Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 60

"But it's so tired."

Dojima Silver, the strongest chef among them, first expressed his own voice, but the fatigue in his eyes did not hide the slightest.

Compared with the tiredness in the eyes of a few men, Tian Suohui and the girls looked spring rushing after opening their eyes, their eyes were a little blurred, and they obviously did something happy with Lin Yi before they woke up.

Everyone looked at Lin Yi's expressions very complicated, of course, the directions of thinking were different.

While Dojima Gin and the others were shocked by Lin Yi's cooking skills, they felt that they had been in vain for so many years, and in the end they had to comfort themselves with evildoers always being different.

The thoughts of a few girls are very complicated. Let's talk about the cousins ​​of Erina and Alice!

Erina had already been trained by Lin Yi from the subconscious mind, so he only deepened his impression this time.And Alice is the first time she has tried this kind of training that she has never experienced since childhood.

When Lin Yi gradually entered the deep realm, she could say that she couldn't stop. For a lady like her, sometimes she just eats hard but not soft, so the more intense the methods Lin Yi uses in the illusion, the more energetic she becomes.

Had it not been for Erina to be with her in her consciousness, she might have let go.

Now when she looks at Lin Yi again, she won't be as careless as before.When she saw Lin Yi, she didn't know why she always subconsciously recalled the scene in the illusion, and she had an urge to experience it again.

If Lin Yi said a word to her now, she might become shy.

As for Tian Suohui, after experiencing that grand wedding, she became more devoted to Lin Yi.However, the jealousy of Lin Yi looking for other women is not less, but the feelings for Lin Yi are even deeper.

"You are responsible to me."

While everyone was still quietly recollecting, Gan Hiyugako, who had already opened his eyes, came to Lin Yi without saying a word and took his arm and said.


Lin Yi was a little speechless by Gan Hyugako's actions, and his thoughts didn't react at all.

"You have already taken away someone's for the first time, shouldn't you be responsible?"

"I want to eat this level of cuisine every day."

As soon as Hyugako said these words, Lin Yi still didn't understand that he had conquered her stomach.

When you conquer a woman’s stomach, are you still far from conquering her heart?

"Hyugako, what's your integrity?"

Suwon Dongmi, who has a good relationship with Hyugako, couldn't help but look at her speechlessly and ask.

"Fourth? What is that?"

"Can you eat it?"

Regarding Suwon Dongmi's question, Gan Hyugako turned her head and looked at Suwon Dongmei with a puzzled look.

Mi Hyugako's words left Fuyumi Suwon speechless for a while.

However, what she said was also true. Putting aside the pitfalls in the illusion, it didn't count, this dish could throw them thousands of miles away from the taste alone.

"What the hell is that illusion?"

After thinking about the cooking, Suwon Dongmi naturally recalled everything that happened in the realm of fantasy, and it was still so clear.


"Beauty, come and beat my leg."

The moment Suwon Dongmi was sober, she found herself pulled into a warm embrace.

Before she could struggle, she was stunned by the magnificent room in front of her.

"Where is this?"

The only question reverberating in her mind O_O"? This is it.

"The beauty is still not back."

As the lips were violated, Suwon Dongmi immediately recovered.

"Lin Yi!"

Before Suwon Dongmi was surprised, she was interrupted by Lin Yi.

"What Lin Yi, this monarch is the Dragon King of the Four Seas, it is your blessing to be able to see you."

Lin Yi...Oh no, it should be Longjun now, seeing him make Suwon Dongmi continue to fall into a cute state.

"Long Jun? What the hell is that?"

Suwon Dongmi, who was puzzled about this, began to look around carefully, but she was startled when she saw it.

"Where am I?"

"I was caught in the water by the monster?"

Suwon Dongmi couldn't help but complain after seeing the small fishes wandering around.

"This is the Dragon Palace of the Lord, and it will also be your future destination."

"I know what you are thinking. As long as you take care of me, I can satisfy you with whatever wishes."

In the following period of time, under Lin Yi's coercion and temptation, Suwon Dongmei, who was originally a little lonely and cute, was surprised that Lin Yi was trained to be obedient and obedient.

Especially in the end, the two of them were abducted to the bed by Lin Yi.

"This bad guy has been lying to me, but I am still so cooperating with him in the illusion!"

At this moment, Suwon Dongmi recalled what happened in the illusion, especially after the last impressive passion scene.

Suwon Dongmi cast a contemptuous look at Lin Yi.

Unlike the ambiguous eyes that a few girls cast at Yu Lin Yi, Dojima Gin's eyes were a little dazzling.

"Mom said well, don't eat stranger's food casually. This time is a long lesson."

Guan Shouping, who had a good temper, was a little bit painful for the various labors that Lin Yi set up, but after knowing that Shimiya Kojiro had cleaned one hundred latrines that had been tossed by urination and defecation, he felt calmer for some reason.

