Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 37

Had it not been for Lin Yi's current ID card number for the assistant teacher of Yuanyue Academy, Minezaki's family would force him to be tied back.Squeeze her final value by completing marriages with other families.

As a world where food is supreme, even a small assistant teacher in Yuanyue, a famous school with a worldwide reputation, can not be offended by anyone.

"What kind of food does the system have for women to replenish blood and qi?"


"Peanut and lotus seed soup: 1,000 lucky points"

"Water chestnut and lotus root soup: 1,000 points of luck"

"Black Fungus and Red Date Soup: 1,000 Lucky Points"

Soon the system gave a few recipes.

"It all looks ordinary! Isn't it more powerful?"

Lin Yi just subconsciously asked this question about a few dishes with fairly ordinary names that appeared. The main reason was that the names of the dishes that had been exchanged before were too tall, like Dream Home, Garden of Eden and so on.


For the host's requirements, the system still strives to meet.Then the system page flashed another dish.

"Clean stewed cow***: 1000 luck points"


Regarding the beef fork dishes given by the system, Lin Yi leaned forward and chose to ignore it.

Let alone Tian Suohui and the others when this dish is made, no one would eat even the few judges.

It is too heavy.

"System, just give me a water chestnut lotus root soup!"

"Although I don't know what this water chestnut is, but it sounds pretty tall."

After ignoring the last dish displayed by the system, Lin Yi directly selected one at the beginning.

"Confirmation of exchange, the host has sufficient luck points."

"After deducting a thousand luck points, the information begins to be transmitted..."

"Transfer is complete."

After getting Lin Yi's confirmation, a dash of text quickly appeared on the system page, and at the same time, along with a series of messages, it entered Lin Yi's mind.

"I didn't expect this water chestnut to be so beefy, it seems that this dish is very interesting!"

After the information was transmitted, Lin Yi naturally knew what the so-called water chestnut was, and couldn't help but sigh.

"I have decided to cook, and you!"

Lin Yi carefully studied the method of water chestnut lotus root soup in his mind, and after improving it, he asked Miyoko Hojo who was waiting for Lin Yi's answer.

"I'm naturally ready."

To Lin Yi's question, Miyoko Hojo replied with a serious look.

"Oh, is it?"

"Then I am looking forward to your thighs...cough!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the audience in Ji Xing Liao followed Lin Yi's gaze to look at the sexy legs of Miyoko Hojo's cheongsam.

"As long as you win, I can play with it as I want." Not only did Miyoko Hojo not be shy about everyone's gaze, but put it right in front of Lin Yi's temptation.

"Hmph, you really underestimated me."

"Am I the kind of person who can be moved by mere temptation?"

Faced with the temptation of Miyoko Hojo, in the eyes of everyone in Ji Xingliao, he sneered and said dismissively.

"In that case, even if Hojo-san loses after a while, this maid bet should be cancelled!"

"I don't care about her temptation anyway, but speaking of Hojo-san's beautiful legs, even me, a girl, can't hold it!"

Regarding Lin Yi's righteous and awe-inspiring words, Ryoko on the side chuckled and deliberately said to Lin Yi.

"That won't work, you have to be credible."

"Can't let her be hurt for my little reputation."

"As a chef, credit is necessary, anyway, my reputation is like that. Let me fulfill her!"

After Lin Yi heard Sakura Ryoko's intentional words, he couldn't help but stared at her 36D Oupai.

Then he looked at Hojo Miyoko Yoshitaka and said.

Except for Miyoko, who didn't know Lin Yi, was really moved, others admired Lin Yi's shamelessness.

"Lin Yijun, what are you going to do this time?"

Then Isshiki interrupted the topic and asked everyone's doubts.

"Water chestnut and lotus root soup"

When Lin Yi said this, everyone was stunned.For everyone with high cooking skills, after Lin Yi reported the name of the dish, it would naturally understand the function of this dish.

Then Sakura Ryoko's passage immediately solved everyone's doubts.

"It's no wonder that Xiaohui and your maid haven't got up until now. It turns out that you took the step of a ghost animal last night!"

Sakura Ryoko narrowed his eyes to Lin Yi and then spoke with contempt.

"I am destined to be a man who wants to conquer the world. It is my glorious mission to save thousands of girls."

Lin Yi didn't care much about Sakura Ryoko's contempt, and then even stated his ideals.

In the eyes of others in Ji Xingliao, Lin Yi's words are just an exaggerated description of his ideals.

But Ryoko and Yoshino did look at each other unexpectedly.

They knew that Lin Yi had suddenly fallen from the sky, maybe these words he said were really his purpose.

After thinking of this possibility, the two of them trembled unexpectedly. Judging from Lin Yi's behavior, it was obvious that they were also within the scope of the thousands of young girls being rescued.

"You used the temporarily decided food to compete with me?"

After Lin Yi and Sakura Ryoko finished their conversation, Miyoko still didn't understand why Lin Yi didn't take his game seriously.This made her a little annoyed.

Chapter 59

"If I say this is my best cooking, do you believe it?"

