Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 67

"How would it appear here"

"What makes me happy here"

Alice felt the picture change in her heart, and suddenly she appeared in a place that made her feel unbelievable. "I seem to be just being trained here!"

"That... makes me happy."

Alice was once again seduced by the sweetness of the cooking. It was the world of the Deep Sea Dragon Palace created by Lin Yi's cooking. It was also here that Alice was taught by what she thought was the best thing in her life.

As Lin Yi's whip fell, Alice felt a pain in her hip.

With the pain, I don't know why the joy was raised in her heart. At this time, Alice was feeling the change in her heart, her pretty face couldn't help but flushed. She didn't expect this kind of thing to make herself happy.

This really made people feel embarrassed when Alice once again felt the flogging from Lin Yi'ai, she opened her eyes and looked towards Lin Yi, so she picked up a red rose and put it in her mouth.

"Is the red one spicy!"

A strong smell instantly covered the original sweetness, and the spiciness was always so strong. Before the spiciness emerged, Alice felt her blood all over her body start to boil.


The appearance of hotness is like a volcanic eruption, which once again brings it into the picture from the depths of the heart "Wei Mao is still here"

Feeling the picture in front of her, Alice was stunned again, and the scene at this time was exactly when the sweetness became passionate after being trained by Lin Yi.

With Lin Yi's infringement and flogging, Alice once again ascended to the pinnacle of her life as before, "feeling my soul flying to the sky again"

Alice muttered to herself.

In the end, the bitterness represented by the brown rose did not make Alice return to the time when humiliation and happiness coexisted.

It just made her feel once again the various pains she has endured in learning cooking since she was a child. Due to her identity and family reasons, she couldn't make a choice.

"It's finished!"

After Alice slowly opened her eyes, Lin Yi's voice suddenly came from her ear.


Alice blushed at Lin Yi's question, as if the scenes in her mind once again sounded, making her a little embarrassed to answer.

"The promise you said earlier to let me taste is still valid"

Lin Yi didn't care about Alice's situation at this time, so Lin Yi asked directly about her previous promise.

"Ahem, when... of course it counts"

After hearing Lin Yi's question, Alice first stayed for a while but quickly reacted, then nodded and answered with a dry cough.

"I will help you get it now."

"and many more"

When Alice was about to return to her kitchen counter to get her own cooking, she was suddenly stopped by Lin Yi.

"what's wrong"

"You'll know when you come over."

Lin Yi didn't say much about Alice's doubtful words, just beckoned her to get closer.

"Since you said the promise is valid, then I will start enjoying it."

After Alice approached, Lin Yi hugged him in his arms with lightning speed, and saw that Alice, who was a little surprised, could not help but draw an arc of his mouth.


Not surprisingly, Alice was forced to kiss.

Although Alice was surprised, she did not resist.

In Lin Yi's surprised expression, they cooperated instead.

This is not to blame Alice, it is mainly the instinctive response of the powerful body trained by Lin Yi.

Chapter 105

" can you do this to me"

After the strong kiss, Alice, who was released by Lin Yi, couldn't help but asked with a ruddy complexion and stammered.

"Why are you so nervous!"

"It's not the first time. Besides, don't you listen to cooperation!"

To Alice's surprised look, Lin Yi waved her hand and said calmly.

When Lin Yi said this, Alice couldn't help but think of the scene of being kissed for the first time when we first met, and when Lin Yi broke into the female bathroom when she trespassed.

"Alice, Alice, you are so stupid!"

"This stinky man has succeeded in agreeing things three times. If my mother knew about it, she wouldn't laugh to death."

At this moment, Alice was very dissatisfied with her dissatisfaction after seeing Lin Yi.

"I have finished tasting, thank you for the hospitality."

Alice, who was only complaining about her poor vigilance, couldn't help but be cute after hearing these words from Lin Yi.

Obviously, I didn't immediately understand what it meant.

However, after seeing that Lin Yi had no intention of tasting his own cooking, I realized that Lin Yi's original praise was not to praise her cooking but to praise herself.

Alice couldn't get angry at this point. After all, being praised was a happy thing.

I can't blame Lin Yi through this incident!"Woo"

"Am I completely fallen?"

