Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 58

Alice's words surprised everyone at the scene, especially Dojima Gin. He understood that Erina was the granddaughter of the current Commander Totsuki. If she had the influence of her sweetheart, it would be quite big.

Regarding the gaze of everyone's exploration, Erina didn't care.

But after seeing Lin Yi's smiley eyes, she felt a sense of panic in her heart for some reason, so she stammered and retorted.

"Okay, the main thing now is to conduct a cooking review."

"As for other personal issues, after this is over, go back to the room and discuss it slowly!"

A word from Dojima Gin interrupted the two sisters who wanted to continue their argument.

At this time, the talents continued to turn their attention to Lin Yi's crystal shrimp dumplings.

"I can't help it a long time ago."

After everyone turned their attention to Lin Yi's crystal shrimp dumplings, they didn't wait for Suwon Dongmi to comment on it first, and directly picked up the chopsticks, picked up a shrimp dumpling and put it in their mouth.


At the moment when the shrimp dumpling was bitten, a sense of deliciousness exploded in the mouth instantly, making people unconsciously imagine enjoying the comfort of sea bathing in the sea in summer.

Seeing Gan Hyugako's indulging in it and reluctant to wake up, everyone was no longer reserved, and started to taste the shrimp dumplings. Even Lin Yi's opponent Shinomiya Kojiro frowned and tasted one.

After feeling the delicious shrimp dumplings in their mouths and swallowing them, the people who were about to open their eyes to comment, suddenly a wave of waves dragged them into the deep sea, "Madam, Your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as Tian Suohui, who was pulled into the deep sea in a burst of exclamation, woke up, she heard a sweet voice in her ear. She looked up and saw a girl dressed as an ancient maid standing beside her. He stood quietly beside Tian Suohui and reminded.

"What's happening here"

Tian Suohui first understood the gorgeous dress on her body, and then had some understanding.

"I feel that this is even more exaggerated than the one I came last time!"

The current scene made Tian Suohui naturally think of the soup of Lin Yi last time, and made them feel the incredible birth of life.

"Niangniang! Niangniang!"

"What's wrong with you"

After seeing Tian Suohui in a daze, the maid beside her couldn't help asking nervously.

"I'm fine"

After hearing the nervous cry of the maid, before Tian Suohui finished speaking, a familiar voice came from the door.

"I love concubine, why is it still not good?"

With the voice, a man dressed in noble walked in from the door.


Tian Suohui couldn't help but yelled cordially when she saw the man coming in.

"I prefer my concubine to call my husband."

Lin Yi smiled and came to Tian Suohui, took her with both hands and led her to the door.

"Today, in order to hold this wedding, I invited all the immortals all over the sky."

In Lin Yi's words, Tian Suohui discovered that she was wearing a big red wedding gown, looking at Lin Yi in front of her with a touch of emotion.

At the subsequent wedding scene, Tian Suohui understood what luxury was.

The white jade is the brick and the golden jade is the top, not to mention the countless night pearls that serve as lighting in the entire building.

Although Tian Suohui didn't quite understand the gods that Lin Yi said yes, but based on the things they sent, he felt tall.

Like the thousand-year flat peach, the nine-turn golden pill, and the ginseng fruit, they just blinded Tian Suohui's eyes.

After a whole day of shock, the wedding was finally completed perfectly.

Today, the one who has the deepest impression of Tian Suohui is that... the delicious and drunk Qiongye Yuye.

"I love concubine, spring is worth a thousand dollars, let us play games happily!"

With the end of the banquet, Lin Yi sent away all the immortals and directly hugged Tian Suohui, who was a little confused, and walked into the prepared new house.

As soon as the picture turned, Erina and Alice also appeared in the Dragon Palace.

"What is this place"

Someone quickly answered their doubts.

"Since you two little clam girls can be enlightened by Dragon Lord, that is your blessing."

"Now, don't hurry up with me to meet Long Jun."

I saw an old man with a tortoise shell in front of them and said to Erina and Alice.

"Long Jun"

"Why did you reach this inexplicable place in the blink of an eye"

"Aren't we tasting Lin Yi's cuisine"

Compared to Alice's doubts, Erina looked much calmer. After all, she had eaten Lin Yi's cuisine, and even though she was cheated, she still couldn't stop!Otherwise, she would not fall into the consciousness world created by Lin Yi again.