Chapter 94

With the end of the food halberd between Lin Yi and Kojiro Sinomiya, all those who participated in the training but were not eliminated have already understood the terrible Lin Yi.

"No wonder the freshman welcome party is so rampant, it turns out that his strength is already able to abuse graduates."

"Obviously as big as us, why is he such a wicked evildoer"

When the news of Lin Yi's victory over Kojiro Shinomiya spread, all the students who had not been dropped out were stunned by the news.

For Lin Yi, the food halberd with Kojiro Sinomiya is not without benefits.

At that time, after Lin Yi won the victory, the task of the system was delayed. It was probably not important, so I forgot to remind.

Author: The system is me, and I am the system.


"Side mission: Provocative graduates complete"

"Task Requirements: Kill him"

"Task reward: 200 luck points (just give points for this kind of small task!)"

By the way, at this moment, Lin Yi is being annoyed by a group of male creatures!"Lin Yi, you will be my idol from now on."

Marui Zenji looked at Lin Yi with admiration and said.

After Lin Yi and Kojiro Sinomiya's eating halberd ended, Lin Yi, who returned to the room, found that everyone in Jixingliao had gathered.

After the assessment was over, everyone learned that Lin Yi and the graduate Kojiro Shinomiya had eaten the halberd, not only were they not worried, but a little excited.

After they tasted Lin Yi's cooking, they were full of confidence in him. If even his earth-shattering cooking skills were defeated, they would give up on the path of chefs.

After receiving the clear news, Marui Zenji uttered a voice of worship to Lin Yi without caring about his face.

For him, he should maintain his humility in the face of the strong, not to mention Lin Yi, who has borrowed more than 800 from him.

But if Lin Yi, a god-level, could give some guidance, it would save a few years of effort.

"Compared to you, I prefer to have girls admire me."

Lin Yi looked at Marui Zenji, who was shining with worship in front of him, indifferently hit.

"I said, you don't know if something like this happened to me care about it"

Afterwards, Lin Yi ignored Marui Zenji and turned his attention to the three women who were playing cards on his bed at this time.

"Ha ha"

Sakura Ryoko and Yoshino Yuuhime glanced at Lin Yi, and then ignored him again after two dry laughs.

"Miyoko, you also broke down, right"

For Sakura Ryoko and Yoshino Yuuhime, Yi intends to secretly serve in the house at night, but Miyoko Hojo, who is a maid, actually ignores the master if it is really tolerable.

"Yijun, what are you doing?"

Before Lin Yi could come up with a good training method, his thoughts were directly interrupted by Tian Suohui, who came back with him.

"Just thinking about a good way to make my lovely maid obedient."

When Lin Yi's words were spoken in front of everyone, he was locked with a roll of eyes.

"Master, don't worry, it's almost done."

Miyoko Hojo, who had no intention of her at this time, explained directly after Lin Yi said that.

"It's okay, am I the stingy master?"

"Play slowly, don't worry."

When Lin Yi said these words, let alone others, even Lin Yi himself did not believe it.

"Lin Yijun, when will we compete again"

Xingping Chuangzhen, who had always regarded Lin Yi as his opponent, couldn't help but be in awe when he learned that even Yuanyue's graduate was not his opponent.

"It seems that you have made a lot of progress during this period of time when you issue a challenge!"

Except for Lin Yi's surprise at Xingping Chuangzhen's sudden challenge, everyone in Ji Xingliao couldn't help being stunned.

"Xingping, are you sure you don't have a fever"

Apart from anything else, the first thing Itake Saki at the side cares about is his body. Obviously he thinks that Xingping Chuang's brain is really burned out.

"No! I'm fine!"

For Itake Tsunami's concern, Koping Tsunade touched his forehead inexplicably and said seriously.

"You don't need to be circumspect with him, just tell him directly."

"Xingping, it's not that you don't understand Lin Yi's cooking skills, where are you confident in challenging Lin Yi"

Marui Zenji was a little uncomfortable about Itake Jun's oblivion, so he walked up to Kohei Sakima and asked directly.

"do not know."

"I just want to challenge, and only in this way can I reach the top of cooking faster."

After Xingping Chuangzhen shook his head, he was a little confused, but his eyes were full of firmness.

After Xingping Chuangzhen said this sentence, it caused a certain shock to everyone in the room.

Obviously, he agreed with what Xingping Chuangzhen said in his heart.

"Xingping-kun is right, it seems that we are a bit narrow."

"If you want to improve your cooking skills, you can't just work behind closed doors."

When everyone was thinking calmly, Itake Jun said in a flat tone.

At this time, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little painful. He had originally planned to accept the challenge of Xingping Chuangzhen and now decided to refuse directly.

The main reason was that he drove everyone's motivation, but Lin Yi didn't have the idle time to play with them.

"Don't look at me, I'm not so free."

"Besides, you can go find Senior Isse! Anyway, he is very free."

When everyone watched, Lin Yi refused them without hesitation, and then sold Issehui.


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