Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 361

But when Lin Yi opened his mouth, Serjeks was stunned...

"What does this elder brother mean?"

Serjeks didn't mention Lin Yi's requirements first, but asked with some interest in his title.

"This is the name used for my wife's elder brother. After all, Lias and I have know!"

It's okay for Lin Yi not to explain, he just listened to his explanation, Serjeks just smiled bitterly, and Lias, who had just calmed down, suddenly felt like an explosion...

Lias was not so angry that she was going to explode, but she was so shy that she was going to explode... After all, Lin Yi made a mockery in front of her brother, so at this moment Lias was blushing and silent. Don't know how to react...


"As long as Rias doesn't object, then I have nothing to say!"

After seeing Lias' reaction, Serjeks couldn't help but replied to Lin Yi with a wry smile.

If it were an ordinary person, Serjeks might still refuse, but faced with Lin Yi, who was recognized by his sister and who was also extraordinary in strength, Serjeks could not think of a reason for rejection...

What's more, Li Yasi's former marriage has been taught by Lin Yi, and I heard that she is still training in the family!

"Uh? What else can I help?"

After Serjeks agreed with Lin Yi and Lias, he couldn't help but became curious about Lin Yi's request...

Chapter 47

After hearing Serjeks' question again, Lin Yi thought about it...

Now he has to think hard about what to say to be able to keep this guy from going crazy and at the same time agree to his request.

"Um... have you had a lot of things recently?"

As soon as Lin Yi said this, Serjexton was a little puzzled, even Lias and Zhu Nai Himeshima were a little confused. As for the kitten, Tacheng Baiyin, it seemed that Lin was surprised. Yi glanced, then ignored it.

"You still have something to say straight!"

Serjeks, who was a little puzzled by Lin Yi's question, looked at Lin Yi with a wry smile, and asked straight to the subject.

"Since you are so direct, I won't go around."

"Actually, I just want to discuss Griffia with you. I want you to lend her to me for a while."

Lin Yi, who originally wanted to test it out, didn't expect that Serjekes was so shameless. Faced with such a situation, Lin Yi didn't bother to waste time, and directly stated his own requirements.


"On this matter?"

After hearing Lin Yi's request, Serjeks was silent for a moment without expression...

After all, Griffia is his wife besides Serjeks’ dependents. If someone asks herself for a woman, Lin Yi will definitely beat him to death first, and then slowly torture him...

Just when Lin Yi thought he might be angry, who knew Serjeks was so calm...


"Isn't this an important thing?"

Looking at Serjeks’ plain expression and the unsurprising expressions of Lias and the others, Lin Yi always felt that there was a certain secret...

"It's okay! She told me about Griffia before."

"Then she will be interrupted by Your Excellency Lin Yi for a while."

Serjeks replied very pleasantly, and even happily made Lin Yi want to open his mouth and bring Grefeia over...

But Lin Yi finally thought about it and pressed this idea in his heart...

Anyway, it seemed to Lin Yi that he didn't have a set time. At least, Greffia couldn't escape before he attacked this world... As for after he had attacked the world, then he couldn't escape.

"Uncle brother is really happy!"

"It seems that I have to treat me well..."

Lin Yi happily agreed to Serjeks and gave him a thumbs up, and even felt a little excited to entertain him, but at this moment...

"Set aside the matter of hospitality, this time I came to the world and there is one important thing to inform you."

After interrupting Lin Yi, Serjeks suddenly spoke.

"Brother, what's the matter? Need you to come in person?"

Rias was also very curious about what Serjax said.

Do you know that as one of the four great demon kings, there are still things that he needs to tell him personally?Just find someone to inform you, why not be so grand!

"I won't come this time! After all, this is the talk of the three powers, and people with enough weight must be present."

Lias' inquiry was quickly answered by Serjeks, but Serjeks' answer surprised Lias and the others, even Lin Yi felt a little weird.

"It seems that the movement that my butterfly incites is not small!"

"But it is also true. Although the talks between the three powers in the original book will not appear until a long time later, it is normal that the opportunity for the talks of the three powers,'Fallen Angel Cadre Kekabile', appeared earlier because of his own reasons. ."

Lin Yi was also a little surprised at first, but soon he calmed down...

At the same time, Lin Yi also understood in his heart that this meeting had happened because he had exploded like a demon last time and led to the exploration of the major forces. This was the case of the'Fallen Angel Cadre Cocabile' attack... Ok?It seems that this guy was beaten unilaterally...

After Lin Yi's mind calmed down, he couldn't help looking at Serjeks and asked: "You are here, which means that this meeting is arranged at Juwang Academy!"


"So this time I'm here to tell you, so that you can be prepared!"