Those who don't know the scene before them can only follow the old turtle to the largest building in the Dragon Palace.

"Your Majesty, brought two little clam girls."

"Seeing your Majesty, I won't see you."

The old turtle first respectfully bowed down to Lin Yi on the high hall of the hall, and then turned around to look at the two women who were sluggish at this time and quickly scolded.

"Prime Minister Turtle, get up!"

"As for these two little girls, leave it to me to deal with them!"

"You go down and rest first!"

After hearing the old tortoise berate the two women, Lin Yi waved his hand to calm him down, and then told him.

"The old minister obeyed, the old minister retired."

Regarding Longjun, who was the overlord of the entire ocean, the old turtle did not dare to refute, leaving behind the two girls and retiring.

"The two little clam girls are not coming up soon."

Chapter 91: I Can’t Tune Something...

"Lin Yi"

"This is where"

After Erina and Alice gradually approached Lin Yi, they recognized him.

After all, at this time, the high-ranking Lin Yi's temperament is too far from the original Lin Yi's lazy temperament, they would really not recognize it if they were not near Lin Yi!"Bold! How can you call the name of this monarch?"

"It seems that you need to teach you a little lesson to be able to obey."

Lin Yi, who had a kind face originally, meant that when he changed his face, he changed his face!After he drank, the maids who had been waiting for a long time walked toward the two women with whips and other tools.

"Why do I have a strong sense of ominousness"

Alice looked at the maids who kept approaching them, especially after seeing the tools in their hands, she couldn't help but swallowed and said with some horror.

"Tie them to my room first, and have fun with them at night."

With the end of Lin Yi's words, Erina and Alice's eyes went dark. When they woke up, they found that they were actually tied to a big bed.

"Can I bite my tongue and kill myself"

"So shy!"

Alice couldn't help but struggled inside after watching her unusually revealing dress.

"Why are you so calm"

Then Alice turned her gaze to Erina next to her, and asked curiously when she looked at her plain expression.


Erina didn't say anything, just glanced at Alice faintly. Of course she would not tell her that she had experienced a similar scene.


In the slightly horrified eyes of the two, Lin Yi walked in from outside the door.


"Trust me, you will have a nice evening."

After Lin Yi walked into the room, he picked up the scatter whip that was on the side table. As a professional tool, it directly gave Erina and Alice Ribbon a burst of fear.


With a scream of horror, Gan Hyugako directly broke through the barrier of the Dragon Palace and fell into the Dragon King's bedroom.


"It hurts!"

Gan Hyugako couldn't help but exclaimed painfully after landing on the ground with a flat sand on her bottom.

"What is this place"

Gan Hyugako, who was still rubbing her sore butt from a fall, was stunned by the scene in front of her.

"I won't fall into the mansion of the gods!"

Gan Hyugako looked at the decorated room with crystal walls, and her heart trembled.

"No, I'm not tasting Lin Yi's food"

"Why came here all at once"

Gan Hyugako, whose thoughts turned very fast, suddenly thought of the problem.

"That is to say, this is an illusion.

After thinking of this possibility, Gan Hyugako pinched herself directly.


"Isn't it an illusion, why make it so realistic"

After rubbing his cheek, Gan Hyugako said with an unhappy expression.

"Could it be that I really crossed"

"Where is my golden finger"

"I want to be a domineering queen woman, how can I be scared by this small room."

After thinking of this, Gan Hyugako's confidence soared instantly.


Afterwards, Gan Hyugako directly opened the door and walked out.

It is a pity that she regretted it in the next second.


After Kanhyugako opened the door, he directly attracted the attention of a pair of female soldiers on patrol.

This is where Dragon Lord’s harem is. No one dared to trespass into Dragon Lord’s room without an order, so they spotted Gan Hyugako as soon as she came out.


After being taken aback by the group of female soldiers holding swords and sharp weapons in front of him, Gan Hyugako quickly retreated to the room and closed the door.

"Huh, my baby is scared to death."

After closing the door, Gan Hyugako patted her chest to comfort herself.

It's a pity that even if she closed the door but she has been spotted, how could it be so easy to let her go.

"You spread out, surround the whole room and don't let her run away, I'll inform Your Majesty Long Jun."

Gan Hyugako who had just calmed down suddenly heard the commanding sound from outside the door.

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