Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 366


Seraphus, the first to finish eating, let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a lot easier...

"Refreshing, anti-fatigue..."

"one more bowl!"

After Seraphus expressed her feelings without hesitation, she did not politely handed the big bowl of soup left in her hand to Lin Yi...

"One more bowl!" xN

Seraphim's words seemed like some kind of signal. She just finished speaking and happened to have eaten the others, and also handed the bowl over...


"You can smell the scent from afar, don't you mind if we come to rub a bowl?"

As soon as they finished speaking, two figures suddenly appeared in the kitchen...

"Mind a lot!"

"There is a charge!"

For the two people who suddenly appeared, when the girls were surprised, Lin Yi looked at them very seriously and said.

Chapter 55: The Indescribable Night

These two big guys who suddenly appeared are really Lias' demon brother Serjax and the Governor of the Fallen Angel, Asachel...

"Brother, don't be so stingy!"

"Next time I will definitely introduce you an outstanding fallen angel beauty."

As for the words Lin Yi minded, Asacher was not only not angry, but said to Lin Yi very ambiguously.


As soon as Asacher said this, he suddenly found that Lin Yi hadn't reacted, and the girls around were staring at him viciously...

"It seems that I am superfluous."

"But brother is really capable!"

For Asacher, an old man who has lived for so many years, he still doesn't understand the changes in these girls...

So, after Asacher let out a laugh, he said to Lin Yi with an expression of'I am optimistic about you'.

"Lin Yijun, I don't have anything for you."

"After all, my kawaii sister has been handed over to you. Besides, you abducted my maid maid. I should have this breakfast!"

Compared to Azazel, Serjeks said a few words for granted!

Lin Yi really has no room to refute Serjax’s words, whether it’s Lias, who is about to start, or Griffia, who has been silently eaten by himself in the castle at this moment...

"Besides, the feast you promised last time hasn't been honored. Let's use it as a mortgage this time!"

Serjeks even took out the words of Lin Yi in the activity room of the Supernatural Department last time after moving Rias out...

"Forget it..."

Now that Serjeks had even the assassins pouring out, Lin Yi didn't bother to waste time... He waved his hand helplessly...

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Lin Yi started again...

...The dividing line of hungry

Time always goes by so fast...

It's night...


Lin Yi, who was lying in bed lazily, suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, and immediately raised his mind...


Rias, who walked into the room, stretched out her arms with fatigue to relieve her tired arms, and then pressed the button on the side to turn on the light in the room...


When Lias, who walked into the bedroom, was about to lie down on the bed and relax, she suddenly noticed a different scene...

In the exclamation of Lias, in the sudden lighting of the light, Lias found out who was lying on the bed.

"You...what are you doing?"

After seeing Lin Yi, Li Yas suddenly panicked...

"Always come back, I have been waiting for a long time!"


For Lias who appeared, Lin Yi lay on the bed and smiled and patted the space next to him and said to Lias.


"Come you are..."

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Lias, who was still a little panicked, suddenly looked angry...

"Who made you wait here? Where did you go while we were busy?"

Now Lias no longer looked panicked, and some were just dissatisfied with Lin Yi...

Especially when I remembered that I was busy with the defense work of Juwang Academy today, but Lin Yi was nowhere to be seen, Lias was full of anger!

You know that tomorrow night is the time for the three major forces to talk, Lin Yi actually left them alone to be lazy, thinking about it, it makes me angry...


"Zhu Nai didn't mean..."

Lin Yi hadn't finished speaking for Lias's anxious look, and suddenly realized that he had been put on by Himeshima Juno...

I heard that Juno Himeshima said that he had already talked with Rias, and was waiting for her favor in bed obediently, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"What did Zhu Nai say?"

When Lias was still a little anxious, she suddenly heard Lin Yi talk about Himeshima Juna, and she suddenly remembered what she said to herself this morning.

"Is it impossible..."



Thinking of Lin Yi going to do something like this to herself tonight, Lias suddenly looked at Lin Yi with her arms around her chest very vigilant...

"It's nothing, Zhu Nai just said you want to be with me tonight!"

"But now it seems that you are unwilling. If this is the case, then I'll go find her next door!"

Lin Yi, who was still considering whether or not to be strong, saw the resisting gesture of Lias with her arms around her chest, but when she was about to give up, she suddenly found the color of hesitation in her eyes...

So Lin Yi pretended to stand up and plan to leave.

"Wait...wait a minute..."

When Lin Yi was about to get out of bed, Lias suddenly spoke...

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Looking at Li Yasi's somewhat tangled expression, Lin Yi asked pretendingly curiously.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a shower!"

After leaving a word, Lias ignored Lin Yi's reaction and walked directly to the private bathroom in the bedroom...


Lin Yi watched Lias walk into the bathroom and closed the glass door, with a smile on her face...

"It seems that the big moves with Zhu Nai last night stimulated Rias, otherwise she wouldn't make such a big determination..."

"After all, listening to the corner all night is simply torture!"

Looking at the pretty shadow projected on the glass, Lin Yi couldn't help but guess.

"But it's more fun to take a bath for a bath!"

After Lin Yi guessed about Li Yasi's heart movements, he got up from the bed and went to the bathroom...

After all, looking at the looming delicate body on the glass, Lin Yi moved'excited'...



"Why did you come in? Get out..."


"Why are you taking off your clothes?"


"Don't open the faucet casually, you're all wet and you haven't finished taking off your clothes!"


"Then... there... can't touch..."



...The dividing line for single dogs



At this moment, Juno Himejima, who was next to Rias’ room, listened to the moans coming from the next door, and couldn't help but touch her body... even chanting Lin Yi...

"Some self-made things!"

"I really want it too!"

Heejima Juno, whose expression was sometimes confused and sometimes clear, heard the louder and louder voice next door, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth...

Chapter 56 The Three Powers Talks Begin

After a pleasant night, Lin Yi was suddenly awakened by the action beside him!


"Why get up so early?"

Lin Yi didn't open his eyes, and just based on the feeling, he hugged Lias who was about to get up...

While playing with Rias's tender breasts, she asked Rias.


"Today is the day when the three major powers are meeting, so"

Regarding Lin Yi's wanton playing with her own oppa, Lias did not resist at all, her face was a little reddish and she was enjoying herself, she opened her mouth to explain to Lin Yi.

"so troublesome!"

Hearing Li Yasi's explanation, Lin Yi couldn't help but stagnate, and muttered to herself.

"After the meeting is over, I will be with you!"

"It's really impossible. I will let Zhu Nai come to accompany you!"

"I definitely can't. After all, this is the site of the Gremory family, not to mention that I am the eldest lady of the Gremory family, so I can't be lazy in standing there!"

Lias heard Lin Yi's muttering to herself, she was like a girl who had just stepped into love, and her IQ didn't work with Lin Yi, so after hearing Lin Yi's mutter, she couldn't help but explain with some nervousness.

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