Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 358

Not to mention the state of a certain sister-controlled sister who is excited about feeding...

At this moment, after Lin Yi had been feeding for a while, Jidao Junai and Tacheng Baiyin gradually recovered some physical strength...Even without Lin Yi, they can do it by themselves...

So Lin Yi couldn't help but turn his gaze to Lias, who was sitting on the ground at the moment...

"It feels good to eat!"

Lin Yi left the three of Jidao Zhunai, picked up a cage of snacks and walked towards Lias...

"Want to eat?"

Looking at Lias, who was staring at her snack at this moment, Lin Yi asked with a smile on her face.


Lias did not speak, but the voice of her drooling has already answered for her...


Lin Yi didn't hesitate at all, grabbed a small crystal bun in the small steamer and handed it to Lias's mouth...

Lias didn't have the slightest doubt, and directly swallowed the buns into her mouth... But what she did not expect was that Lin Yi took the opportunity to stick her fingers in...


"It looks very sweet..."

Lin Yi touched Li Yasi's soft lips and suddenly felt an urge to possess...


Regarding Lin Yi's teasing words, Lias gave Lin Yi a blank glance after Lin Yi retracted her finger...

"I'll see you later..."

After Lin Yi resisted the urge to kiss Rias, he left a word and walked towards Zhenluo Chunji...

"I... I don't want any more..."

Seeing Lin Yi walking over, Zhenluo Chunji swallowed and said calmly...

"Ha ha……"

"It's up to you..."

"This time let's play something interesting..."

After Lin Yi saw Zhenluo Chunji's somewhat resisting eyes, Lin Yi, who was planning to feed, suddenly changed his mind...

"Don't be afraid, it's comfortable..."

After Lin Yi said with a slight smile, he directly hugged Zhenluo Chunji from the ground...

"End... It's over..."

"I'm going to be defiled..."

"Will he be my man?"

"Obviously there are presidents, why do they want to provoke my humble little family?"


At this moment, after Zhenluo Chunji was picked up by Lin Yi again, all the thoughts in her mind, who was blushing, began to fly...

Chapter 43

"I'm not pure..."

"My first kiss..."

With Lin Yi just now approaching with a smirk, Zhen Luo Chunji's bad premonition came true...

After being fed by Lin Yi in a so-called more intimate way, Zhenluo Chunji muttered to herself in Lin Yi's arms with a broken appearance.


Just when Lin Yi looked at the broken Jura Chunji in his arms with some amusement, he suddenly felt a gaze staring at him...

"You too?"

As soon as Lin Yi looked up, he saw Huajietao who was staring at him dumbfounded at the moment... he couldn't help but smile and asked.

" more..."

"I can do it myself..."

When asked by Lin Yi's words, Hua Jie Tao suddenly recovered from her incredible look, and hurriedly waved her hand and said.

Huajietao was even afraid that Lin Yi would not believe it, or worried that Lin Yi would wait a while to be as strong as Zhenluo Chunji, so she got up very numbly and ran towards the kitchen counter...

At this moment, Huajietao doesn't care how weak her body is. Now she just wants to stay away from Lin Yi...

"Chun Ji sauce, do you want more?"

Lin Yi originally planned to continue to molest Lias, who knew that the other party snorted when he looked over, and stood up to enjoy the food...

For this, Lin Yi had to target Zhenluo Chunji again...

After hearing Lin Yi's questioning voice, Zhenluo Chunji, who had been muttering to herself, instantly regained consciousness...

"I don't...oooo..."

When she saw that she was leaning against Lin Yi's arms and Lin Yi's constantly approaching face, she suddenly showed a look of resistance... It's a pity that her lips fell short before she finished her words...


A vigorous food feast ended in the satisfaction of everyone and the look of Jin Luo Chunji's broken look...

"Is the food okay?"

Lin Yi asked with a smile after seeing everyone stroking his stomach with a satisfied look.

"not good"

Regarding Lin Yi's question, Seraphim's originally contented expression suddenly became serious... but her next sentence made people very speechless...

