringing tone.

"Something is wrong..."

"These guys seem to be aimed at us."

"The terrorists who were originally scattered in various parts of the city are now attacking our temporary station with all their strength..."

Lin Yi's question immediately caused Shiyuan Lingyin to answer with a frown.


Just after Ichihara's ringtone was finished, a roar suddenly appeared in the open space of the hotel square...


"It looks like a collusion between inside and outside!"

"Otherwise, these weapons can't be shipped here!"

Lin Yi stared at a few tanks and armored vehicles and some mechas coming in the distance, Lin Yi said directly with certainty.

"Damn it, these guys!"

Nanakusa Mayumi on the side looked angrily at the scene of the distant cannon blasting the hotel.

"Well! It's too much."

"Using this method to students is just like starting a BUG!"

"It seems that I need to do it..."

Lin Yi looked at the tanks that were being bombarded by many magicians in the distance and couldn't help but touch his chin.

"Thank you, teacher!"

After hearing Lin Yi's answer, Nanakusa Mayumi and Ichihara Lingyin looked at Lin Yi with some joy and said.


I saw Lin Yi walking out with the Seven Grass Mayumi and Ichihara Lingyin. Before they waited for the Shiwenkeren to say hello, I heard Lin Yi snap his fingers!


The entire sky was instantly dark...

A huge magic circle appeared in the sky...

"Bah Bah"

The flashing electric light on the huge dark golden magic circle made everyone underneath feel numb...


Without waiting for everyone's reaction, some free electric lights instantly turned into electromagnetic beams and attacked the terrorists...

"Ok... so awesome!"

In just an instant, all the terrorists were wiped out!Lin Yi's method directly stunned Mayumi and Ichihara, who was expecting Lin Yi to take action!

"Ten words..."

Seeing everyone in a daze, Lin Yi yelled directly to the Shiwenkeren.

"Teacher, what's your order?"

"You send someone to clean up these guys, there should be a living."

"I want to know who is causing trouble."

Lin Yi didn't talk nonsense, and directly commanded the Shiwen Keren.

"is teacher!"

"Leave these to me!"

He didn't refuse Lin Yi's instructions, but said with a serious expression.

Chapter 74 Ambush from the Ten Division Clan


After Lin Yi gave instructions to Shiwenkeren, before he could go far, Lin Yi suddenly felt a murderous intent locked on him...

"Be careful……"

After realizing that he was locked in by the killing intent, Lin Yi directly threw Nanakusa Mayumi and Ichihara Ringtone behind him without any hesitation...


The moment Nanakusa Mayumi and the others were thrown down, a small round hole appeared in the clearing behind them...


However, when Lin Yi fell on them, a magical light flashed on his body, and a magic circle protected the three of them...

Obviously, the opponent didn't just arrange a sniper. After the magic barrier on Lin Yi's body was raised, the sound of bullets hitting the magic barrier through the air continued to sound.

"Damn! It's endless, right?"

"Ilia, Sora..."

Lin Yi turned around to look at the densely packed special sniper shells in front of him, his face couldn't help but black... directly shouted at the two girls who were still in a daze in the distance.


"Link library...Executive theme..." x2

After hearing Lin Yi's voice, the two of them were nothing small, and they immediately understood Lin Yi's meaning and instantly turned into a magic book and came to Lin Yi...


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