Lin Yi asked carefully after seeing Miyoko Hojo's expression of anger.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Hojo Miyoko's words made Lin Yi really not know what to say, and he couldn't agree with saying "you are stupid"!

"Since you don't believe me, then I will show you it!"

After that, Lin Yi ignored the opinions of Miyoko Hojo and walked directly to the kitchen counter.

"I will cook this dish today. If you feel that your dish can outperform it, then you win, and vice versa."

After Lin Yi finished saying this sentence, he watched Miyoko Hojo who wanted to speak again and added another sentence.

"If you are not satisfied at that time, we can have another match."

Lin Yi, who put Tian Suohui and Minezaki first, did not consider the feelings of Miyoko Hojo. After all, she had not joined Lin Yi's big family.


Miyoko Hojo looked at Lin Yi's serious expression and then ignored Lin Yi's reluctance.

"It is an honor to be able to feel Lin Yijun's cooking skills again!"

Isshiki was very much looking forward to Lin Yi's cooking, after all, the experience the night before last gave him endless aftertaste.

"Yes! I just don't know what kind of story Lin Yi will bring us today?"

Only Xingping Chuangzhen who had also tasted Lin Yishen's cooking was the only one who agreed.

"Have you seen Lin Yi's cooking?"

Isshiki Hui and Xingping Chuang really sighed that they directly attracted the attention of other people in Ji Xing Liao, and Sakura Ryoko asked in surprise.

You must know that the other people in Jixingliao are still on the ordinary noodles that Lin Yi's cooking skills are used for.

"Yes, a god-like method."

As Isshiki answered, his face showed a look of worship.


Everyone was very confused about Isshiki Hui's statement, what kind of cuisine it was that made Yuanyue Shijie so highly praised.

At this time, Lin Yi did not answer everyone's curiosity. In the eyes of the members of Ji Xingliao, Lin Yi exchanged the ingredients he needed.

"How did he change?"

Everyone in Ji Xing Liao saw this scene once, and was slightly surprised, but Miyoko Hojo was so surprised that Lin Yi had changed ingredients empty-handed and couldn't help asking people around him.

"Sa! Who knows."

Although Sakura Ryoko and Yoshino Yuuhime speculated that Lin Yi's empty-handed change of ingredients was Lin Yi's unique summoning skill as a foreigner, it did not mean that they would tell others.

"Water chestnut: cold in nature, has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and promoting fluid, diuretic and laxative, dampness and expectorant, digestion and bloating. Exchange price: 10 air transport points (a catty)

"Lotus root: warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of nourishing the stomach and spleen, nourishing blood, nourishing muscles, and stopping diarrhea. Exchange price: 10 qi luck points (a catty)"

Since Pole Star Liao really didn't have these two ingredients, Lin Yi had to exchange them from the system.


In Lin Yi's whistle and the solemn gazes of everyone, the kitchen knife in Lin Yi's hand was like a shadowless knife, peeling off the water chestnut in an instant.

"What a powerful sword skill, this hand is enough to make him look down upon Yuanyue Shijie."

At this time, it was Su Guan Da Midang Wenxu who was talking. She looked at Lin Yi's sharp sword skills and compared it with the ten outstanding people who had stayed in Ji Xing Liao, and found that she could not compare with them.

"His sword skills are stronger than last time."

At this time, Xingping Chuangzhen saw Lin Yi's sword skills again, but found that it was even more powerful than when he first met on campus.

"Chuang Zhenjun, have you seen Lin Yijun's sword skills?"

Isshiki next to Xingping Chuangzhen couldn't help asking curiously after hearing his quiet self-talk.

"Yes, it was a coincidence."


"The description is omitted. Anyway, when Lin Yi was holding a kitchen knife in his hand, he saw a ray of light flashing past the bodyguards who were about to beat him and fell to the ground instantly. That picture is miserable!"

Xingping Chuangzhen just gave a general explanation.

"I'm really not reconciled. Why is his cooking so good because he just happily picks up girls every day."

The other boys in Jixingliao were envious of Lin Yi.

"No wonder you have such confidence. With this sword skill, most of Yuanyue's students will never be able to reach it."

The most shocking look was Miyoko Hojo. After seeing Lin Yi's powerful sword skills, she finally understood why he was so aloof at the welcome party for the new students.

"But sword skills don't mean everything, let me see how your cooking skills are!"

Then Miyoko Hojo looked fixedly, and focused on the dishes Lin Yi wanted to make.


Lin Yi directly abandoned the existence of the cutting board, a gust of knife wind blew through, and all the ingredients were processed.

"Guru Guru"

As Lin Yi's movements accelerated, the ingredients on the table began to slowly poured into the pot filled with cold water.

In addition to the so-called water chestnut and lotus root soup, which can clear the heat and remove the fire, its soup has a good effect on women who have sex at the beginning of the period.

In the case of water chestnuts, it has a good effect on women with functional uterine bleeding.

The lotus root has the effects of nourishing the stomach and yin, strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi.So the combination of the two can also be accepted by Lin Yi, otherwise he would have changed the recipe long ago.

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