"At the same time, the specific time of the meeting is three days later. During this time, I will stay here until the end of the meeting."

In response to Lin Yi's question, Serjeks nodded slightly, and even said the next meeting time and his own schedule...

"Three days later! It seems that some have played..."

When Lin Yi heard Serjeks saying that the three powers were meeting three days later, he suddenly became full of interest...

"I suddenly had an ominous premonition when I heard this!"

Just after Lin Yi's words were finished, Lias frowned as Lin Yi said with a puzzled look.

Lin Yi just laughed and said nothing about Lias's words...

After all, such things as big dogfights are not easy to happen!Especially in the period when the three major forces wanted a truce, how could Lin Yi let it go with such a good pretense!

"It's okay!"

"Even if the enemy comes, it is not so easy to take us down."

Regarding Rias's concern, Serjeks didn't have the slightest fear, but said with a very relaxed laugh.

Serjax is not arrogant, just his confidence in his own strength!After all, being able to become one of the four great demon kings in the huge demon world, this strength is beyond doubt.


"After a while, I will let Cang Na help you arrange the dormitory. After all, she is the president of the student union."

After hearing Serjex's confident words, Rias stopped struggling and spoke.

"Wait a minute, I have some ideas about accommodation."

Serjeks couldn't help but put his eyes on Lin Yi when he heard that Lias was about to arrange accommodation...

"Lin Yijun..."

"No, you die this heart!"

Serjeks had just spoken, and Lin Yi interrupted him without hesitation.

"Um? Why?"

For Lin Yi's refusal without hesitation, Serjeks was a little dazed...

Although he didn't say that he wanted to live in Lin Yi's castle, since he was mentioning accommodation for this matter, it was just that Lin Yi's refusal made Serjeks a little confused.

"My castle does not welcome men..."

"This is a matter of principle!"

Seeing Serjeks' puzzled look, Lin Yi looked at him and said confidently.

Chapter 48-About How to Serve the Master

After hearing Lin Yi's reasons, Serjeks couldn't help being a little speechless...

"In that case, I won't bother."

"Lias, then I will trouble you with my next residence."

Serjeks was not the kind of entangled person. Since Lin Yi refused to agree to live in his castle, he stopped entangled in this matter and turned to Lias.

"Brother, leave it to me!"

Regarding Serjax's request, Liya answered without hesitation.

"So be it!"

"I will leave now for nothing!"

Since there is no need to entertain Serjeks for the time being, it is quite boring for Lin Yi to stay here...

Especially the desire that was seduced by the cute blazing angel Gabriel before, Lin Yi now wants to vent it...

"Walk slowly, don't give it away..."

Regarding the behavior of Lin Yi's departure, Lias, who wanted to get a good understanding of the talks between the three powers, pulled Serjeks to the side of the sofa, and replied calmly.


"Kitten sauce! I took it away."

After getting Rias' answer, Lin Yi directly held Tacheng Baiyin in his arms and walked outside...

At this moment, Jishima Zhunai did not catch up after seeing Lin Yi leaving, not only because she was interested in the talks of the three powers, but also because Lin Yi had promised that she would come to her at night. , So Juno Himeshima is not in a hurry.


In the castle halfway up the mountain...

"I don't know what Griffia is teaching?"

After Lin Yi appeared in the room in the castle with a magic circle holding Tacheng Baiyin, he couldn't help but become interested in Griffia training...

In addition, he came back now to find them a solution to their physical problems, so he walked over there without hesitation after sensing the location of everyone.

Following Lin Yi's slow footsteps, a long corridor was walked by Lin Yi. The rooms in the corridor did not attract Lin Yi's footsteps. After all, it was not at night and no one was there.

"As an excellent maid, you must understand clearly what the master wants in daily life through the master's movements, looks, and words..."

After Lin Yi walked to the end of the corridor, Griffia’s cold voice came into Lin Yi’s ears very clearly...


"Isn't this a bathroom? Why are you training here?"

After Lin Yi looked at the place in front of him, the curtain across the door in front of him couldn't help making Lin Yi look stunned...

"What's going on inside?"

And at this moment, hearing the familiar voice of Tacheng Baiyin from Griffia, she fell into Lin Yi's arms and couldn't help but look at Lin Yi and ask.

"It's nothing!"

"Graffia is teaching very important skills..."

For Tacheng Baiyin's curious inquiry, Lin Yi answered calmly.

After hearing Lin Yi's explanation, Tacheng Baiyin couldn't help showing an expression of eagerness...


While Lin Yi was talking with Tacheng Baiyin, a burst of drinking came from the bathroom...

After Lin Yi heard Griffia’s drink, he didn’t hesitate to hold Tacheng Baiyin and walked into the bathroom...

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