As soon as Alice's inner thoughts of forgiving Lin Yi appeared, she burst into tears immediately.

... "This kid is very good at cooking, but he is also daring!"

"How would you feel if you let our master commander know that her granddaughter was so bullied by Lin Yi!"

Dojima Gin, who was watching all this in the monitoring room, was shocked and curious after seeing Lin Yiqiang kissing Alice.

"When I wanted to recruit him as a teaching assistant, his first question was not about the salary and what to do."

"His first question asked my teacher if he could pick up girls. If he couldn't pick up students, he wouldn't do it."

"You said how much his sexuality is."

The same picture made Chapel speak directly at this time.

...Ignoring the few people who were slandering him in the monitoring room at this time, Lin Yi couldn't help but cast his eyes on Alice who was squatting on the ground with tears because of her strong kiss.

Fortunately, everyone around was silent in the cooking, and didn't notice it, otherwise Lin Yi would have to endure many scumbag eyes.

"what's wrong"

"Don't cry! If there is anything we can discuss!"

Lin Yi knelt down and looked at Alice, who was crying at this time, and said softly.


"Why do you kiss me"

After hearing Lin Yi's voice, Alice burst into tears but sobbed for a while, then asked with tears in her eyes.

"Eh, didn't you let me taste it"

Lin Yi asked in surprise.

"You bastard, you hate it."

For Lin Yi's rhetorical question, Alice couldn't help becoming a little bit ashamed.

Then he asked angrily: "I'm not talking about this time, but the first two times."

"I think about it!"

Lin Yi stroked his chin, pretending to be thinking.

"The last time you ran into it yourself, I always feel sorry for you if you don't keep a memorial!"

"As for the first time!"

"That must be because I was fascinated by your cute appearance."

Afterwards, Lin Yi supported Alice's shoulders with both hands and looked at her seriously and explained.

"Hmm, even if you are fascinated by me, you shouldn't take advantage of me!"

After Alice got Lin Yi's answer, her tears began to disappear.

The look in your eyes flashed even more as if you were acquainted, but he was still quite dissatisfied with Lin Yi's raid methods.

"What if a cute girl like you is abducted by someone else if she doesn't hold her in her hand earlier?"

The words from Lin Yi's heart made Alice feel very comfortable at this time, but "after all, cuteness and stupidity are relative."

Alice became a little unhappy when she said this.

Although she sometimes looks a little clumsy, but her brain reacts very fast.

The corresponding sentence of Lin Yi means that although she is cute, she also means that she is easy to be abducted by others!How happy this makes her.

"I don't like this sentence, you are not allowed to say it later."

Alice looked at Lin Yi with some shame and said.

"So, you are planning to fall into my arms!"

"If you want to be beautiful, you should pass my mother's level first!"

"Since it is so troublesome, let's strike while the iron is hot, and I'll let you conceive my baby first, then my mother won't object."

"How can you say anything like this silly?"

"Which room do you live in, I will look for you at night."

"Think beautiful"


In the conversation between the two, time passed quickly.

"End, stop here."

With Dojima Gin's cry, a wailing sounded throughout the venue.

Obviously students who did not complete the task.

"Although he knew he could complete the task, but he didn't expect it to be so easy."

With the end of the assessment, Dojima Silver, who was in the monitoring room at the moment, was still surprised that Lin Yi completed the task quickly, regardless of

Is it the superb knife craftsman, or the dish that can cause tears and laughter.

"A full four hundred and sixty servings. If the ingredients are not used up, I am afraid the score will be even higher!"

After Dojima Gin's speech, the assistant chef of Totsuki Resort said that he was obviously surprised.

"To the students who have completed 200 tasks"

"The next project will be carried out in four hours, and before that is a break"

After sighing, Dojima Gin once again notified the students who had completed the tasks in the two venues.

His words naturally caused a wailing.

"Let's go! Go to our celebration banquet!"

At the end of Dojima Gin's words, Lin Yi stretched out his hand and said to Alice who was still squatting on the ground.

"Ale! What do you mean?"

Alice handed her little hand to Lin Yi's and asked suspiciously.

"You'll understand later."

Lin Yi didn't explain much.

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