"But it would be nice if Lin Yijun can cook for me for a lifetime."


Lin Yi looked at Seraphim's funny expression and suddenly had an urge to give her a chestnut blow...

"It's all small things."

"As long as the devil lord you wait for me to sleep every day, everything will be fine."

Lin Yi didn't take Seraphim's words as a joke, but saw him molested Seraphim directly in front of everyone...


"I just seemed to have bad ears, I seemed to have heard it wrong..."

After Seraphus heard Lin Yi's molesting, she showed an incredible look... Even she didn't believe what she had heard, thinking she was hearing voices...

"Sister, you heard me right."

"This guy is a pervert, since he said it, he must have this idea in his heart."

"If you don't mind sister, you can try...

Regarding Seraphim's incredible expression, the Dipper Sona beside her said calmly.

The calm expression of Zhiqiang Cang seemed to reveal,'Go ahead!I won't stop you's pit sister information...


"My family Cang Na sauce has another new love and no sister..."

Regarding the expression of Sangna, Serapura can be said to understand in seconds...

Not only did she not continue to complain about Lin Yi, she even threw herself into the arms of Zhi Cang Na and screamed...

"Stop stop..."

"Should we now discuss the conditions before eating..."

Regarding the bizarre performance of the two sisters, Lin Yi spoke directly after being speechless for a while.

"Sister, don't worry!"

"Cang Na won't want you, let's go back and talk about it."

After Lin Yi's words were spoken, Zhi Qu Cang Na directly comforted Seraphus in his arms as if he hadn't heard them, and even walked directly to the door with her...

"Zunai, kitten..."

"There is still a lot to do today, let's go back!"

Not only did the two of Sanna and Seraphu go out, ignoring Lin Yi, but even Rias directly greeted Himeshima Juna and Tacheng Baiyin and walked outside...

"See you tonight……"


Regarding Rias who had already walked out the door, Juno Himeshima and Shiraito in Tacheng did not stay behind, and after Shuna Himeshima left a word, they walked out with Shiraito in Tacheng...


After Lin Yi watched Jidao Zhu Na and Tacheng Baiyin also leave, he couldn't help but shift his gaze to Jinra Chunji and others who were still at this moment...


Lin Yi glanced over, Zhenluo Chunji directly snorted and dragged Banya and Huajietao away...

"Goodbye O'Neill..."

Jinra Chunji's dragging flower ring peaches and snack shop Baniya didn't care...After all, they are both of Sanna's dependents. It is normal for Jinra Chunji, who is the queen, to control them...


"Is this just running away after eating and wiping?"

After everyone left, Lin Yi looked at the empty kitchen and couldn't help thinking about it.

"But you guys think too much, you will have to pay it back sooner or later..."

Although Lin Yi was full of black lines about everyone leaving, he didn't care much...

After all, as long as they are still by their side, they will definitely not be able to escape from their palms, it's just the speed of time!


"You said Lin Yi won't be angry, right?"

Withdrawing Cang who had already walked out of the kitchen at this moment asked Lias and the others as they were gradually coming out with some worry.

"will not……"

Regarding the inquiry about the withdrawal of Sanna, Liya answered without thinking.

"Huh? Why?"

Regarding Rias' explanation, Ji Ji Cang showed a puzzled look...

"Do you think you can run?"

"In his opinion, there will be opportunities to play in the future, and he doesn't care about it at this time..."

"If you want to leave it alone, you just want to be beautiful..."

Regarding the curious eyes that draw Cang, Lias shook her head helplessly and replied.

"I still agree with the minister on this point..."

"Lin Yijun is a relatively trustworthy person, just like the last time I said that I couldn't get out of bed, so I couldn't get out of bed... As a result, I was tossed by him all night..."

"With his pervert nature, want to escape? Hard!"

"I don't know what strange ideas Lin Yijun is thinking now!"

After Rias spoke, Juno Himejima also expressed his opinion...

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